Pvp is dead in sod bb

in wow (sod) the only fun part for me was doing pvp, after rank 14 , pvp is dead in sod and pvp stays dead in next season and maybe next season too…
What steps can revive pvp?
1: New bg eye of the storm
2: New rank 15, tier 2 pvp set (gloves and boots) with new set bonuses , rank 15 needs min 500k honor cap with 4 weeks
3: 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 arena
4: pvp class balance

i’m pretty sure blizz will never make these changes so sod is dead for me bb…

  1. New bg could be fun, but dont think EOTS fits in classic (since its tbc based) Might have to get something else.
  2. Updated pvp gear should DEFINITIVELY be on the agenda. Make pvp gear better for pvp scenarios.
  3. This cant happen without MASSIVE changes to pvp, so it wont happen. Mage/rogue would be GODS(!) in any arena. Having any arena with the current pvp situation would be so bad it would be hilarious.
  4. Yes, more hands-on approach on pvp balance would be nice.


The toxic griefers that only prey on Low levels that are questing or just want to run to a dungeon or raid portal out in the world will finally leave?

PvPers gone? Is it finally happening?

Man the PvP expectations of some people for SoD are something else :rofl:. Some of these are unreal.

Oh yea, make the couple thousand - at best - pool of PvP players get diluted even further in more queues. Great idea, will instantly save PvP.

Rank 15? Slightly-higher-High-Warlord? Grandest Marshal? And after everyone goes to sleep in battlegrounds for 4 weeks what then? rank 16?
Already anyone new joining PvP has no chance against the welfare rank 14s with 4-5k hp vs 12k-14k.
Lack of better gear or more ranks is the very last issue PvP in SoD has.

This is only going to make things worse, balance issues are going to be highlighted even harder. Does it look to you like the devs have the stomach to deal with the outcome of implementing arena?

This is where it should have started and it should have been done ages ago. The PvE power creep should have been kept in check, automatically it would have made the PvP balancing side easier too.
Now its just too late. Barely any people are coming back to check PvE anymore and you think they will come back to be smashed into a paste by welfare rank 14s? Nah.

For people to play SoD PvP, or most any PvP you need rewards. Which means more work for Blizzard. Which means it wont happen.

The problem with adding ‘more ranks and more rewards’ is that it just gives you more to grind, it doesn’t make the gamemode more enjoyable or encourage people to want to play.

Best option for PVP is simple: Add queue from anywhere and add EXP to battlegrounds.

Boom, more fun (For levelling, atleast) and more people likely to join. No more AFK’ing in a city waiting for BG pops.


i agree, im writing a whishlist


bro dont be such a looser, we are merely suggesting, i think OP s point is correct, we want more pvp

I’ll try to be less looser and keep it tight for you.

“Bro”. With one hour left of 2024 you dwell on the WoW SoD forums replying to people and making threads about :dracthyr_lulmao:PvP :dracthyr_lulmao: of all things. That is so sad it is actually hilarious.

That you choose to spend the last hour of the year harping about WoW SoD and PvP doesn’t give winner vibes my man. Try to look in the mirror before you try to put down others as losers.

And I made suggestions regarding those suggestions being awful and most likely doing more harm to the area of the game you want improved(PvP), rather than good.

Emm, no. those will stay as it was never about honor or a good fi