That’s all well and good but it remains existant and part of the game, whether you take it into account or not.
Aside from exceptional cases like The Hunt classes do their burst and their sustained (what you refer as constant) with the same abilities. The only difference is that we have a ton of multipliers so during a burst window everything hits too hard compared to the sustained damage. But since the same spells are used, buffing sustained would buff the burst and so it’s a terrible idea. The only real fix is to remove some multipliers from the game, or reduce their magnitude which is far from the out of touch ideas you suggest.
That is why it is a different ROLE. Damage dealers, as the name suggests, are, or at least should be, the ones that contribute to damage for the very most part. That’s the entire concept of different roles. Tanks are supposed to be able to take damage, and healers to heal it. Neither healers nor tanks are supposed to drop some 15k hits here and there on people with 40k max health.
Again, roles. One is doing damage. Not the others.
Maybe you shouldn’t spend as much time on the arena forum of all your contributions are uneducated suggestions then. The argument can go both ways. Also, I don’t think the opinion of some of the people in that post are actually relevant but hey.
And last, while some people are very dramatic about spending 2h30 in LFG for some reason unless I LFG above 2.5 it never happened to me. I don’t LFG much, but whenever I do I get in a group, or someone joins mine, within 20 mins, minutes during which I was doing something else anyways that I would have done at one point or another.
I get that it can be hard sometimes for some people, but quit the overly dramatic style. Also, quit being overly picky. If you only wait for one class with your exact CR and 3k2 exp then yes you’ll sit for a while. If you just play with whoever within +/- 100 you’ll spend a lot less time waiting, some days you’ll lose rating, some days you’ll get some, and overall if you aren’t too bad you will get points despite losing 100 one day, because the 6 next days you’ll get 20 or 30.
It deals around that, can crit, and is AoE. Most Shamans regularly deal around 80k with this Ele alone in the 2v2 bracket. That’s quite crazy and at the exact moment the Ele fades it is very common to see the Resto Shaman do the same damage as DPS specs, if not more. So no buffs needed, really.