Pvp multiboxing

haha i can’t argue with that

Nope they can’t stop bots immidiately. But eventually they will.

Remember the massive bot perma / suspension waves that happended in classic some months ago? how long did that take to happend? oh thats right.


So while you are right, it won’t last like that forever with those bots. It’s just a matter of when. Again, most likely Months or any next day it could happend for retail to.

It’s been a thing since the game began.

It’s a game of cat and mouse.

Yep, and it won’t change because like i said.

They bring blizz extra $$$$$.

I do not see how you multi-boxing would impact the dungeon in any way other than you sharing your loot between your own characters over the other members, which seems less fun to me.

Oh really?
In the video you linked the multi-boxer runs to FRR (which takes him 38 seconds). For the next 112 seconds he is running around being knocked about etc etc PVPing and having a ton of fun (for himself).

The entire video is compilations of him running to a base and then 5v1-ing people over and over. How does mounting mechanics ruin or stop that?

Half of your posts are you defending multi-boxing and justifying doing it because “oh I don’t do it to abuse PVP so i’m fine”.

I always report multiboxers in BGs but Im just worried about my game access :stuck_out_tongue: Dunno if they could ban me for reporting so many ppl for multiboxing, if multiboxing is allowed in BGs. Can they ban me for reporting multiboxers if I annoy them with tickets?

I don’t think they will ever stop bots. Many people make a living from it in real life.

The token hasn’t stopped gold/character sales.

Making the token useable for battle.net balance, which can then be used to buy any Blizzard product or service was a huge mistake.

Sounds like you are defending pvp boxing now…

He uses the mount to transport 5 characters around the bg.

Are you making this thread just to ez yourself and be sure if Activision dont ban multiboxers like you? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Nope. I am not worried. I have been doing it for 13 years, and I have never been in any trouble.

Wern’t you the guy using a free account to get into pvp easier? Boxing but not boxing?

Yeah :slight_smile: Im boxing but not boxing.
I still do it. Nobody told me if its against the rules, hehe.

Lets keep doing our boxing stuff :stuck_out_tongue: If Activision allow us, its nothing wrong with it.

Please explain how you’re mistaking my criticism of what he is doing (and all mutli-boxers) as defending PVP multi-boxing?

Yes, I understand that.
But when he is in combat, being pushed around, rooted, polymorphed, you name it, his characters are still perfectly stacked up as if they were just on /follow.

If he can move perfectly fine in combat why on earth do you think out of combat would be an issue?

And once he is out of combat it would take him what… 5 seconds to move his characters back together and mount them all up?

If it’s like this yeah it’s bannable, some guy in our discord got a 6 month ban for it.

That is because of interact with target with click to move enabled. If a target isn’t nearby he would have no choice but to use the 5 seater to get around.

Im not doing anything like that. I just party-sync with my Starter Edition and payed 10-19 level. When I queue for a BG, I just leave with the payed account and do my 120s chores while my 20 is waiting for 10-19s BG to pop. Its not illegal or multiboxing.

Did you make a ticket and ask? Not worth a ban imho.

I called Blizz many years ago. They know I am a boxer. Some of them box, I have had fun conversations with them on the phone in the past.

Im not accusing you about doing something illegal :slight_smile:
We are talking about “PvP Multiboxing” in here.
You dont do that, as you said.

I’m giving you friendly advice.

If you haven’t asked Blizzard if what you are doing is within the rules I would - it’s better than getting yourself a ban.

Right, that’s my point.
How does mounting up being more of a pain impact that in any way?

No, he could camp the base and wait, essentially locking down the entire base.
He could move around unmounted and get the full DK experience.

Or… he could just collect his other 4 characters together… or… they could just mount up at a slightly imperfect stack and just move with wide margins…?

I posted my case in the “Technical Support” forum and nobody answered me in there. So … it should be legal :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I posted pics in there a few months ago and nobody told me nothing. Either they are lazy or just dont care.