Pvp gear need some buff

pve player grinded for his gear too ya dunce, why should he automatically lose?

PvE players ruined their PvE game by minmaxing everything, so now they want to ruin PvP too, history rhymes, i see.

You’re just being dumb again.

Again, dumb and wrong. R14 gear gives more stam and armor but less SP and crit than T2 gear. So once again so it gets through to you : PvP gear has to (and always has) bring more survivability than PvE gear AT THE COST of damage output so that they are equal in a sense. It’s just that they shift the focus from damage output to survavibility.

Why, really, why would you prefer to use PvP gear instead of PvE gear since PvE gear gives you more damage/heal/mitigation output ? Plz stop being dumb it’s getting boring.

So in open world on a pvp server you will use your PvP gear in case you end up doing some PvP. No sh*t, Sherlock. THAT IS EXACTLY HOW IT IS SUPPOSED TO WORK !

Man you’re just another kind of special. You mean on a PvP encounter, the one who has PvP gear has an advantage over the one who doesn’t ? And you’re actually against that ? I mean… phew, that’s just crazy.

like you said, pve. you grind pve for pve success, pvpers grind for pvp. we aint the same.

you’re damn right we ain’t the same, i beat you in pvp all the same, even with my pve gear.
as things should be.
go work for your gear if you want to win pvp.
put the idea of afk farming AV for your bis out of your head.
its not going to happen, nor should it happen when ranking is this easy.
pvp gear has gone from requiring hard work and effort to literal welfare status, which is probably why blizzard decided to leave it in its era state.

because if an enemy player walks up to you in pvp gear, they win, if you don’t.

if im using my pve gear in pve and you walk up to me in your pvp gear and “perform world pvp” do i win?
no i don’t, cus im wearing pve gear and you’re wearing pvp gear.

that’s why its bad.
it hands you a free win.

and if you wanna call anyone dumb maybe think about things for more than 5 seconds before you do so, dummy.

Fine. If all the bis geared PvE buddies only benefit in dungeons/raids. :wink:

Since vanilla raiders doing AQ/Naxx dominated BGs. About time to pimp up PvP gear.