PvP is really BAD for new players

That is true but dude don’t use twitch.tv emotes to talk i cringed so hard no offense of course.

But yeah fights don’t last long anymore and it’s over before you know it and bgs are either do the objectives or fail and farm honor kills before you lose.

but isn’t this the case in just about any PVP game?
you got glads at 1400 rating farming their saddles and tanking CR once they reach too high and it becomes too hard to win all the time. On top of that, they play those op fotm specs.

Hearthstone is even worse for new players to join. It’s expensive af and you have tier 0 meta decks even at the lowest rank of ladder play.

That was by far the best system to date indeed.


I second that.

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Hang on…you can get pvp rating from random arena skirmishes?

No. /10char

I’m talking about wod system, not templates as I already stated

pvp’s been new player unfriendly for years now. It’s nothing new.

That’s one of the unfortunate consequences of this game being old. 15 years means some people have 15 years of experience. while a newbie has to start fresh.


Frankly the games old. Gear or not old players will stomp new players 9/10 of the time from experience. Which is fine.

I, someone who never got into counterstrike would get absolutely smashed for months before being able to mildly hold my own. Which, is fine. Experience is invaluable in gaming.

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comp stomp is new player friendly atleast …

I agree, Blizz could help a little though as many of the addons for example should be actual options within the game.

Retail is a distraction toy made to keep the subs of the people who have played the game for 15 years. It is not at all made for new players to start and enjoy - it’s just systems to keep players with many alts entertained by either getting a tiny ilvl increment at super end game or collecting pets/achievements etc.

This is the issue you are facing.

In a PvP context - they will be players with years of experience just playing to get that next PvP gear upgrade in a game they have been PvPing in for over a decade.

If PvP rewards were titles and not more powerful gear making those that put the most time in also the strongest geared - it would level the playing field somewhat and remove the imbalance that comes from giving the top ranked PvPers better gear that widen that gap even further.

In Touring Car Racing for example, the winner is given ballast which makes it harder for them - the exact opposite of what wow does. WoWs system would be to allow the race winner to lighten their car and run away with the championship more.

The fun in wow has actually been taken out from the forced attempts at balance they made to turn the game from an RPG into an esport. That drained the RPG fun out of it in the name of balance and yet they ruin that balance by rewarding top rather PvPers with gear that makes them even stronger!

PvP rewards should be titles and Transmog skins that say - I am the best PvPer.

So you expect to get higher rated without putting in the effort?

If I look at all games I play, there is no game noob friendly. The learning curve on wow might begin very high I agree. And yes it is unfair to fight someone who is higher itemlevel. I do very agree on that one but that’s also the thing when playing a morph. Generally you’re going to lose to someone who has put more time into the game then you.

If you’re at 1200 all you need is more training and information. I am pretty sure if you want to learn, you will.

I dont think pvp is bad for newer players. It’s just something that you need to put time in and invest in. If you like it that shouldn’t be the problem.

Just keep pushing and trying (:

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You can send a ticket for refund for months which was not used at all.

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Yeah - but then imagine Counterstrike if you also didnt have access to the super powerful weapons that the players who are top rated have as they have played for 10 years and been rewarded with them!

Then you are always at a MAJOR disadvantage - in both experience and tools available.

Does not sound like OP didn’t put in effort

Well right now the top rated guys have weapons from the past like 3 weeks. So not exactly forever. But in this game once your behind you stay behind…

If you can’t see what’s happening, chances are they are just doing their rotation. But things like CC, movement and positioning, what to kick and when to throw the towel into the ring should all be pretty easily visible.

I learned rogue this way back in Cata. I just watched a few Mercader videos and knew how to play it pretty well in just a few days to the point of impressing folks who’ve been playing it for about just as long.

But of course everyone is different, so I wouldn’t expect it to work for everyone. It’s just something worth giving a shot.

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Pretty much this actually :arrow_up:

Meanwhile here I am secretly hoping Comp Stomp will make a return and maybe act as a permanent mode so PvE players can have a taste of PvP content but with PvE as their enemies. (I personally hate PvP with a burning passion solely for toxicity and lose streaks I end up with so a PvE option to do PvP content would be amazing.)

Heck, it’d make for great content for new players too if they wanna try PvP but want to get accustomed.