PvP/Griefing fine line

Put me down for that then! I love killing a little sick one from time to time. I’ve also been that little sick one haha

Not saying everyone does it :stuck_out_tongue: Thank god.

As I stated I myself don’t condone that stuff. But you will realise that a LOT of people engage in that practice.

So your saying anyone that plays their role in this game and kills people of the faction they are supposed to kill is a sociopath with a mental disorder?

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No, I am saying that ppl who go out-of-their-way to repeatedly kill/camp players who cannot fight back, such as camping Lakeshire with your level 60 Rogue in full T2 and Maladath like they did on Private servers for days on end almost 24/7, demonstrates a certain pattern of behaviour wherein one enjoys torturing/killing innocents who can’t fight back.

The same pattern of behaviour is exhibited by ppl with APD and sadists who torture and kill animals or elders or ppl who cannot fight back.

If you do exhibit such behaviour I don’t think you are normal and IMHO you will do the same thing IRL if you get the chance and think that you will not be caught.

Police Officers really enjoy chasing and catching such ppl IRL.


Are you for real? Because those things don’t even belong in the same sentence.

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First year psych student or just someone who’s been ganked one too many times? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


No psych student would make the mistake of comparing ganking in a computer game to actual acts of physical cruelty.

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In some cases, I think it’s intended to provoke a fight by getting lowbies to call for higher-leveled help.

But in general, it’s probably kids/teens/manchildren who get some weird kick out of stuff like that. That’s the internet for ya.

Not a good one, no. But that rant sounds pretty much exactly like what someone who just started studying psych, but doesn’t really understand it yet, would say.

And, sadly, there are still some actual psychiatrists and psychologist who think so.
But again, not good ones.

In my experience a lot of police officers are those people.

But back on topic the way people behave in a war game is not a reflection of their irl personality.

Comparing isn’t the same as equating. Comparing the two things is perfectly fine.

And yes, going out of your way to upset random people for no reason other than “its fun” is an unhealthy behaviour in its nature. It doesn’t mean you’re a psycho if you do that, same as coughing doesn’t mean you have tuberculosis.
But it also doesn’t mean there’s anything good about it.

Highly depends on the context. By that definition, Jeremy Beadle (or any random hidden camera comedy show host) is a complete lunatic.
Camping lowbies just to be annoy them is a d-bag move, sure, and I’m not a fan of it myself. But acting like a d-bag isn’t inherently unhealthy behaviour.
Additionally, studies have shown that having harmless outlets for frustration or anger, like killing people in videogames, is healthy and even reduces negative behaviours in people with violent tendencies.

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Interesting story, since ZG isn’t released yet…

Well, damn… and here I was trying to lie about an experience in vanilla, when it turns out ZG has never been released…


Just to preempt any “pics or didn’t happen” comments:
https:// imgur. com/gallery/LgnFarW

By choosing PvP realm you agree to gank OR to be ganked anywhere it’s possible.
And that’s totally fine. I don’t mind being ganked by some 1-3 higher lvl character and try to, at least, get my enemy to lowest hp by using any means possible.

But it kinda gets really frustrating when you are ganked by some @skull@ level player or a group of 5+ level enemy characters. You have absolutely no chance to harm your opponent nor it is fun. That kind of players are really strange. And for some reason vast majority of them are playing humans or NE. Coincidence?

Comparing people who kill an avatar of someone they barely think of as representing a person to a sociopath is like comparing a speeding driver to a mass murderer.

I think anyone who suggests they are isn’t even using psychology 101, more like -101.

If you have been ganked then you gank others, it’s a vicious cycle more than anything else. Besides it can be fun.

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If you are a sheep, devoid of your own sense of fair play, then yes sure, you might think you are somehow getting revenge on the level ?? player who corpse camped you weeks ago by doing the same to some random person 10+ levels below you with no chance of putting up a fight.

Personally I just feel bad for the level ?? guy and Im happy if one-shotting me made up for his/her sense of injustice :smile:

Becoming the person you hated means they won right?

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Had quite an amusing time earlier in Badlands with a truce between 2 of us and 2 Alliance so we could help each other kill quest mobs a bit too high for us to do so easily. Working out communication using emotes and telling pets off when an aoe caused them to attack. There’s a time and a place for pvp and for me it’s not when people are very clearly just trying to do a quest, nomatter their level. Unless of course they attack you, then it’s fair game but the cyclical thing of ‘I was killed by a 60 so when I hit 60 I’ll kill all lowbies’ is a tad hypocritical.

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I don’t hate gankers.

Yeah, I’ve helped a few ally kill a mob or two, or pulled some aggro off them when they were clearly about to die. Doesn’t take much of my time and it’s likely to result in them leaving me alone to do my quests.
The only exceptions I have for killing players much lower level than me are if they try to pick a fight, are ganging up on other players, belong to a guild on my KoS list, or I’m trying to farm something and they keep getting in the way.
But I cba camping them. Usually just a kill, maybe two to make a point (or if they’ve been camping for a while themselves, enough to drive them off), and move on.

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