Warriors will not preform well in PvP at 60 because they take too much damage as if they are wearing cloth. This video is from vanilla (2004) game where armor would matter and where equipping a shield would not get you killed in 1 sec.
SoD will be terrible for warriors at 60 PvP wise, wearing cloth as they do now.
every other class that has a mana drain either have to channel it or hard cast.
why should hunter be the only one who gets a massive fire-and-forget mana drain which is also twice as effective as its counterparts?
Armour matters little to every single class, except warriors. Which is ironic. We specifically had bonus sets be better for leather in Gnomeregan because plate was supposed to be an extra positive. How quickly that changed this phase, I suppose Aggrend thought plate doesn’t mean anything anymore, and he’s right.
Wtf, this seems so random and lazy Why only 20 % melee while 30 % magical? Melee are already ahead in all aspects of the game. You only do this to nerf one specific class - Shadow Priest - and make every other magic user trash in the process…
Seems a bit unfair to melee classes using a mix of magical and physical damage though. The nerf should take range of spells into consideration.
No, let me rephrase it : blanket damage reduction is poop idea, nerf what needs to be nerfed and buff what needs to be buffed.
I’ll even point you in the right direction : nerf shamans first.
This is a fantasy. They have no Community Team (especially for the EU region) to read our comments. In reality, they try to hide that they don’t have capacity (resources, w/e) to run beta tests, to collect our feedback and to make proper changes. They can’t balance classes, runes, abilities. They just nerf everything instead of tuning some classes or runes. They just milk every single opportunity, that’s it.
if 1 shaman manhandled 2 or even 3 hunters to the point you needed 4 to take him down i have no idea what the 4 of you were doing… i can imagine it being embarrassing to watch though.
about the damage reductions though? yeah those are too high still.
shouldn’t have touched healing.
should have done 20% physical dmg reduction.
maybe between 10-20% magic reduction… not an outrageous 30%… that just takes us back to a scenario similar to when 50% dmg overall reduction was in place.
I have a great idea for Battlegrounds and world pvp. How about you make hacking not allowed (like it was supposed to be) and stop exploiting severely depressed children for monetary gain. Then you will have a much easier time balancing classes and specializations. You can even implement a pvp filter (like in retail) so that you can balance damage and healing in pvp and pve better.
It’s strange how there’s so many lessons to learn from all these years of WoW, yet you’re still too daft to implement them.