PvP Damage Reduction is a Massive L

If you’re not playing a healer or a lock, the new dmg reduction feels like crap. The amount of flat reduction is outrageous. One shot meta is more fun than this. Change plox thx


it’s horrible… unplayable… the reduction is really too important, I no longer take pleasure in pvp really not fun


It just feels so unnatural and actually makes the gameplay a lot more clunkier. And as you said since pvp is not pve and cant be measured with ‘logs’ a flat out dmg reduction actually cause even more imbalance and favor classes that excel in long fights like soul link warlock.

This does not mean pvp was any good prior to this but now its surely unplayable. I am personally taking a break till they reverse it next reset.


maybe they used math for balance 2v2 arenas but we don’t have arenas (yet)


50% damaage reduction with healing dampening is awful, needs to be like 20% damage reduction with healing reduced aat the same scale


The SOD developers apparently do not know about resilience and why the resilience characteristic has 3 parameters, and does not just reduce all damage by N%. I think reducing everything by N% was the stupidest decision. It would be better if they added three stats instead of SPD/AP and stamina on PvP sets. For example, reducing the chance of receiving a critical hit from players by N%, all incoming damage from players by N%, and all critical damage and DOT damage by N%. Exactly the same as it is implemented in the classics. Or a simplified version from later versions: more stamina on items, while the set provides a reduction in damage from players by 2xN% and an increase in damage to players by N%.
I doubt that any of the developers will read this message, and I doubt even more that the development team will use mathematics in their calculations.


Yes this is a great point. I personally hated resilience but if they INTEND to implement dmg reduction, they should do it like this.


The dot damage reduction was added in the later seasons of BC and it reduced damage by 2 or 3 times higher than just the damage reduction (I’m talking about resilience). It wasn’t just like that. Classes such as lok and sp absolutely dominated in pvp without this part in stability. And this is in addition to the fact that PVP equipment itself should have a much greater amount of endurance than 200-250hp. I think the most legal option to get rid of explosions in pvp and death in 2-3 seconds would be to increase stamina on pvp items within 1500-2000 hp, then we would get rid of oneshots, but at the same time hybrids would not get ahead.

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Hey, atleast you and your mortalstrike are useful now :slight_smile:

and what about classes that rely on their dots and/or crits to kill anyone?
resilience is just a nerf to those classes, which is also a dumb idea.

there’s a reason resilience is a debated topic, because its not perfect - far from it.

Feels fine to me, with some minor tweaks.

Also I am happy that now warriors are not bank alts anymore, balance druids took over. Now we just need warrior to get Shattering thrown to remove paladin bubble so we can see all those OP bubble boys cry for days.


These “anti-one-shot”-measures is the reason I stopped playing World of Warcraft back in the days. Now it is happening again. You can’t design a game with healers in a way so that players become “bullet sponges” just because some don’t like getting one-shot. And what is the problem of getting “one shotted”? It is not like any class can reliably one shot anyone at any time. If some clothie gets oneshotted by some warrior getting a wf-proc and sword proc on the same swing, then that is not a problem. If some warlock is neglected and allowed to cast a 4 second Chaos Bolt, then that is not a problem.


Exactly! Let us have some fun…


It’s not a nerf, lol, resilience nerfs critical chance AND dot damage, because dots do not crit. Easy math.

on the contrary, with the right runes on dots do indeed crit.

depending which version of resilience you are referring to, it does different things, so yeah unless we can agree on which version (as in patch version) of it we are talking about, we’ll never reach an agreement.

when i think “resilience” i think of it in its first incarnation aka the TBC version - the version where only crit chance was reduced.

you’re thinking of the version of resilience where it reduces chance to be crit, dot damage taken, crit damage taken and damage taken aka the WOTLK version - the socalled perfected version of it

(i have no clue how resilience works in retail because i don’t play bad games).

4 whole different stats packed into 1… and i dare say classes like priest and shaman are unfairly targeted by said version of resilience as one relies on crits to proc (and output) their damage and the other relies (mostly) on dots to do their damage.

a mage is not impacted by this as severely as a priest is. that is just a fact.

Back to farming STV silvers for 250 honor. It is faster than 1.5hrs WSGs.

Once again those that rushed SoD content before it was tuned came up on top and the rest are getting screwed


And the one shot mechanics are the reason other players quit. No way to please all. Even if balanced to the best of blizzard’s ability, you would still have shamans, paladins and priests crying for not being as OP as they wish they would be.

They should only have this buff pop 3 days a week, and leave it normal for the other 4 days. That way I can laugh at people from my SL warlock on normal dmg 4 days and also play my warrior in the weekend.

Perhaps specific classes only should have it, such as the warrior… Hmmm

SL lock even better now. 20/21/0 Felguard sac even better than SL with this stupid 50% dr. Nothing can outdmg the healing

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So boring, nothing dies.
Boooooooooooooooooooooring change, gotta OOM the healers.

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