PvP changes in 9.1.5

Same thing pro/expro, still has bunch of good players to que with. On the other hand, you can lfg as much as u can, without decent team, you can’t push with dk this ssn

Its not enough but this is what you have teammates for. This is also why positioning and CC matters. Since you are enh you also have a wonderful ability with low CD that makes you immune vs physical damage.
All your arguments come down to “Haha war and ret use their cds and I cant face tank them, necro banner OP”. There is a lot of dumb stuff in the game and you should rather complain about WW monks and ret burst itself rather than trying to ask for a nerf of one ablitity that is only strong because it works well with other classes that are broken.
Also funny how in each of your post the mastery amount of banner suddenly goes up. It’s 400, which is around 13%. Calm down.

This is healable. You have almost 60k HP with full gear.

Exactly, thats the point. A healer is not supposed to have an answer to every cd ready. He is not supposed to be unkillable by any means.

Literally doesn’t matter.

And if kyrian ever fails we got necrolord to fall back on.

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Except I’m not Enha and it’s not 500 like in 9.0.5 and not 525 like it was in 9.1 patch notes it still doesn’t matter. 400 mastery is the amount that Naiya from NF gives to one player and here it gives it to the whole party and on top of that 18% strength thanks to conduit on 252 ilvl. Find me a CD that gives more to any single class. It’s way stronger CD than Avatar and then you have Avatar on top and then Warbreaker/Colossus Smash. It’s not that if they nerf Conqueror’s Banner Necro will be unplayable. It will be still great just not broken.

I mean they have there ppl to play ye

LOL imagine thinking astral shift will in any way rescue you here.

I’m convinced that mistweaver needs major defensives buffs like 150% health or mailarmor

The problem with MW and DKs is poor design. It’s one dimension anti-caster healer. Almost every spell helps him against dots. It’s extremely weak vs physical damage. Spear of Bastion is absolutely disgusting vs MW Monk.

DK at the same time has exactly the same problem. If you look through DKs defensives then you have AMS, AMZ, Spellwarding but where is any physical damage mitigation. Icebound Fortitude is 20% on 3 min. CD and then eventually you can glyph Lichbourne for 10-15% damage mitigation. How are you going to survive BM Hunter, Warrior and WW. Last season at least you had Heartstop Aura so you made their CDs longer.

At the same time if castercleaves become meta - both DK and MW will be top specs no doubt.

you can trade it with peaceweaver (walk out) , not saying its fair but its beatable

Revival even with talent is 1,5 min. CD - Spear is 1 min.

The other thing is that MW has to channel to heal. Every other healer has an instant heal on way lower CD. (The only instant for MW is Revival)

i think the list why mistweaver is garbage is almost infinite

some rerolled, many quit, this is not ok to sell as an expansion, also mw’s ‘’ hotfix ‘’ was a punch to the face

not to mention they forgett to add a weapon for mw to the pvp merchant this season

9.1.5 could have had a reset imo

I mean 2 mws doibg well atm playing turbo

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