PvP is really BAD for new players

So basically you just don’t want to lose.

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No that’s actually false. I just would like to be able to access PvP stuff while still having a even chance and not dying 24/7 because some classes are stupidly powerful in PvP plus being able to get transmogs like PvP gear and the mounts would be nice as well. Blizzard has shown they can make difficult AI.

They really haven’t.

You can do all that in random bgs. Most players aren’t geared and aren’t insanely good at the game, chances are you’ll win 50% of the time.

That’s where you’re incredibly wrong. The matchmaking is seriously bad on my end where we literally have iLV 200+ enemies destroying us nearly 24/7. Its practically a joke.

Also you say the AI isn’t difficult but have you even tried comp stomp?

Not sure how it worked in BFA as I didn’t do rated then, but it seems the rating lost for losses even pre 1.4k has changed a bit. I often saw people say about how it was “essentially impossible” to not get 1.4 in CR due to the way the w/l ranking change works…my experience is teaching me that the climb is extremely slow if you hover around the 50/50 ratio.

It’s quick if you have a higher w/l for sure, but the point is people are arguing that it’s easy and quick to reach 1.4cr even if you’re not exceptional at pvp, and tbh i don’t see that. Rating climb is very slow approaching 1.4 if you entertain certain amounts of losses. This may be to do with the fact that pre 1.4 bracket atm is full of pve comps with high ilevel gear which makes the climb not necessarily a case of “beat guys with similar gear to you, if you’re better you’ll win”. Of course you can beat people with better gear, but it’s arguably harder to do if their health is about 40% higher than yours as is their output as opposed to when they’re on the same HP as you.

The other day (currently just before 1.4 rating) me and my partner came up against a DPS with 39k HP and their healer 37. Me and my partner are around 190-200 ourselves, so “max unranked gear and some unranked conquest” as one would expect in the unranked bracket- yet there are people running around in the bracket with ilevels 20-30 higher than us. Makes it a bit of a slug at times especially when you’re still learning how rated pvp works and don’t have the experience of prior expos!

Comp stomp has never lasted over 5 minutes with a one sided graveyard farm on our side.

Also item level 200 is obtainable by playing random bgs.

It’s a case of “get good”, sorry.

You snooze you lose, Games don’t need “catch up” mechanics, they just need players who are not complete slackers and understand that… if you slack you fall behind, if you wait, you fall behind, If you join late you are gonna get slapped.

i just want to say 1 think

nerf me nerf me

Now they are forcing player to do pvp because of the scarce loot drops in pve. Meaning people dont like pvp but they do it for the loot anyways.

So hard to dooooooooooo

Cant be done used to be. Remember RESILIENCE ?? Well it was crap in pve must have in pvp.

i would rather start playing lol than rated pvp in wow



jUsT iNtErRuPt it bro!!

Arena is complete boring garbage in wich you basicly got to play the flavor of the month specc. Sadly thats what ranked is mostly based around. Things would be far better if rated bgs were the main stage for rated pvp

Pvp is just a burst and zerg frenzy. Not much you can do if your focused and/or stunned. Also, its current state is a joke, theres a few specs that can kill anything with little to No challenge. Pvp is frustrating when its constant insta kill from a stun to the point you were rendered useless as couldn’t even move.


Based on your vast PvP experience, no doubt?

How very dare you, madam…I have enormous experience of dying in AV, dating back over a decade…Indeed I challenge you to find a worse PVPer than me, Mak’gora!

None of which changes the fact that someone seeking to progress, will find a consistent team beneficial…or, that making rated PVP easier, rather defeats the object of the exercise.