PvP is significantly harder than PvE

Therefore, it should grant better rewards.
I’ll go over the reasons as to why PvE is easier in this thread.

PvE players are free to do what they want.
Casters aren’t chased after, they’re not subject to interrupts. Healers aren’t getting tunneled, and they don’t need to avoid CC chains. PvE players don’t know how to bait interrupts, how to fake cast, they’d never think of using a spell from the “wrong” school of magic to freely cast something useful. For the same reason, they’re likely to interrupt a random Frost bolt and to let the mage cast a Polymorph right after.
Melee players might have an easier time in PvP, but casters and especially healers would absolutely get demolished in arena, even at low rating.

There are more people in a PvE group.
That means it’s less of an issue if a player is bad. It’s easier to complete a raid with 20 people, one of which is terrible at the game, than to climb the ladder in a team of 3 players, one of which is also terrible at the game.
It’s simple maths. Since there are more players involved, it’s significantly easier to get carried by team mates in dungeons and raids. The only exception would be boss mechanics where, if 1 guy doesn’t do it properly, everybody dies. But that’s rarely how it works.

PvE players don’t need utility. They have no idea how to use half of their class toolkit, because PvE is all about damage and healing, with the occasional interrupt.
The average PvE players would never use Shackle undead on a Death Knight during Lichborne. They would never use Scare beast on the enemy rdruid when in cat form.
They would never cancel Lichborne and Cat form in time either if they saw the cast coming.
They don’t have the reflexes necessary to cast Grounding totem in order to prevent their allies from getting hit by chaos bolt or polymorph.
PvE casters, DKs and DHs would absolutely waste their interrupt in Grounding totem as well.

PvE only teaches you 2 things:

  • move away from the red circle on the ground
  • focus down the ads

Tell 5 players with 2200 XP in 3v3 to complete all +15 keys within a month, you can guarantee they’ll be able to do it.
Tell a bunch of PvE players with all +15 keys completed to reach 2200 in 3v3 in a month, it’s not likely to happen.

The truth is, ranked PvP is a slap in the face. You level up, you do dungeons, and you’re doing so well! Then, you join an arena, and it’s a reality check.
You get destroyed. Again, and again, and again. It’s frustrating, and most players don’t have the patience to truly learn how to play the game.
So, they quit PvP, and they stick to what’s easy: scripted PvE encounters with one or two mechanics per boss, where the monsters are all focusing down the tank anyway.

PvP is significantly harder than PvE.
You can’t argue against the truth.


Dude… you just opened Pandoras Box.

Raider carebears are about to storm this thread and rage to tell you that killing a NPC is way more difficult than a player.


Have you ever killed a Mythic raid boss? Especially something like Mythic Azshara or N’zoth :smiley:


That’s too easy.

Imagine if, instead of writing this wall of text full of specific examples, I just said:
“Have you ever won a 3v3 arena at high rating?”
That doesn’t tell you much. You wouldn’t have an insight as to why achieving that might be difficult.

Please elaborate if you want me to consider your opinion.


Then why don’t you have the achivement?


i aint gonna say whatevers More difficult.

im simply gonna Say

in a PvE orinated MMORPG, why would PvP be the highest gear earner. and before u say “no it isnt” imma Stop you right there.

This Game prides itself on Raid Content. the Team Prides itself on the raid content it creates. 90% of the content this game develops is PvE based…

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Here’s the thing, although killing another player is harder than killing an NPC. PVP can be done at any time of day whenever you decide to login. PVE, on the other hand, takes far longer to organize and get groups together let alone get all those players to work with each other properly. So you see although PVP is harder to master it is far less time-restricted and consuming. This is why PVP offers fewer rewards because it is a time = reward system.


If all you do is pvp, and if pvp is harder to master at that level, then why do you care about the rewards? By rewards i assume you mean ilvl of gear.
Even if myth raiders join pvp, they will have no chance against you, by your own admission.

So what does it matter what ilvl you get from pvp? You’ll be against other pvpers, same ilvl.

Now if you go against mythic raiders who have better gear and they are equally skilled, it is normal to get trashed. This is because they mastered the game to a higher degree. They have the pve skills and dedication, and the pvp mastery to go head to head with you.


Let me get this right:

You believe that defeating 3 players with your own party of 3 players in a closed room with a few pillars and ledges for LoS,

is somehow more difficult than:

defeating an NPC that has the health equivalent of Mt. Everest, has 25 different mechanics, 22 of which will outright one shot you if you make 1 mistake, requires 20 people to work in near perfect unison and sync, takes at best 10 minutes to kill and is only accomplished by a minuscule portion of WoW’s entire playerbase??

I highly doubt that if I miss click and interrupt a Frostbolt instead of a Polymorth I would instantly lose the match. Ye, I might need to use defensive but I would survive. Even more so if I have 2 other teammates to back me up. Now imagine if I did not manage to properly align myself in order to hit the void orb during Xanesh mythic, that orb then collided with terrain and the entire raid took a few million damage? Yeah, 1 mistake during that boss fight equals certain loss. You cannot instantly lose PvP if you misplace an interrupt or you let a polymorph go off. But you can instantly wipe a boss if you make 1 personal mistake! That’s the reason PvE has higher gear than PvP. It is significantly harder not because it is unexpected and unpredictable, like a real life player hitting you with his stat stick, but because its predictable mechanics require nigh perfect execution by 20 individuals for multiple minutes on a consistent basis.

Also, where is your World First Mythic N’Zoth? Don’t have it? But I thought PvE was easy for you?


There actually 2 player type .

The one that like how WoW is, complaining about something sometimes because they don’t neccesary like it .

And there second player, that just want showing his e-pen and thinking is opinion is the single one that should matter :thinking:

Don’t take it bad, I like PvP and have fun fighting for getting next rating achievement, but i’m also tired with every of those player " I’m pVp PlAyEr I’m BeTeR ThAN EvErYon ElsE REEEEEE "

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so your this type i see :slight_smile:

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I’m simply a jerk :smirk:


You are comparing oranges to apples. They are different.

PvE has its own challenges. In PVP you don’t have a boss that will enrage or an ad that will explode one shot the entire raid you if you do low DPS. You don’t have some laser beam or some void zone, or some ad chasing you that you need to avoid while still healing the tank and maintaining high DPS or whatever.

And yes, in PVP you have challenges like CC chains, fake casts, etc. But your opponents have the same challenges. They too can need to avoid CC chains, they too have to learn fake casts, etc. PVE bosses don’t need to dodge laser beams, they are immune to CC (99% of the time depending on encounter) and some of there most dangerous abilities can not be interrupted, stunned or even avoided.

Again, not saying which is harder. But it is really comparing apples to oranges. Very different.

3v3 is not the only form of PVP content. There are rated BGs with 10 people where you res at a graveyard if you die (a luxury PVE players don’t have). It has same rewards as arena.
Again, even in 3v3 your opponent has the same challenge.

You can have luck at your side and win in PVP if your opponent lags or disconnects. PVE NPCs don’t disconnect and they don’t lag.

PVE players do all that. CC, interrupts, etc are part of many PVE encounters. The fact that you make this statement means you never did any challenging PVE content.

I repeat for the third time. You are comparing apples to oranges. Both are very different. I am not making a claim that one form of content is easier or harder. Just that they are impossible to compare.

Both are not likely to happen because PVP players don’t like PVE and vice versa.
And I have seen high rated PVP players who totally suck in PVE (and vice versa).
And there are exceptional players who reach highest levels in both.

So I don’t really see what’s your point here.


I play StarCraft II.
I don’t play League of Legends. I’ve tried a little bit, and I got bored very quickly.

I think League of Legends is easier than StarCraft II.
Am I incorrect just because I don’t achievements in League of Legends?

It’s the only one that matters. Official PvP tournaments are all about 3v3.
Besides, no, they don’t have the same rewards. No Gladiator title & mount from RBGs, or even from 2v2.

Not to the same extent. And once again, the part you’re quoting mentions niche spells. Of course a PvE player will use an obvious spell like Kidney shot every now and then.
But in a PvP situation, I doubt they’d think of using Shackle undead during the Lichborne window.
Please consider the specific examples I gave.

True, but PvP players have been forced to PvE for the entirety of BFA. They have completed the M+15 keys. As for me, I did the smart thing and I skipped BFA entirely.

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You don’t need brain to play either Starcraft or Lol, So those are bad examples.

But yes. If you have not killed or even progressed on the mythic bosses, then you have no right to call them easy… Much like you have no right to call a food dish disgusting before trying it.


PvP is about playing the Meta or countering the Meta. Oh, and hugging pillars.

edit: *Arenas



But if there is such a skill gap why do you need the higher ilvl?
And as someone who does both, random PvP rewards being on par with heroic gear is representative for the average random BGer you can find

So? I doubt some rando on youtube have more brain than 20 people working togather to kill a Mythic boss world first

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Well, it’s true though.

Perfectly doing a mythic boss is a very hard task, besides pvp has a currency system so you’ll get all the gear eventually, PvE is all rng drops.