Hi guys, how is one supposed to enter pvp? Been doing some pve , some pvp, currently ilvl 232 assa rogue. Was thinking of going more into pvp. Few things which are extre,ly off-putting:
Rewards - weekly quests are a joke - 100 conquest for 10 win arena skirmishes - if youre new and undergeared - it can take you many hours to get there. Seems more ppl doing skirmishes have above 50k HP and know their stuff very well (in 9 out of 10 games i’d say) and all you get is 100-200 conquest. While in pve u get 239 ilvl item for 4 mythics which you can do in like 1h.
How to learn - this is extremely painful - you just get one shotted all the time, not only that but the toxicity - seems if you’re not very good you’ll just get calles all kinds of names while ppl expect only good players around . How do you even get there through all that? I mean why bother, instead if having light competitive fun it just feels terrible to enter pvp.
Really enjoy assa rogue in all content - seems in pvp youll get called all kinds of names for not playing sub rogue.
It feels like pvp is very closed for anyone new trying to enter.
How do people do it? Some pvp guild where mates are helping out? Just sit through what I would assume are months or grind and learning curve to start having any fun in pvp and actually play for more than 10 secs?
Well, most people bothering to play PvP in this environment where it requires such a huge investment before you can even start playing rated, are those who are already experienced since they know what to expect and are confident they can handle themselves.
For a new player to begin now, you’re tossed around every which way, and to go through the frustrations of the group finder without any exp after going through the gearing process for it, it becomes a very jarring experience as you’re feeling now. Which leads to a high rate of beginners giving up in this long process.
I actually arranged a project where I’m teaching someone new to PvP, but that spot is currently filled which is why I haven’t bumped the thread. Although I haven’t updated the thread to say the spot is filled, I’m still waiting for the person I’ve found to show they’re truly reliable which will take at least a month if not longer.
I'm back and I need help to spread the word in case you wanna read about it, and I still encourage other people with experience to try out their own projects like this, although I don’t need help to spread the word, at least for now.
Also, the “big” reward from the weekly skirmish event quest, is the 2k honor for little effort for anyone who’s experienced since they get the wins pretty fast.
Huh, what ? Assas is mega good right now in Arenas . I don’t think those calling you names for it knew what they were talking about to begin with and they’d probably ironically insta-die to assas rogues themselves.
As a new player once you enter arena, you get knife in hands and skilled players get machine guns/ tanks some atomic bombs ect.Do around 5000 games to learn against more skilled and geared players. To become the best you have to fight against the best, that’s the idea.
Well it all seems really off-putting, i do like the game a lot. Pve does seem to be much more friendly towards newer players though compared to PvP.
Do you actually see many new players doing PvP? Or is it more like fairly closed elite group that might occasionally get a new member?
Pve feels fun, relaxing, competitive when you push keys and raid progression while PvP feels like one of those old games which has few hundred ppl playing it for year fighting eachother endlessly where you don’t really see new faces very often
Anyways, loving assa rogue a lot so would like to give it a shoot - is there anyone who would be able to help out with like a basic setup and just set basics to learn?
Suspect shadenox or someone can do that for you; I haven’t played Assa but I believe in general:
Stats - haste/vers (I feel as assa I notice low haste the most out of all 3 specs tbh)
Lego: Afaik its either doomblade or the one that reduces vendetta
Covenant: Necro
Master poisoner
internal bleeding
poison bomb
pvp talents:
smoke bomb
sprint (think you generally swap the final 3 around, you always play hemotoxin)
Soul binds: shiv one, lethal poisons, recuperator and I imagine quick decisions.
Poisons: deadly/crippling (not wound)
Generally you get all your bleeds up, burst in kidney with shiv and get maximum envenoms off
Main thing with assa is it has good kill healer potential and a very high MS with hemotoxin that you want to get maximum value out of. Unless its changed, you also want to maintain bleeds, preferably on multiple targets to keep up pressure and energy levels.
Thank you!
This is mor or less what I got.
I play NF though with vendetta reduction leggo, 1 minute vendetta with sepsis feels fun plus there is something about sepsis that just plays more fun than necro or venth - or would that be a strong recommendation?
The main thing is that anytime I pop on someone I’m dead like 10-20 secs later - any idea how could I get to play the game a bit more?
Yea its pretty rough to get into pvp especially right now i would recommend learning all the classes main CDs or atleast like get a idea of what cd does what.
Other than that maybe watch some guides from skillcapped they got some good vids and record your gameplay and watch why you died etc after a session. though with low gear in pvp some of ur deaths can be purely cuz of gear and low cr atm is pure zug zug from my experience up to like 1.5k 1.6k ish
And yea about the toxic ppl u cant really miss them but u can always try to find a new group even though it sucks but try to play with some1 that isnt toxic and u did good with in arena and try to que with that person again in the future /shrug but assa is pretty solid rn all the rogue specs are iirc
It happens, but it’s a very hard game to get into. There’s a pretty steep learning curve and it takes a while to get past the “wow i die in the first 30 seconds?!” and the “hm, I hit people but I feel like I’m not damaging them at all even though we have the same gear” point.
As suggested here, the “play a couple thousand games” seems to be a time tested approach.
What team composition are you playing usually ? That sounds like double-dps problems. I don’t recommend playing double dps in 2vs2 for a beginner, and especially not for an assassination rogue. These kind of comps generally require a way more rigorous knowledge of the game in order not to die to the air
I’d recommend playing with a healer so that you have the healing to go through their initial offensives
I recommend checking out Shadenox’s YouTube channel. He’s got a ton of match analysis with all three rogue specs, and he posts here so you could ask him directly too.
I also mega recommend having a look at the Skill-Capped WoW videos (still on YouTube) and while you’re at it joining the SC Discord. There’s a ton of information for those that are getting into Arenas, from matchup analysis, general knowledge, UI setup and addons (these are ultra important this season).
Assa rogue is strong in PvP, just easier. Not a bad spec at all. All rogue specs right now are super good in PvP so play what you want.
But if you play assa try to play with a heal instead of rogue/mage.
Forget skirmishes. I would do this, if you start from complete zero, I would get some versa gear from korthia + unupgraded honor items, then start playing arena at low rating.
Conq grind takes a while but they buffed it so it’s not that bad.
What is much worse is the honor grind afterwards to upgrade your conq pieces especially at ratings from 1600+
Start with playing ranked 2v2 arena with disc/holy/rsham to learn abilities of other classes and get basic assa rogue rotation class into your muscle memory.
Get bis cov/leg/talents/conduits/stats from best assa rogue players in 2v2 (use rankings section of check-pvp site for that).
Accept as an axiom that at level below 1.8k your losses are your own mistakes and focus on improvement. Blaming gear can be tempting but try to avoid it because it is a poor excuse which stops your progress. Poorly geared but skillful enough rogues get to 2.1k in a week or two.
For more information on pvp basics watch Skill capped YouTube channel.
Get into 3v3 when you’re at least Rival II geared and start with some good comp for assa rogue (I can only think about sp/assa/rsham, but maybe there are others).