so dks climbs and kinda good atm
blizz come and destroy the class again WHY Death Knight
Death Strike healing is no longer reduced in PvP Combat (was reduced by 25%).
Improved Death Strike’s effectiveness is still reduced by 50% in PvP Combat.
Enfeeble’s enemy damage reduction against the Death Knight is now reduced by 33% in PvP Combat.
Rune of Spellwarding’s absorb shield is now 33% effective in PvP Combat.
Rune of Spellwarding’s cast speed reduction is now 33% effective in PvP Combat.
Necrotic Wound from Necrotic Wounds now absorbs 4% of healing done (was 5%) and heals the Death Knight for up to 4% of their max health when its effect ends (was 5%).
Virulent Plague no longer deals increased damage in PvP Combat (was increased by 30%).
Developer’s Note: now NEW Name. DEAD KNIGHTS… and change class! mele and casters will destroy us! also commander of the dead doesnt seems to give the buff to main pet Dark transofarion. i didnt see eny hot fix… maybe was also nerf?. and necrotic Wood nerf wich is the worst MS which need buff not nerf.
After nerfing Death Strike to the ground they think removing 25% nerf in pvp is a fix for that?
They’re literally turning a dps/tank hybrid into a piece of paper.
Revert the entire senseless nerf of DS since u’re tuning down spellwarden and necrotic.
I mean this is obvious, they have no clue how to fix survivability of DKs…I bet they watched tournament yesterday and saw only UhDKs, yet they completely missed game with FDK…I mean of course they missed it, it was so short no one even noticed how fast FDK melted….
i think DK will be fine u still have a giant toolkit and ur far from being the worst specc also the Spellwarden nerf was needet unkillable against Casters whos not a Ele
unholy is the pvp specc to go since always pretty much
frost dk has the same fate as arcane mage just sometimes good also a specc what most DK players dont enjoiy cuz its to easy or boring to play so mabye another reason they overlook it but thats just an assumption i remember in legion and wod ppl hated to play fdk
Thing about frost it can be good if u can land a perfect chill streak 24/7, that’s almost impossible if not perfect comp + perfect gameplay, not working in solo shuffle.
I say remove chill streak and buff our other dmg stuff instead.
Or redesign it into something that is both good for Single and Cleave. What if its a dot that deals high amount of damage, that can either bounce around and deal a high amount of damage cleave, or stay on the same target and do a lot of damage on a single target?
Death knight will be fine. Stop whining like babys. Last time DKs got nerfd, u wher crying then too, and we kicked as’s. Its gonna be fine this time to. So just stop whining.
yeah i had a solo shuffle lobby of dk ele sp aff
dk was literally immortal and went 6-0 because nobody could even touch him because of the -13% haste from spellwarden let alone the 90k shield which procs every 10seconds
imagine being immortal PASSIVELY vs casters and saying that its fine lmao dude