Pvp gear need some buff

When I play PvP, I expect my PvP gear to give me certain advantages over the enemy’s PvE gear, otherwise what’s the point of getting it through honor farming? For example, each piece of the set can give +3% to damage dealt to players and -3% to damage taken in PvP. For people wearing sets for ranks, nothing will change much, but the PvE guys will suffer, as it should be.

“give me advantage over those who do not farm pvp gear”.

if you’re gonna sit there and advocate to make my rightfully obtained gear obsolete because “its not pvp gear” then how about all damage done to mobs in pve while wearing pvp gear gets a flat -50% damage?
per piece btw.

and yes, that includes all the npc mobs in alterac valley, including every single tower guard and drek/vann.

would you like that?
surely you won’t mind, because pvp gear is strictly for pvp, and pvp only?

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if thats the only thing stopping them to do it,then ofcourse we would not mind thats what the guy is asking for

alright cool.
no problem then.

slap on -50% dmg done to non-player characters (mobs) across the board and in return, add +10-15% damage done/negated to and from players.

lets split the scene down the middle, because some andies out there decide to seethe about people using pve gear in pvp and/or lack the will and/or ability to farm that same gear.

you know what, lets just cut the BS and introduce resilience, shall we.

what scene? at the momment there is only AV rush to boss games,also nobody use pvp gear in pve in SOD anyway

well i mean, if there’s only AV then why would you wanna trade +10-15% player damage/negation in return for -50% damage done to mobs?

if the pvp scene is nothing but AV, then asking for a trade like this is not exactly a favorable one, from your perspective.

cause it wouldnt matter even if its -99% to mobs because as it is now nobody use pvp gear in pve

but you wouldn’t be able to do any damage to the mobs in AV assuming something like this was done.

i’m trying to understand your logic here.

well now you just doing some mental gymnastics,its inside BG so obviously those mobs wouldnt count for damage reduction. Or there people grinding mobs for loot/xp in AV

Berny says NO to such changes.

Classical has a wild west design where items from all sorts of sources can be used in PvP or PvE.

Berny does not want a sanitized item design like the expansions, where pvp items are only good for pvp, and pve only for pve.

Did Berny see item stat changes for next phase because they doing exactly what you dont want to see,many pve items that could been used in pvp had their stamina butchered so it stays in PVE,while pvp sets got only their stamina boosted. Overall I am happy how it currently is with pvp sets,nobody is being forced to pvp just so they can pve later

but they are non-player characters.
aka pve.

sorry bro.
no sale.
-50% damage.

Not a good look for the devs.

Luckily for Berny, these are level 60 items, and Berny only ganks lowbies.


okay so on a more serious note, wouldn’t you feel a little bit bad about not being able to use your pvp gear for any pve related activity?
like, why even farm it if you can’t use it outside of pvp at all?
wouldn’t you want to be able to use it for other activities at all?

If only this gear will work on battlegrounds, not open world lol. Ok?

I’ve seen dumber posts but not that many.

that’s not a rebuttle and it doesn’t refute anything and my argument still stands…
thanks for your opinion.

Well, I think excluding the suggestion of + or - % dmg in PvE/PvP.

PvP gear should realistically be better for PvP of course. But I think just doing it the way they usually do with more Stamina and crit is the better way to go.

I believe the borderline resilience suggestions are just a symptom of the fact they aren’t balancing PvP very well with these retail runes.

Why not 15% less dmg done to non-player characters? Why 50%?

And yes, pvp gear SHOULD be best in pvp, and pve gear obviously be best in pve. I mean, why is that such a hot take?

Now you’re just being petty. Atleast try to have a serious conversation about this.

There is a big difference between a dungeon, and a bg.

This would actually do good things. I dont mind getting resilience/pvp power “back”.

Braindead grinding AV 5 days a week should only give advantage on that braindead AV.
Even SOD’s PVE needs more brain to success.

So probabliy that “better PVP gear” should only work on AV. All this crybabes are crying coz they cant grief bis geared pve buddies in BRM event.