Pvp multiboxing

If he doesn’t have a target he can’t move the characters without that 5 seater.

More likey to be a detriment to his team.

You need to try it to know what I mean. There is no follow in Diablo 3. To box it you have to run into walls all the time to realign your characters. Same in bgs.

I contacted them before I started to make sure it was all okay.

They also put a note on my account. I have never had a gm contact me because of a report… and I know I must have been reported a lot.

I asked them on the phone how many reports they had about me… they told me they weren’t allowed to say exactly, but it was a lot.

That is not true, you could just map your movement keys lmao.

Right, but multi-boxers are not team players. They’re doing it for their own fun.

I’m happy to play with anyone nice… but I won’t pvp box.

I have helped plenty of people.

Well we’ve just gone full circle, Anna.
“… but I’m a good multi-boxer!”.

Like I said I am not doing anything wrong… just because you don’t like it… which I do not understand because I have zero impact on anyone.

Go make a ticket or something.

I never said you do anything wrong, I said multi-boxers as a whole are bad.
You can be the exception to the rule, that doesn’t mean mutli-boxing should not just be ruled out completely.

In general… I dont multibox. I just make a group with my Starter Edition and my Retail acc and queue for BG, then I leave the group and my SE still stays in 10-19 BG queue. I play with 1 character in 19s.

Who is this ugly guy?

How can you not know Swifty!?

Oh… the guy which NPC was removed from the game?

yes that guy.

all men are some just ignore or hide it better becourse it is the hormons work.

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Sure I know who this guy Swifty is :stuck_out_tongue:
Im just trying to troll.
But , yeah… You are right :slight_smile: Its in our nature.

atlest his better then some silly Asmond :rofl:

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Asmond??? Who???

exacly correct aswear :rofl:

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I’m off to give Vette a good shocking :stuck_out_tongue:

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