[PvP] Bounty Hunting Board

Yes, I thought it made more sense to name the opposing faction since faction pride is a thing yet again. :slight_smile:

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Great idea :slight_smile:
I will start with “Sharpish”, orc female rogue 60
1 gold reward


Spaczonysmok and Furioza on Horde. 3g rewards for each on kill. Reason? They sneaked around in Blasted Lands the other day and attacked Alliance when they were fighting mobs / outnumbered. We got them down a few times, but I just want to see more justice.

Pick one of them and I’ll put it on the list!

I’ll go with Spaczonysmok then =)

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Thought I’d provide a target for the Horde, after the Alliance shenanigans I witnessed today outside of Gadgetzan. Placing a bounty on the mage Judith. 1 gold and, as a bonus, I’m willing to throw in a [Scratching Stick].

I think she’s level 60. Bit of a penchant for survival. Enjoy yourself, fellow members of the Horde, and good hunting!


I hope she’ll gets what’s coming to her!

Hm, so mindcontroling them off a cliff to their demise or leaving them in the fatigue zone isn’t applicable. That somewhat limits the creative possibilities :wink:

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Wish I’d known - passing through I noticed her having a 1v1 with another frost mage, and was rather annoyed to see my fellow horde joining in to tip the ballance quite unfairly to a 6v1.

She’d never have reached the safety of the guards had I known :frowning:

If you post a video of you MCing someone off a cliff, drowning them, fatiguing them or something other creative I will definitely allow it!

Putting a bounty of 10g on Nataliya

Woops forgot to change my character! Ingame name is Voodon! 10g Bounty on Nataliya, Night Elf Hunter!


C’mon you have to give us the reasons to why you’re upset with said person.

I’m very much interested in this as well :thinking: But this is great! :grin:

All i’m sayin’ is watch your back Nataliya… I’ve not forgiven you for what ya’ did in Uldaman.


The reason? Well, I want to see her dead. Its that simple.


All the reason needed really! :smile:

Da gud thins’ about bounties be dat dere need no honor to spill blood.

Only Gold.



Oh Light, its great idea. I will be happy to participate in this.
