PvP is significantly harder than PvE

Then you clearly haven’t seen high level brood war or SC2 players, where every little decision they make is calculated and one mistake can end their game.

PvP in wow allows for way more mistakes than that.

Because pve gear >pvp gear.

Because you are forced to farm pve to get bis items, pvp vendors still lack behind pve mythic gear.

Because there is no pvp stat like resilience so when pve clicker joins arena with higer item level, there is no chance of winning if he doest have pvp stat not just delete u off the map with a single click on pve trinkets.

Thats why.

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PvP should just be removed from the game completely so the team can focus on PvE, instead of having to cater to waaah imbalance warrior kill me

or waaah paladin hit hard and heal much :((


I don’t want to go “boo hoo PvE ez”, but personally I don’t have any issues with doing mechanics or doing dps/hps during boss fight. I have timers, arrows, swirlies, circles, cast bars… Imho PvE is hard for world first guilds when they have to do mechanics and at the same time they have to do dps/hps while not knowing strat for this boss yet.

I can’t remember single boss where I had troubles with doing my job.

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PvP will always be harder since you are playing against actual people, nothing discovered here, but why would you want better rewards for it? Imo a better approach would be to completely strip gear in PvP, and make everyone have access to top tier gear like in GW2, this way PvP would be about actual PvP, not rolfstoming people that have worse gear.


Can’t you just be happy for what the other guy has and what he’s gone through rather than jealous and spiteful?


It is harder for me because if I want to PvP I go play a PvP oriented game rather than a PvE one. I admit, I am not good in PvP at all in WoW, because if I want a PvP game I play something else that is balanced around PvP.

Well… Most of what you said is wrong.

I would be fine with them dropping the same quality of gear honestly, mythic gear for elite gear etc.

Or just make it so pvp drops/or rather sells pvp gear with pvp power like it used to do.

I get that both pvp and pve are hard on their own way, but when bis gear for both pvp and pve drops from pve content it kills the main drive being pvp gameplay for me.

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Slapface what have you done?

Want the truth?
The true is wow pvp like wow professions, you do it as side content but majority of people don’t really care, it’s hard to learn, only people that have been doing this game for years really care about it because they know all the skills for ages! But if you’re a new player you don’t care about pvp because there is better games for that. you come because you want to clear content and raids are the best content to clear in wow.
Wow raids is the only reason a new player would come to wow, not for their pvp, not professions, not transmogs, definitely not for fishing.

It doesnt need to give any better or worse rewards. This is an MMORPG and not everything is about “fairness”.

Besides, just play any combination of Sub or MM for 3s and tell me that thats harder than PvE.

Wow, at its heart is a pve game. Thats why the rewards are better for pve.

You all pvers and pvpers you wouldn’t stand a chance in the pet battle arena.

Bunch of noobs.


The difference imo between pve and pvp is - pve gets easier the longer you get ot do the raid, whilst pvp doesn’t (could even say it gets harder)

I wouldn’t say mythic raiding is easy

* angry valkyr noises *

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You have barely completed mythic dungeons in PVE in BFA (only 1 at the end of September for goodness sake) and have barely set foot in raids, only 1 Crucible achiev…
If you think PVE is THAT easy, then go ahead and do some fast and get your gear out of it, then you can focus on your extremely difficult PVP.

R1 PvP’ers will be able to roflstomp raiders and M+ runners always.

That’s not where the issue lies, it’s mostly people around 1600-2000 rating, that get annoyed with PvE players having a slight advantage with gear, that occasionally grants them a win.

It also doesn’t feel good to be the neglected, which is what Blizzard has done to PvP over the past couple of years.

PvP was hammered to the ground right after MoP and is still far from recovery. Meanwhile, PvE players are catered to left and right.

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PVP Is harder because people are unpredictable, and could do anything

PVE is harder because Bosses are very, very powerful and require constant, long running high level to near perfect execution, especially at lower gear levels

PVP is easier because people can make mistakes, and sometimes be exploited very easily, or throw a fight they should otherwise win

PVE is easier because you can outgear the opponent, or just learn what it does consistently

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With a single click of a pve trinket ? PVP sounds really very hard!