PvP is really BAD for new players

I don’t know which class you are, but I slap 20 iLvL higher people than me in arena, whether it my Frost DK or Retri alt.

Ladder is chaotic currently yea, there are many high cr people playing alts and ordinary players stand no chance regardless of iLvL.

Another issue is rogue-mage teams if we talk about 2v2, double mage teams in 3v3, there are too many of them currently.Unexperienced people can’t deal with such stupidly overtuned class that has access to unlimited CC spam and immortality, FireMage yeah. A mistweaver friend of mine quit the game because of it.

Still arena is worth the effort, the more you learn the more you start enjoying it. I enjoy more around 2300 MMR compared to 1700-1800 matches, we play against booster 3k rating Gladiators, constant CD trades, tactical fights are enjoyable. So don’t give up, it is worth it, all we need is a proper balance patch.

I’m not really seeing the parallel.

Me a Prot pala in Arena with my Boomy brother
Whistling while walking away as fast from the thread as i did getting in to it

Tbh i don’t even care if ppl hate prot pala, I hit 1400 and im satisfied.

I never understood why ilvls aren’t normalized or scaled to similar ilvls for ranked pvp.

Not if you enter in greens/blues, you should have full pvp set. ll pve gear scaled to 120.
Pvp gear to 197

Leave the opness for random and skirms

I hope you realize that itemlvl is everything no matter what secondary stats are. Your primary stats boost your dmg or healing way way more than secondaries.

Beocuse they done it in Legion and it failed. Players completly stoped doing pvp becouse you know wow is still mmorpg game so character progression is part of it no matter if we talk about pve or pvp.

That would be templates ie no control over your stats I’m talking rather wod system

And no scaling in randoms.

Just a level playing field for rated pvp while players are still in control of which secondary stats to favour

Doesnt change anything about it. You gear progression is invalidated which is exact same thing. Both systems are gabage. You should rather ask Blizz to reduce powercreep. At best remove all difficutly levels and go back to TBC powercreep.

This insane 300% power increases in single patch is exactly what creates this giant holes between new players and old players.

I agree that would work as well.

But I’m p sure they won’t and rather will further increase the gap.

So next best thing and prob easier to implement mid X-Pac is scaling in rated so fresh players/alts don’t have their char progress halted by having to fight at 30+ ilvl disadvantage which I’m sure is rather off-putting for a lot of people

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Cuttering game to new players isnt the way. Those people are minority. When expansions is several months old there is no longer any big influx of new players so allianate your current playerbase for few latercomes is bad idea.

comp stomp was the best thing ever !
was best way to farm honor ever in wow !

God forbid you want to try another class.

I just don’t see the need for such a big power gap in a rated environment

Uugh the knowledge for pvp is giving me a headache just to understand how it works i find PVE easier in that regard i feel like mobas are easier then wow pvp nowadays at least i play em so i can say but the point is nowadays pvp is poop for new players or PVE players who want to get into it like me.

They did that in Legion. I quit PvP in Legion. What’s the point of playing it if it offers no character progression?

I kinda miss the old dueling locations for this. It was really nice to get the hang of what different classes can do and how to play against them.

Right now the only places you can kinda learn this is arena and random bgs and honestly BGs are a little too hectic to really focus on learning how to play against the individual classes.

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Somehow for me at least that doesn’t work because I can’t follow what the player does so many animations happening on screen and it ends too fast not like in league of legends where the pro player actually shows you and explains every action he does and why he is a counter to him.

What i see on wow pvp videos mostly no talking just keyboard clicking sounds and swearing what am I suppose to learn there Haha :laughing: .

No yt wow pvp videos apart from Swifty are not a good way to learn they play like mute ppl and i just yawn :yawning_face: and click away.

Watching him is how I learned to feral back in the day when I played feral to 2.2k.

Good for you I learned some stuff in the past by playing myself and watching a detailed guide back in wotlk not watching some mutes click random buttons on a keyboard how does that work?.

I’m not saying your method of learning is flawed i just don’t learn that way.

If it’s a higher ilvl, there’s no such thing as the wrong stats :slight_smile:

Optimising secondary stats matters a lot less than it used to. Primary stat and stamina override everything unless you’re comparing 2 items of the same ilvl. It’s nice to get your perfect stats, but it’s not like BfA where you’d ignore a 20 ilvl improvement because the secondaries were wrong.

It is unlucky if you get a duplicate, or an item for the same slot you’ve already got a good item in though. The multiple choices are supposed to help mitigate that, but I’ve had a couple where there just wasn’t any good choice and I had to pick the best of 3 mediocre options.

Hmm? Arena is a pepega fest of who oneshots the other opponent faster. Fights don’t last over 20s unless someone is specifically a tank spec.

Oh my the hunt and skulker predator combo failed it’s oneshot? F’s in the chat.

Mage failed combust? Good luck.

Convoke failed? Back to the spectator seats.

Rogue failed the sub threeshot combo and can’t reset? Ciao.

BGs are no different, you either do objective or pepega roll to kill ppl.