PvP damage and healing thought

They do
and that why in the OP i written what’s your opinion

Not what it should be

i’m not asking for boost/nerf
i’m asking opinion upon tank and healer dealing more damage, and hybrid and tank healing nerf in the goal to faster the game anddamage for healer and tank to feel like you are part of the damage to kill a target.

yea i don’t take the OP spell in consideration.
I mean by that the constant damage and ,not the BIG BURST damage like the hunt, i agree it should not be buffed but more nerfed .

That why i written in title “thought” , it’s just a thought that passed my mind, because it feel like in PvP where you are tank or healer you are just here to delay the game and not bringing key to win outside of control.

And what research i could get if i write on google/qwant = " wow what happen if you buff healer damage in PVP ? " ?
I got 0 pertinent result
So if i post this on the forums i can get more answer to that.

When it’s a short post on the forums you should not take it 100% seriusly or that a question asked by the OP.

Maybe you stay too much on Arena section, because in General Section you can find develloped topic like this with Research :

look like it deal 1 362 damage per tick for 1mn
but damn his number of proc on Lava burst before Night fae :scream::eyes: