PVP is not balanced

I did an AB in merc mode yesterday; won with four bases and a nice 2min queue.

I just had 2 BGā€™s vs premade russians, it - is- NOT- that- rare

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Not rare at all for premades as I show, and others can test themselvesā€¦ To face a top tier premade who basically breaks the matchmaking in their favour? Iā€™d say thatā€™s more uncommon.

Players have always been known to game the system, twinks, queing with optimal gear, premades is just the new easy way to ensure you roflstomp I guess.

For Russians there is a common misconception, they get grouped by language and placed against others, just because a whole raid is russian does not imply premade, in-fact itā€™s when you see Russians mixed with English (and other languages) you are likely against a premade.

  • Iā€™m not implying you didnā€™t know this but I felt I had to point it out for other readers.
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Well you can count in a German premade now too xD And they were all top tire, with perfect set of tanks, healers, melee and range :stuck_out_tongue:

This is a LOT from 19-20:00 SET till around 01:00

If you wanna play random BG as ally and avoid these, you play outside this time space

Edit: I guess ppl who solely play Horde doesnā€™t see this as much, because thereā€™s a overweight of horde PvP players. During Peak time, it is more rare to face a ENG EU Horde team than it is to counter premades :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hybrids have been extremely OP since Legion.
DHā€™s are incredibly boring to play against. They just dash across half the map and survive for a stupid amount of time.

Everyone else is there just to fill slots.

Russians have something that feels in-between a random group and a premade. The Germans, Spanish, and French have it as well.

English players really are just thrown together with completely random players. Queue once and youā€™ll get grouped with people youā€™ve never seen before. Thereā€™s no guarantee they all know English. Probably a Portuguese player or two in the mix. Queue again and youā€™ll get into a completely new group with completely new random players.
The English player segment is just so big that the player pool allows for true random groups.

Itā€™s different with the Russians (and Germans and French and Spanish).
They have far fewer servers. Their player community is more tight-knit.
When they queue up, they know theyā€™ll be matched together with other Russians. And they know they all speak Russian.
And because they are so few, if they queue again, they are likely to be grouped with some players theyā€™ve played with just before.

In the long term, this is why they win: It allows them to more easily learn strategies and tactics on the random group level that English players tend to need a premade for.
The Germans in particular were way ahead of everyone else with the scorched earth tactic in Alterac Valley. They quickly drilled that strategy into their entire player segment, making it the default German strategy.
The Russians are insanely trained in graveyard camping. Premade or not, that strategy has just carried over from game to game, until itā€™s a standard tactic they use.
English players struggle to form similar standardized strategies and tactics, because the playerbase that needs to be taught it, is so much bigger. It takes so much longer to get that much bigger, much more diverse mass of players to do something in uniform.
ā€¦And Alliance has a disadvantage over Horde, having more ā€œcasualsā€ who are by definition the hardest player segment to teach these ā€œhow to strategiesā€, because they simply donā€™t have much experience - if any at all.

So yeah, those localized language communities are the best. The fact that they always get queued together with each other, and have the knowledge that everyone understands the language written, is a monumental advantage.


Great post. A well made point and definently something that should be considered when looking at the future of bgs.

I say in the future because I donā€™t think the current system is great, I approve of constant change in PvP balancing, be it bgs/objectives or classes and the tweaks they go through each patch, I think it should change far more often to keep players on their toes and to keep the experiences of players somewhat fresh, people would probably complain far less if their class got a chance at the spotlight every few weeks/month or two and I think this would also favour more skilled players with a better overall knowledge. Also tempt people to level alts more, which is in itā€™s own state of affairs now too ;]

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I agree. Something is really wrong with the Alliance in PVP. The AV event really showed it. Iā€™ve been in 35 AV matches so far and won only 1 match. And i have no clue why the winrate is so abysmal. Is it because of balancing issues? Are Alliance players really THAT bad? Are Horde players really THAT good? I know the xp gains in the AV event is really good, but itā€™s demoralizing to lose EVERY match. Which creates a vicious cycle. No one is really trying anymoreā€¦people at the start of each match already make jokes about it. ā€œHey guys, ready to lose?ā€ I wonder if Blizzard will address this issue and use the stats to balance PVP.

In my opinion its a simple selfish mentality at Alliance side.
I level various alts on both sides.
Alliance: 10 People do dailies. 10 People ride to Korrak. The other 20 try to cap graveyard and/or towers.
Horde: Literally the same but less people who split.
Thats how iĀ“ve seen it so far.

So there is an issue and you suggest being a NEET is the solution for getting a 50:50 ratio?

What did you expect? When the more serious players switch to the other faction, then you will notice the casual players even more, which in turn will also even backfire the imbalance more when they arenā€™t that good in the fist place.

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Thats a good point.
IĀ“m a casual player at best. (no Ratings, Raids, M+)
But even i can play for the team :wink:.
That means I have the quest for Korrak open on some chars but i will do whats best for the team.
But youĀ“re right the majority of players who know what to do are horde.

this happens when the more serious players switch to Horde and then play for the Horde. You will notice the casual players even more.

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