PvP is significantly harder than PvE

But if you’re good in PVP you’ll get high rating and get the best gear, no?
If you’re good in PVE you’ll get to kill mythic bosses and get the best gear, no?

Conversely if you suck…
For PVP have fun in the 1500-1700s.
For PVE grats on wiping in heroics.

Gr8 B8 M8. :slight_smile:

You make a very good point.
I give up on this thread. You won the argument.

Well done.

That isn’t even remotely true - most top end pvpers last season had to pay for boosts because of the advantage raiding gave lol… Almost the entire pvp community had to raid, at least the first 3 bosses. Well some joined raiding guilds but I suspect they paid gold or something

or to put it differently, raiding and m+ was so superior I had to do it - I’ve never done either except in vanilla

That basically means that they wanted an advantage over other PVPers, but didn’t get that advantage the proper way, but got boosted.
Effectively the same as if there was a mega OP weapon for PVE that was available to buy at 2400+ rating and the PVE’ers would buy PVP boosts.

In my opinion only someone who has topped both pvp AND pve has a valid opinion on this.

If you are not both, then you cant possibly say either way as you’ve not experienced both.

The only way I could take the opinion of someone who has not done both seriously, is if they say one is so hard they can’t get in to it.
But I dont think you are this person

You speak with your own experience Djoopie.
The truth is, 2200 is a little bit below duelist, which is the top 3% of the ladder.

It’s not special for you. But not everybody can achieve that.
PvE players, even less so.

I killed many people with Nzoth mythic gear in BfA in a few seconds after the match started. They probably expect DBM warnings when we start to fight.

Have you ever checked BfA ladder for ranked PvP during BfA, top players were the ones with Mythic PvE gear, that is why it matters.

no, you are not.
rated over 2400 is 226, same as myth, except the last 2 bosses. irrelevant

pve trinkets are severely nerfed in pvp.
there is no stat like resilience, sure. but why would you need protection from some myth player unskilled in pvp? you really think you can’t overcome a what, 10-15 ilvl difference if he has no clue what to do?

ok, so now we’re getting somewhere. there might be an argument here that pvp gear ilvls scale too harshly with rating. perhaps 2400 for 226 is too much.

so how would you scale them? at what rating do you think a pvper should be able to upgrade the gear to 226, the mythic equivallent?
In other words, what is the mythic raid to rated pvp parity?

Further, should it be limited to RBGs?
Consider that M+, a smaller scale PVE can be compared with arenas more fairly than with RBGs, whereas RBGs are closer to raids, considering the size of the group.
So it stands to reason that since PVE gear is differentiated by group size, so should PVP gear.

it seems to me you are dismissing their skills.
if a player is good in pve it does not mean he can’t be good in pvp as well.
trinkets and corruption may have skewed the results, but that’s gone now.
the pve trinks are nerfed and I doubt anyone will run without an insignia at least from PVP. and you lose some versa if you don’t get the set.

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btw, here is a plot of the rating/ratio of the first 4970 teams in pvp:

If anything it shows that the higher rated players don’t win more often than less rated (given that the lowest rating in that plot is 2377 and the highest is 3655).
Part of that can certainly be explained by the match making which tends to make you fight people with about the same rating as you.

But at the same time, something is a bit off with that idea. If that really worked like that, the average win/loss ratio should be very close to 50%. Here, it is about 55%.
So, I suspect that teams presented in that plot have face other teams which are not in the present data.
Either pvpleaderboards.com data is incomplete (or just completely wrong), either something funny is really going on here.
For example, if some team rated 2600 face a lot of teams rated 2400, there’s a higher probability that 2600 team will win more often.
But at the same time, if team 2400 face, on average, a lot of teams rated 2200, same is true.
I think that’s what must happen. Basically, you win pvp and climb the ladder because you are lucky and, on average, you face opponents who are worse than you are.

I would argue that 1850 rating should = M+15

At least that’s my personal experience, I think that’s where the middle point is.

2400 is way too high.


The only thing PVP has is unporedictabillity of a human brain…

Firstly, there is certainly PVE content that surpasses PVP difficulty. End tier raid bosses are generally harder than having a PVP rating necessary to acquire the best PVP gear. Mythic Kil’Jaeden when it was current content was not easier than a 2200 rating.

And the quantity of people definitely doesnt decrease the difficulty. Its much easier to coordinate 3 people than 20, other things being equal. Part the reason why high end 3s can be so complex is that there are many fewer people involved. A true 20v20 brawl would be a much lower skill cap affair, because it would just be a chaotic mess where the careful use of abilities would go out the window.

The larger number of players may make carrying a bad player more feasible where the content isnt tightly tuned, but where it is, requiring all 20 players to be capable and to perform well at the same time is significantly harder than requiring the same of 3 players.

Secondly, PVP gear is kind of pointless. PVP power is relative. If you are buffed, so is your competition. I think there should be PVP specific stats to ensure mythic raiding doesnt feel mandatory to compete at the highest levels of PVP, but by the same token, world first raiders should not feel obliged to grind PVP gear (though they often have).

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That’s not even true. I mean, PvP isn’t unpredictable. If that was the case, you could not learn how to do it properly.

You can just like any other competitijve game…

That’s the opinion of anybody who has a working brain.
That means: 0 Blizzard employee at the moment.

Why are you feeding the troll?

for the unlocking of the upgrade or for the weekly great vault reward?

currently you can upgrade the gear based on rating no? And there is a great vault reward based on the highest rating as well.

winning a match at 1850+ for the weekly will be faaar easier in the first weeks than it would be to do an M14-15.

consider that PVE does not scale. PVE gets easier with gear. PVP however stays roughly the same, the content does not get inherently easier with gear because it assumes other players get geared as well.

Because it’s the weekend.

U lost me there…