PvP Damage Reduction is a Massive L

A yo, Im a warlock and I dont like this

go 20/21/0, sac felguard, and make people seethe. Mby that will revert the change faster

Overal its just a slow pace boring pvp where u barely kill something now.No point eto keep this change till wednesday its already a failure.


I run SL with FG but I tested what you are talking about :smiley: its not that I struggle, I just feel bad for warriors and rogues xd

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Don’t feel bad for anyone with this damage reduction. It bricks all the fun warlock specs. If we can’t have fun, nobody will

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I can respect that haha :hocho:

I’m main lock.
I’ve played two bgs and just didn’t want to play bg anymore, this isn’t fun for any dps trust me, this damage reduction is the most outrageous thing i’ve seen from blizz.


Welcome to life of a warrior in the past 3 phases.


I like the changes a lot. Healers and CC matters a lot more now. Its not just a oneshot fest. Can actually tell the difference between good and bad players now.

Druids and locks selfheal needs to be readjusted though.


“Tell the difference between good and bad players now”. Never laughed so hard. Dude, druids can backpeddle 24/7 in bearform not dying, the 99 Parser pve Chad shaman enhancer spamming Riptide and simply not dying, meanwhile i Pump 2 saps and 2 blinds in a damn healer and they still dont die, my god PvP is so bad it feels like bfa. Your cc doesnt even matter because they dont die in good setups


They do die in good setups. If they’re not dying in your setups they’re not good.
And as i said, druids needs to be readjusted, however rogues can still beat druids in 1v1s, requires a lot of cds though.

I’m also pretty satisfied with the changes.
Admittedly, there are still some adjustments to be made (the self heal in particular) but at the end it’s much better than the one-shot show before.

I play a warlock, and even to me this feels like utter crap. Revert back please.

Edit: just realized why, our healing is based on damage, so warlock heal was nerfed by 50% contrary to other specs with healing. No wonder it feels bad. So please OP don’t include warlocks to the classes enjoying this.

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Healing is to strong its stupid, i dont want another bfa expantion. And yes the setups are good but when people dont die 5v1 in a CC Chain, then there is something realy stupidly wrong

Yea of course the Immortal riptide spamming shaman is satisfied, who didnt thought that :rofl::rofl:

You remember how Saruman looked at the Palantir right before he got Grima’d?
That’s how i was looking at Riptide/Earth Shield combo this weekend.

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“Pump 2 saps and 2 blinds in a damn healer and they still dont die”
“And yes the setups are good but when people dont die 5v1 in a CC Chain”
You said this. Literally never happens to me, dont know who you playing with.

Anyway this will be my last comment here first time using this forum, just saw this post, im not saying the changes are perfect. However is prefer it 1000000x to the oneshot fest die 2 seconds after coming out of stealth -show that it was before. Havnt done this much pvp in sod since p1.
Keep adjusting blizz, but i like this a lot more, and literally everyone who i’ve asked ingame agrees.

As an Ele, I used to be able to OS instant. Now I can’t, but that doesn’t mean I’m crying. Fights are more intense, you finally have to think instead of spam and have good gameplay to win.

Funny, all the high rated pvpers or experienced Classic pvpers saying the opposite. You dont even have to trade deff CDs properly, you can now sit a deep freeze of a mage without using trinket. Na Its bad

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But then it will be the exact same situation as before…
Literally no difference, burstfest and shammyfest.

Even with this temp 50% dmg reduction it is stillllll a fricking burstfest.