PVP gives way too much loot!

And you’ve been able to spam-farm 210 iLvL gear in M+, not to mention M+ 15’s of last expansion gave you buttloads of Heroic iLvL gear from week 1, meaning that both Normal and Heroic raids gave “irrelevant” gear.

The thing is though, people who play Normal are probably just about wrapping up with the raid anyway so it doesn’t really matter.

But yeah, your argument basically boils down to:
M+ making raids irrelevant? No problem!
PvP making raids irrelevant? OMG WTF BLIZZ Y U DO DIS

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guys, it’s vinzora, just scroll down and mute the thread

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That’s my DBM, while I’m just rolling my face on the keyboard waiting for it to tell me to do something.

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There are plenty of DH queuing around 2.4 some even play the most cheese ever witch is DH protpala rshaman.

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I guess DBM only extends to heroic shriekwing.

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You’re clueless.
3/4 of the PVE gear have better stats for PVP imagine that.

Today I learned my fully upgraded 184 honor pieces are welfare. +2 gives 187 piece lmao.

And I get to buy full conquest gear in like… 20 weeks? Son that’s way too fast omg. I have to wait 1 week for an item I need because I’m 25 conq short. 25?! And there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.

Also please do it yourself if it is too easy. Just spare an hour a week and get your welfare gear? But no, gear is not your problem, you just want pvp players to suffer. And I both cringe and enjoy seeing your kind get tilted about pvp gearing.

Then we know who do we need to blame for this clown fiesta. I report every your post for trolling.


PvP should be separate progression like it was in MoP - problem solved. I don’t need to play boring PvE and I don’t have to fight 15+ ilvl PvE heroes early in the season.

Rated pvp is much harder than pve tbh. It’s a really good thing there are no bulsh!!t rng vendors for pvp. It finally feels worth it to gear through pvp. Now all they need to do is add a pve equivalent and also add more secondary Stat combinations and we are golden.

That’s quite ironic coming from a Demon hunter

… most people didn’t clear normal? Lol, after a month and half?

The only people who didn’t clear normal are the people who don’t play raids at this point.

Which is fine, but well we are not gonna wait people who are not trying, are we?

Like anyone need the loot from m+. Max 210ilvl is already considered low. In pvp you will get a guaranted 213 ilvl item at 1600 which doesn’t require too much effort or skill if you are a paladin/mage/druid/priest/hunter.

Don’t bother guys with this troll :)) Just open his character and you can see he is a 1k CR arena lowbie. And the same goes for Mythic+ dungeons, +4 or +5 and not even all dungeons cleared yet.

And don’t worry guys about pvp vendors going out. They have such a good feedback about it that they won’t risk deleting the pvp vendors again.

PVP has a much better gearing system than PVE. They just need to redo how PVE gearing is done. No need for PVP gear nerf.

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“PvP bAsIcaLlY rEqUirEs No TaCtiCs”… if you talk about normal bg’s, yes its mostly retards, but…

How you think most people get high in arena/rbg rating?
It’s not less or more hard then mythic raiding, it requires skill and overview, especially when you play high in rating, you need watch many different things at the same moment. CCing, interrupts, watch your and your team members health, be good with timing of using off/def CDs, know when to kite, know in what situation you take a CC/when to use your trinket, have a good organisation and vocal people (mainly for RBGs). Go try get some rating on ilvl 190/200 and i’m sure you change your mind on this.

If you are not satisfied with the ilvl of mythic+ dungeons, go do HC/Mythic raiding…
And (retri) paladin doesn’t require skill at all, and you forgot #1 sub rogue that kills you in one stun.

It does matter. Becouse those people have been putting in effort to clear normal raid and get items from it. And now they all see that they have been wasting their time as their gear been invalidated by pvp vendor and all that effort was completly meaningless which means people quit playing.

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How does pvp vendor “invalidate” their efforts?

People putting in the time to get pvp gear doesn’t somehow nullify pve gear’s existence.

Who is we?

Shut up.


We want PVE vendors.