Pvp multiboxing

If you want to stop pvp boxing in bg’s Blizzard you need to remove more than just /follow command.

Make multiseat mounts unusable.


Ooh for Ef Sake not another multibox video

Just leave the BG
Walk your dog and que again

I am a boxer myself. In pvp this should be banned.


It should be banned altogether imo.


Multiboxing in instanced PvP shouldnt be allowed!
I have pics with a full WSG horde group made by 1 guy with the same name with One, Two, Three, Four… ecs after his char name. He was a Warlock and he sent all his minions at once to attack you.

That looked like a PvP in some indie-low-budget game. It shouldnt be allowed in a big game as WoW. There are 25ish multiboxing Epics with just 1 guy in a team too.

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They’re multi-boxers… they can just use their own mount…?
And yeah, take things away from everyone else just to make multi-boxing (which should be entirely banned) slightly less obnoxious.

/follow doesn’t work in bgs… so playing 5+ characters with individual mounts wouldn’t work.

i’m quite sure he already said removing the /follow command is not enough. so that means they cant just follow the main chair on their own mounts


harsh, but true. Years ago seeing multiboxxing happening was very rare. it was almost a strange mystical thing to see happen in front of you. But since people started to realize botting is too dangerous they started multiboxxing instead. Now you see multiboxxers on a daily base, wich is way too often. and it does damage pvp and the mats economy. Just the fact its become way too common is the reason i think it should be banned


The reason this guy is multiboxing 5 in a bg is because he uses the hivemind mount - it only needs 1 driver.

Im always rude to the multiboxers in BGs and yesterday the guy said “Im just teaching my GF how to play” :smiley: But it was clear that this wasnt the case. He had the same names and just moved in the same path. Its hard if 2 separate players play the game to be always together devided by 1 cm. Following is not working, but multiboxers still can manage how to move together.

But… they’re multi boxers… they’re stacked on top of each other and all receive the same movement key inputs, so it doesn’t matter if they can /follow or not.

Besides nobody cares about the mounting aspect of multi-boxers, it’s when you’re engaged in PVP that is the issue.

This is nothing more than an attempt for you to make multi-boxing in PVP less common by being a tiny bit more annoying so you can justify absuing multi-boxing in other aspects of the game.

I keep seeing it from you Anna
"I’m a multi-boxer but not the “bad” kind.
You are, accept it, you’re all throwing money for BS advantages and it’s not fun to play with or against you in any aspect of the game.

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It should be banned everywhere as it ruins the game for those who are around it :slight_smile:

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You can kinda make 2 work by holding down both mousebuttons but it’s very messy. If it looked perfect they could be using something that isn’t allowed by Blizzard.

yeah thats what i meant , i was agreeing with you on the /follow not being enough when multi mounts exist like that . it still keeps the multiboxxers chars close to eachother, wich is enough for ranged classes

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He uses interact with target (with click to move setting enabled) once they are on the ground to keep them in melee of the enemies.

Removing that would be a huge help too.

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it would solve the multiboxxers in pvp part atleast, i still feel like it should not be allowed at all since multiboxxing has become way too common nowadays. years back it was a rare thing to see, but now almost every server and shard seems to have atleast one destroying the mats economy

I think if they could ban it they would - but they can’t even stop bots.

Not gonna happend. Multiboxers is extra $$$$$ for blizz, as longests this will forever be the case you are just gonna be left with emptiness.

I have done dungeons with lots of people - we had plenty of fun.

Removing the mount in pvp would make it very difficult for them to pvp.

I don’t need to justify anything - and certainly not to you. I play by the rules and I harm no one.

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My main problem with multiboxers isnt that they are OP. I hate them, cuz they just join BGs for double-triple-or more honor leech and they are just useless. They just run around and dont do any healing or dmg.

Multiboxing in open world or inside Dungeons dont bothers me, cuz they just farm some stuff and put it in AH or farm mounts, etc. But its really annoying to see multiboxer in Battlegrounds.