You didn’t even do arenas this season. Based on what experience are you making that statement?
Gearing is fine. In ten days you gonna have new gear from the honor vendor.
You are not dying because the other guy has 10 ilvl above you. You are dying because classes are unbalanced and a lot of them can one shot you.
If they wont add a PvP specific stat the versa effect bonus should be made into a set bonus, 2,4,6,8 set bonus ramping up beyond what the trinket bonus gives to make versatility more lucrative.
Some versa is to be had from PvE, but it’s something. Oh and buff weekly conquest to 800~ 
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You can get pretty good gear from pvp tho
From arena up to 233ilvl
Just depends how good you are in game
But i do agree that honor gear is too low ilvl and also time that it takes to farm honor gear is way too long compared to pve gear farming
You can get 8 pieces of 184 ilvl easily in 5hrs and in pvp/honor gear 8 pieces to 184 takes almost 2 days
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I have seen several posts where raiders gets angry when pvpers comments about this issue. Doing raids takes alot of teamwork, time and effort. So they should get better gear. But it is the same thing with pvp. People spend alot of time on improving their skill and farming BGs and arena. In the end all players, both pve and pvp, put a big effort into the game and should get rewarded for it.
Why must it be “Them and us”? Let all players, pve and pvp, enjoy it and get fair rewards. If pve gear gets higher ilvl then pvp gear should have resilience to compensate IN PVP.
Damn man, people complaining about ilevel and im here sitting to try find people to do arena LUL
Then you’re only 20-30ilvl behind everyone!
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Erm… PvP gearing is so good and consistent that most of my exclusively PvE-focused guild are now trying PvP for the first time ever, much to my delight and amusement!
I’ve done 1 mythic for a conduit. And nothing but arena since.
1600 rating and full pvp gear and I have 32.5k HP with fort.
I think pvp gearing from rated is very good atm. Because one can upgrade their gear when they have rating. I myself am keeping my fingers crossed that I get a new item from the vault and then getting around 1 piece a week with conquest. Glad gear is such a good investment if one plans to increase his or her rating. With 1600 you are on par with heroic raiders for pvp. Yes I did say for pvp because not every class has versa as desired stat in pve. Ofc it is suitable right now to get quick gear from pve, but if it is not high enough ilvl your upgradeable pvp gear may get higher and that means a wasted week from vault if you picked something with lower ilvl.
MOP pvp gearing was perfect as it was, 100% separation from pve gear, and it should have been the norm since then.
But no, blizzard had to cater to all the crying pve community.
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It also works another way around. Certain classes benefit from versa in pve. What is it with the mentality that the gear should be separated for pve and pvp?
Agree. I already spits on my rating and just go Mythic+ and BG. That’s it. I won’t spam PvP and get nothing and don’t be able even play a simple BG!
this is not save situation. PPl who don’t start at the season beggining will get 200 ilvl, and what they will do with 213 arenas and 226 from PvE? Correct – nothing.
Yah I don’t understand. One russian streamer try get 2400 on arena and can’t cause ppl from m+ kill him. People who start Arenas later than season was beginning hae same problems at lower rates 1200, 1500, 1700, etc…
Battlegrounds the same problem. Even ppl with 190 ilvl out of stream. Only one solution in this reality just do m+ and after go BG, Arenas, Duels… But this is all what we wont?
I also just done one week Mythic Dungeons for some fun and to get the Legendarys.
After that i never went in one again :,D
Because it simply worked, because MOP was considered an awesome pvp season, and the fact that pver´s couldnt get the upperhand in pvp by buying their way with myth+ runs, and the pvp gear was the same for everyone, so it was not the gear that mattered, it was the skill of the player.
Aside from weapons in higher rating, if im not mistaken, the gear was the same for everyone.
And if you wanted to pve, well you could, but pvp gear wouldnt be effective there, so as to also not give pvp players a upperhand.
Mop was an awesome expansion. I played sub rogue and demo lock back then. They both had high burst as did many other classes with dps trinkets and cooldowns. Along with that many classes had notable sustained dps on top of that. Classes also had more cc and defensives which we have currently less. (After that they wanted to reduce cc, because ppl cried about it, they also nerfed autoattacks, then later came crit nerf, because ppl cried about wins depending on rng crits. Then came templates and soon we were in bfa - I sure went off-topic)
Anyway in mop you used honor to buy last seasons pvp gear then you did arena or rbg for conquest. The amount of cp cap depended on your rating if I recall. So basicly ppl could buy boosts to get their gear faster. So instead of skill one could get high gear with persistence (like I did). Also gear did matter alot back then, one would absolutely blow up freshly dinged player with even honor gear. Also it felt good when you finally got gear you also started getting power.
Now instead of persistence the higher level gear is beyond rating or mythic keys and heroic raids. You can do cp cap only, but then the 200 ilvl is the furthest you go. Also for pvp players the cp gear is never wasted because it can be upgraded (I took low ilvl pve ring from vault so it was quite dumb move in the long run).
Imo crying about pve gear in pvp is just an excuse. It is funny when take that their success in pvp is about skill, but failures are because of gear, balance or basicly anything but not lack of skill. Having same gear for all content is nice imo because it makes it more convenient to move between different content.
Once you get pridefull glad, it was the same for everyone, there was nothing above that for pvp, and if you got stomped, well thats pvp, and thats how it works, same as a full pve player in wotlk.
It took time to farm yes, but still, between two full pridefull glad players the only difference was skill, not the gear.
But it is the same right now, ilvl for glad is 226 and weapon is 233. Not mythic raid or 15 lvl mythic+ vault gear will provide higher.
Nop, pve gear can still be better than pvp gear, and farmed just by paying someone to carry through myth+.
There is no actual separation from pvp gear.