PvP damage and healing thought

What’s your opinion on :

  • Tank heal -75% less

  • Hybrid heal 50% less

  • Tank with self healing deal 35% more damage

  • Tank without self healing ( like warrior prot) deal 65% more damage

  • Healer damage increase by 75%

Goal : less dampening and flag stack due to hybrid and tank resistance, and push healer to be aggressive to win the game faster.

Your thought ?

You’ll make a few of the hybrids suddenly unviable in arena.

That’d make healer damage absolutely overpowered. Especially on heal specs that already provide solid off-damage.

i don’t see wich hybrid will not be viable after that
Like even ShadowPriest got cooldown to survive already good
Elemental is not that much affected
Feral / enhancement / ret will still be great thank to damage ( IMO ? )
Monk they don’t heal on open, it’s often behind pillar and they kite well to regenerate energy
And Balance druid tend to cyclone more than pressing regrowth

If i missed something, tell me you point of view.

Clearly when you team is 100% health , and you tend to deal damage you deal wet noodles. It should feel when healer is attacking that the damage dealt by the healer is impacting the ennemy health bar.

You’ve not seen a holy priest or hpala with wings burst, then. Or a fae rshamam using their fae spell with the crit damage totem.

Only ret will be, out of these three.

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What does that mean? “like even shadowpriest”?

So you are saying this 3 specs are equal in damage? Really? :slight_smile:

Some hybrids just do not function without the selfheal. In order to reduce hybrid healing, you have to give them proper defensives.

just wait till you see resto shamans with earth ele legendary and fae transfusion xD

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Hpala yes, maybe they don’t need that buff i agree

For Rshaman and Holypriest, it’s more 1 spell that deal all of their damage than just holyfire / Smite.
Like the spell i think you mean by delaing hard is lava burst when RNG proc + night fae / Mindgame ?

Yea i saw that too. Clearly look like convenant can be out of mind in term of damage when not balanced for each specialisation. Like this look like it’s balanced for dps spec, no way for healer spec.

the earth ele is more the problem for a heal specc

I only faced Earth Shield Legendary when i faced Rshaman, So i don’t get any Details about how much it deal.
It deal the same damage than a Hpala for 1 mn when earth ele legendary on ?

Doesn’t Holy smite pump? When you let hpriests free cast, they do insane damage. Shadow word: Death is better than my execute, too.

you can watch the linked clip from start :slight_smile:

Holy Paladins frequently hit 8k with Judgement and 5-6k with Hammer of Wrath.

Holy Priests are able to hit up to 3k with Smite without too much effort, I’ve seen 6k Holy Fire in arena too, as well as 10k Mindgames and Shadow Word Death.

Resto Shamans hit around 5k per Lava burst which can be instant and will be a crit, their Elemental is a problem and I’ve seen up to 24k on one Fae Transfusion with a Shaman I play with.

Resto Druids with Feral affinity and offensive use of Adaptive Swarm deal surprising amounts of damage as well.

Healers already have a fairly big impact on the enemy health bar. Arguably even more so than they used to be.

Asking for a healer damage buff is not smart. If anything many healer damaging abilities should be nerfed or changed so that they don’t take away 50% of your HP in 4s without actually sacrificing healing.

Also about tank damage, 35% ? This is borderline trolling. Imagine a Vengeance DH using The Hunt on you for 34k direct hit plus the DoT. These threads with random numbers with no research whatsoever are plain dumb and should stop or be sanctioned in some way.

Also every tank has self healing, even Protection Warriors. Incredible game knowledge.


Thanks god Blizz doesnt read the forums.
Im sorry, I know you are a worgen hunter, but holy moly, the classes and specs are all mechanically different that suggesting global boosts/nerfs without making the clown fiesta even worse is just crazy.

Well, i agree about nerfing hybrid healing…BUT with one term…just take out ANY method of healing in non hybrid specs except damaging abilities that"drain" hp.

They do
and that why in the OP i written what’s your opinion

Not what it should be

i’m not asking for boost/nerf
i’m asking opinion upon tank and healer dealing more damage, and hybrid and tank healing nerf in the goal to faster the game anddamage for healer and tank to feel like you are part of the damage to kill a target.

yea i don’t take the OP spell in consideration.
I mean by that the constant damage and ,not the BIG BURST damage like the hunt, i agree it should not be buffed but more nerfed .

That why i written in title “thought” , it’s just a thought that passed my mind, because it feel like in PvP where you are tank or healer you are just here to delay the game and not bringing key to win outside of control.

And what research i could get if i write on google/qwant = " wow what happen if you buff healer damage in PVP ? " ?
I got 0 pertinent result
So if i post this on the forums i can get more answer to that.

When it’s a short post on the forums you should not take it 100% seriusly or that a question asked by the OP.

Maybe you stay too much on Arena section, because in General Section you can find develloped topic like this with Research :

look like it deal 1 362 damage per tick for 1mn
but damn his number of proc on Lava burst before Night fae :scream::eyes:

I would not mind hybrids having current healing,but nerf that mana regen…

Seeing enha shamans,ret paladins and druids healing for 200-400 k during one game,without going oom,is really messed up.

Word Of Glory should have 20-30 sec cd for rets and prots,since with it they have almost lay on hands every few seconds.

I suggest you actually try playing ele before making assumptions you clearly have no clue about.

Healer damage increased? Venthyr Holy Paladin goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrr

That’s all well and good but it remains existant and part of the game, whether you take it into account or not.

Aside from exceptional cases like The Hunt classes do their burst and their sustained (what you refer as constant) with the same abilities. The only difference is that we have a ton of multipliers so during a burst window everything hits too hard compared to the sustained damage. But since the same spells are used, buffing sustained would buff the burst and so it’s a terrible idea. The only real fix is to remove some multipliers from the game, or reduce their magnitude which is far from the out of touch ideas you suggest.

That is why it is a different ROLE. Damage dealers, as the name suggests, are, or at least should be, the ones that contribute to damage for the very most part. That’s the entire concept of different roles. Tanks are supposed to be able to take damage, and healers to heal it. Neither healers nor tanks are supposed to drop some 15k hits here and there on people with 40k max health.

Again, roles. One is doing damage. Not the others.

Maybe you shouldn’t spend as much time on the arena forum of all your contributions are uneducated suggestions then. The argument can go both ways. Also, I don’t think the opinion of some of the people in that post are actually relevant but hey.

And last, while some people are very dramatic about spending 2h30 in LFG for some reason unless I LFG above 2.5 it never happened to me. I don’t LFG much, but whenever I do I get in a group, or someone joins mine, within 20 mins, minutes during which I was doing something else anyways that I would have done at one point or another.

I get that it can be hard sometimes for some people, but quit the overly dramatic style. Also, quit being overly picky. If you only wait for one class with your exact CR and 3k2 exp then yes you’ll sit for a while. If you just play with whoever within +/- 100 you’ll spend a lot less time waiting, some days you’ll lose rating, some days you’ll get some, and overall if you aren’t too bad you will get points despite losing 100 one day, because the 6 next days you’ll get 20 or 30.

It deals around that, can crit, and is AoE. Most Shamans regularly deal around 80k with this Ele alone in the 2v2 bracket. That’s quite crazy and at the exact moment the Ele fades it is very common to see the Resto Shaman do the same damage as DPS specs, if not more. So no buffs needed, really.

Its super opressive yes but what it essentially do is it forces CC to be used on it instead of the shaman/hes teammate(s).
Any pet/companions with taunt and its useless, fear and roots works wounders.
Its a none issue in 3v3, i hope we are not argueing to nerf something due to its OP in the 2s brackets because there are way bigger offenders then that.