PvP in SoD is still alive, but breathing hard

I love Sod, playing since p1 start, cool new class design in old vanilla world. I can still find the fun in wpvp and Stv, but thats all what we have.


If blizzard continues to ignore a huge part of the pvp community so eah this game is dead soon…


https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/sod-whishlist. i agree

Just gotta add a reason to play other than honor points and flexing how flavor of the phase people are.

Boomies/Hunters/Shamans need to be renerfed again ontop of addressing the healer CDs vs a few damage CDs in PvP, healer CDs are totally broken.

Being forced into a more viable spec is not an answer long term. Fixing this mess is an answer.

And seriously stop defending this sorry state of PvP where 3-4 classes are competitve and the rest just thrown to the side being fodder. If you play a meta class atm you are insanely bad.

Way to betray the “vast” experience you have in this game if you think the current state of class balance in PvP is so much worse than what was.

The amount of salt in that statement lmao. You play a paladin, hardly struggling in pvp, unless you are terrible, that’s another story though.

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Paladin is a melee so they struggle by nature, your alt posting is not gonna hide the ranged bias.

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Imagine spending 40 hours to level up from 1 to 60, join bg and got one shotted by some humanoid chicken.
SoD will die soon and no one will miss it.

Almost like “he” spent many times that number of hours gearing up.

Ofc he should be dominating your freshly lvld char.

Cool, so “he” can play with his mutual admiration society with the rest of high warlords on dying realm. No sane person will Play SoD with fresh character.

Of course some humanoid chicken must have replied, so “he” can crit people for 4k with 6k HP pool.


Im Feral.

And if you played more yes, you should melt new ppl. Thats always been WoW.

Its not perfect, and there are near to no new ppl joining for a multitude of reasons, but yes that is also one of them.

boomie dot damage just needs deleting

boomkin dots shouldnt crit on players, neither should shamans, or anyones for that matter

starfall stun needs removing from starsurge

starfall needs a shorter range, not crit, not pushback, and pause while the boomie is CCed

moonfire should be 30 yard range on players if itt isnt already

hunter range needs to go down in pvp

killshot should not work above 20% vs players at all, should also have a minimum range, counterplay needs to be a thing

ice lance damage should be moved into some other abilities - spellfrost bolt should be worth casting, frozen orb should be place on location, not move slowly to it

disable shaman damage reduction rune in pvp

remove meathook, replace with double charge, death grip was a mistake in the first place

Any “chance to resist” mechanic should be replaced by “reduces duration of the CC by x%” instead

Refresh PvP set bonuses


Tbh, I’m prob being cynical here, but having a handful of classes competitive at a time is probably intentional

I think the way blizzard intend for people to play the game is to play multiple classes rather than one, and they purposefully create god tier and swamp tier specs to force rerolling. They’ll overtune a handful in a season/phase with the intention of people FOTM rerolling. They’ve even said in retail they purposefully change tier sets to change the way people play season by season, and add in PvP talent refreshes “to shake up the meta”

(Interestingly, PvP talent refresh has happened in patch .1 of the last 3 expansions, and maybe further back, I can’t remember if they did that in legion or BFA)

Even though that’s retail, it’s a strong indicator of blizzard’s design philosphy - rotate what people play

in retail it drives WoW token and boost buying, in classic and retail it’ll result in more time spent played, and extend content lifespan. Average time played a month is almost certainly going to be a performance metric, and game design teams will make decisions in response to that. Before the reset in dragonflight, they’re on record in interviews forcing people to play content like Torghast and Ashran so it’s seen as being successful

I think you, and a lot of other people, give them(the devs) way wayy too much credit. It’s like that saying: " Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence"

People talk about the devs as if they are some machines that have been running non-stop since the year 2000 and they have accumulated knowledge and experience all this time.

That is not how things are.

The people who built this game are long gone, over all these years people have come and gone.

Those who played this game for a while can remember the release/Kaplan era (hybrids being made intentionally weak, much weaker than pure).
Then there was the Ghostcrawler era who reversed the hybrid tax mentality and still got :poop: about RMP being so dominant and not being taken care of and later DKs and the story keeps going this way… it has never been the same people working on balance. All of them did good and bad things.

What boggles my mind is how people expect so much from these fairly fresh devs, and after a whole year and 6 phases still haven’t come to terms with the fact that PvP balance in SoD is not a priority…

There is no excellent PvP balance even on live and that is still the cash cow version of WoW. And some people expect PvP class balance to happen in SoD? For barely 2k people? Some people need to get real.

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