Pvp gearing killed again

I used to be a “hardcore” wow player and spend a lot of time in it. These days I barely have a few hours to play at all.

I’ve decided to start focussing on pvp only since I cant so any pve at all. So some lame dailies… and pvp it is.

Will start to feel really bad soon (or already now) when the ppl who have time to do pve will walk over me in arena.

Have to say blizzard did think about is a bit and we have atleast a way to obtain pvp gear compared to BFA but yeah, it’s still a bit bonkers and anti climactic

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You got it the wrong way around. PvE players might have a small advantage now, but with the conquest cap getting bigger each week, we will soon have access to full 200 gear, upgradeable to 226, without ever touching any PvE content. In addition, in a week the Honor gear will go up to 197 too.

M+ end of dungeon caps at 210 and heroic raid drops 213, while we can (soon) farm 200 gear and upgrade it to 213 with just a rating of 1600, which is easily achievable for anyone that’s willing to learn and improve a bit. The longer this season goes, the less I see PvP players getting “walked over” by PvE players.

I’m sitting at 209 right now and the amount of PvE gear I have on this char is:

  • 3x M+ = 1x 200 item
  • 4x M0 for the weekly quest = 1x 213 item
  • 1/2 run of Ulduar TW = 1x 200 item

That’s what, 5-6 hours in total since release? Other than that, all my gear is from PvP. I don’t see how that’s bad in any way and don’t really feel the need to do any more PvE, at least not for gear (conduits are another story). If I could change just one thing, it would be no more dupes from the Vault. No one wants to pick from 3 items they already have…


Yes it can be better, but it should be better if the player has made effort or doing content on higher level than the other player.

What does it matter where the gear comes from? You can buy boost in pvp and pve alike. If you are getting stomped then you would be stomped by the same player even if he was wearing pvp gear.

Also you can farm lvl 210 gear continously from mythic 15 thats as high it goes. That gear is 3 ilvl higher than 1400 rating gear. Thats not a gamebreaker. Also getting full 210 gear with suitable stats takes time and effort. A lot of time compared for the amount of advantage you get.

I don’t understand why Blizz just doesn’t make PVE gear nerf a character if used in PVP…

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Why should they? Do pvp players need some sort of handicap against ppl who also play other aspects of the game?

Why should a player who has dedicated all their time to doing PvP perform worse in PvP than a player who’s doing PvE?

Why do PvErs need a handicap?


So i m with 194 ilvl pvp gear (23% vers) and i meet in arena a DK 209 ilvl pve and disc priest 215 ilvl pve (19% vers). I have 2 k xp in the past but i m not so good to overcome their gear advantage because these players were not noobs at all. Is that an excuse? You mean i should be even better so as to eliminate the gear difference? You mean is this somehow equal footing? and how so?

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when he says prideful glad he means how it used to be back then. All gear was called pridefull gladiator, was not given accordingly to yr actual rating except weapons. So everyone was in equal foot with others.

I’m not claiming he should. Also PvE players do not have a handicap nor have they asked one. It’s just a bunch of ppl who are asking for nerfs to pve gear in pvp and their only reasoning is some abstract thought that they should not be defeatable by players who have not grinded their gear from a certain source.

Lets think of player A and player B who both got their full honor gear. They also both get conquest cap and do their arenas so that they can get an item from the vault. At that point player A logs off, but player B decides to go for the extra mile and does mythic plus to get 2 more items which are better than his honor gear.

Currently some ppl are whining that B should not get any advantage for his effort because A cannot be arsed to do other content than pvp. Also it’s more amusing that when time goes on the difference in gear will get smaller as long as A and B play on same rating. So player B’s gear advantage is only temporary.

wrong again … Player A doesnt stop playing but he continues to spam arenas and rated bgs with no real gain (he capped u said) only for his entertainment. His fun. His rating maybe. Because he likes PVP and spends hours and hours and he is working hard on pvp. Meanwhile player B, who doesnt care so much about pvp, he got his mythic and raid gear and stomps the stupid pvp er who thought that skill wins.
Your logic fails exactly because they had CLEARLY declared in their pre-launch interviews that player B would have only 5% advantage when doing both contents.

This is not the case. They just lied. As always do. And we believed them (and Stoopz and Asmo) as we always do.

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That gear advantage is a notable one I give you that, but you also said that they were not noobs so I belive they would have given you hard time even without the gear advantage. My point is that you can overcome small gear advantages and even more if the enemy side is playing badly. In your example the other side was skilled and geared and they must have put in effort to get that gear, so it is quite natural that you have a high chance of losing that one.

I get what he means, back in mop pvp gear ilvl was 550 which was lower than normal raid gear in siege of orgrimmar. So there was a reason why pvp gear was made so that it gave advantage in pvp combat. Also I belive that Blizzard wanted ppl to use pvp gear so that they could try to balance the game with pvp stats. However that kind of separation or handicaps are not needed now since you can get same ilvl gear from both pve and pvp.

So? how that negates my argument on equal basis? And i already answered yr example with A and B players .

You cant. PVE gear is neither time gated , nor rating gated. Especially time gating was apparently stupid and lame .

Well in that case A will catch up and go past B faster because with just 1600 rating he can up his gear to 213 which is more item lvl than mythic 15 key provides and more than heroic raid provides

Doesn’t matter - PvE is not PvP. Clearing some +15 shouldn’t matter in PvP.

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Imo you are not supposed to be on equal footing with players who are having more effort, the fact you faced them in an arena match imo means that you are somewhat close to same rating so they have been making as much effort to get there as have you, they just have gone the extra mile

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Wrong. Example: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/twisting-nether/dalapie

But this effort shouldn’t matter in arenas. End of story.

wrong. They didnt make in arenas the same effort cause their pve gear bought them time.

It is gated, you can do every difficulty in raid once and doing mythic is quite hard so there are not many ppl who have access to 233 ilvl weapons for example. Only items that are not gated in pve are end of dungeon loots that you receive at the end of dungeon. Those items have ilvl 210. The warrior you linked gets to upgrade her conquest gear to 226 (mythic lvl) the moment she gets her hands on a new piece.

Why not? Because you don’t do them? (well I don’t either)

I disagree.

That’s what you assume. You most likely don’t know how much they have played and how dedicated they are.