PVP Gear in pre-patch, a joke?


  • pvp gear ilvl is not even 70,
  • most people are 115+,

And no, i dont want to gear my fresh 50 char doing ssame stuff i did all BFA, i want to gear him tru pvp. Right now PVP ilvl is the worst then a f… heroic dungeon.

is this a joke by blizzard to mess with pvp player? We asked for pvp gear, and they give us this? I know in SL it will probably be a bit better but no much.

Why blizzard hate pvp and gear tru it?

Right now with full on pvp gear you die in 3 seconds max against a 120 ilvl guy.
Minimum ilvl of the gear should be 100.

I demand a blue or some one from blizzard to explain me rly good why this happens.


U get a box for win with item lvl 58, gg :smiley:


I can only comment on what it feels like as a returning player that is mostly interested in pvp.

A big middle finger.

Probably not the intention. If not, please enable your casual and returning players to participate in the game.


This is ALL I would need to be happy.


Yeah ive got to say the returning player experience in prepatch is pretty damn whack as far as endgame is concerned.

I mostly stick to levelling alts right now since that is actually fun and feels good as an experience.




Its prepatch not shadowlands pvp gear.

There wont be any item without versality but we still keep getting items without versality because pvp gear will be available on shadowlands.

There will be a place to upgrade pvp gear ilvl with honor u obtained from bgs. So grind as much as honor u can.

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How are we supposed to do that with no gear?
I’m a Rogue so I can run some disruption for my team but honestly as soon as a fight breaks out where we are equal or bested in numbers i’m no factor at all. I can use every trick in the book and still get solod by backpeddling clickers.

Its just an aweful experience honestly


U grind honor now already

An ok ilvl for casual PvP assuming you have good R3 essences is around 115-120.

People who join with 60-70-80 ilvl are getting 2 shotted aka you need to have around 20k hp + to not be a burden for your team.

Like Lana said,you can start farming Honor now and be ready for the upgrade vendor but i dont know how it will work or how useful its gonna be.

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U really expect blizz to keep honor earned, they will reset it and turn it into gold kinda simple.


Yes its impossible for returning players or fresh characters to participate in pvp right now. And nobody in their right mind is going to go do the whole gear grind for weeks when SL could land in a month as well.

Cant unsubscribe or refund the three month subscription either. Very poor experience from blizzard so far.


you mean that we can get honor now that wont be wiped on SL launch so we use that honor at lvl 60? i bet honor will be reseted

@Murbastic - ye, bought the 6 month sub before SL got delayed, kinda regret it, also i can unsub or refund that

The worst part is the silence on these issues. It’s like they aren’t even playing their own game right now. Some QA people should be reporting this internally but it seems not to be happening.

Or its working as designed, which means SL won’t change anything and casual players can just unsub right now.


Best thing you can do is farm honor points, because incase you haven’t noticed they are now a currency, in which when the PvP vendors appears you can purchase lvl 60 starting PvP gear for you to start with before the first season comes out and I would imagine the items you buy from those vendors will have the same value or close to as the gears in normal Mythic dungeon item level which I reckon would be somewhere between 150 - 170 in terms of item level. But that’s just my assumption and I might be wrong, eitherway, I’d recommend you to farm the PvP points currency.

This is a complete and utter joke. My legion artifact from last expansion is ilvl 70 which is 2 item levels higher than this new pvp gear.

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dear friends.
a coin has 2 sides so instead of crying about pvp gear gather as much honor as you can ( 100 150k will do) And when slands hits the moment u r 60 ull buy and upgrade all ur pvp gear sets :wink: which btw is alot better and i mean ALOT better than m+ gear ;

You’re assuming they wont reset honor, which I find a very unlikely scenario

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I avoid pvp these days… too bursty for my taste. We die in seconds.
Although shadow priest is an absolute wreaking ball right now.

I SECOND this DEMAND for a BLUE/DEV to answer this question, WHY HAVE YOU RUINED PVP?

Just tell us.