PvP is really BAD for new players

I agree with the rating based gear. You can get kills as double dps, but as you’re climbing you’re playing better players, and they have better gear. Its a bit silly really. They should just have the upgrade system in place for the conquest gear for everyone. But then on the other hand it feels quite nice to reach that milestone of the higher gear.

But yeah, PvP has been at its best when its separate from PvE.
The WoD system was good, but Im not sure they would do that again. Tbh, since I finally started to get better PvP gear and start doing rated arena, my gear upgrades have become much faster than queuing BGs and Skirmishes. Im not going for rating atm, just relearning PvP and grtting my conquest, but its been pretty fun so far. Although fire mage is strong, balance druid is crazy, ended up in a 1v1 with one yesterday and I was full health, he was running round a pillar healing, then he got his CDs, I interrupted convoke straight away but he hit me with 2 starsurges for 12k each, one after the other. I was like, okay then. xD

That’s not true. It failed because players wanted more customization for 2ndary stats.

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I never played it, why was it?

I agree!

I don’t stand any chance against a 171 iLvl, blue geared, skilled player!

It’s just that no player with 22k health managed to out-skill me so far.

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