PvP on PvP Realms - Whats the world coming to

There are an inordinate amount of complaints on the classic forum from PvP players - who chose to roll a toon on a PvP Realm -who don’t - it seems - want to participate in PvP all of the time - if at all.

Faction Balance!! is the war cry of the complainers - it’s just not fair?

Now - you will forgive a die-hard PvE Realm player - but it strikes me - and it strikes me right on the funny bone - that you choose to complain about a system you chose to engage with.

But lets take a look at that - irrespective of any imbalance any co-ordinated Mass WPvP effort to dominate a single zone - gain control of a particular instance entrance or class quest zone will almost certainly succeed - its just a question of planning a campaign - and that is rather the point of a PvP Realm.

Complaining about the opposing faction farming honour is complaining about your own desire - you want to do the same

Every time I read the whinge-fest that is the P2 complaints what I see is players who should have rolled PvE

An enjoyable space to level with friends and PvP when it suits

so tell me - and I really am interested to know - what draws somebody to a PvP Realm - what makes you want the hassle of random squealing when you get one shotted by a PvP player 40 levels above you - or wiped as a party 5 times on your way to a dungeon entrance

And having explained the thrill of the danger this brings to your day - what makes you think you are entitled to whine about it 10 times a day?


oh look a horde sweetie trying to defend the 20/80 population in his favor

what a suprise


PvPers pre-P2: I love world PvP! I love the danger of being ganked anywhere in the open world, while doing the PvE content! Anyone who isn’t on a PvP server is a carebear that isn’t playing the ‘real’ game.


Blizzard: “You think you do, but you don’t.”


You’re a horde player. PVP realms are basically PVE realms with some added honor kills for you.


Lets be clear here - because I was - I play on a PvE realm and always have - so my faction has no bearing upon my question

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Doesnt change the fact that with the faction imbalance most horde PVP realms may as well be PVE servers there is so little danger because you outnumber the opposing faction to such a large degree.


Again - I outnumber no one - I do not - nor have I ever - played on a PvP server.

The question is - Why Do You? Why Do You choose to play on a PvP server and then complain when you are engaged in PvP?

This is irrespective of faction - faction imbalance is academic - it does not - should not - have such a great impact upon these realms if the players worked as a faction team.

So you tell me;

Why complain about an environment you chose to play in?
Why are you posting on a free boost retail toon?


If you cant understand that people like a fair fight then damn thats on you.

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As I wrote in another thread, I rolled on a PvP server to experience the PvP I remembered from Vanilla/TBC as well as private servers, mind you I managed rank 14 two times in vanilla as well as a couple of times on private servers. Sure I expected it to be a bit more hectic and more min maxed since I assumed that the population would be larger and game knowledge is higher now, however nothing prepared me for this massive zerg.

Pretty much every graveyard and FP from Redridge and up are camped constantly, so even if you spirit rez you get ganked over and over again. Getting to an instance that’s not in some low populated area require 1-2 hours corpse running. Taking a boat ride results in instant death and plenty of quest NPC’s in quest areas are killed frequently. Sure alliance PvP groups/raids exist and clear the area once in a while, but the faction imbalance means that it’s never enough.

This is not world PvP as it was in vanilla or TBC, this is not world PvP as it was on private servers, this is a mindless zerg. I so wanted those tense world PvP moments I missed from back in vanilla and had on private servers, instead I get ganked as soon as I land at a FP.

Sure there are plenty of PvPers from low pop servers that don’t see this, but on overcrowded realms plenty of people are already starting to logout, since apart from joining a PvP raid there ain’t much more you can actually do anymore.

Sure I could have rolled on a PvE server and enabled PvP when ever I so desired, but that’s not the gameplay experience I was looking for. Sadly though due to how Blizzard manage things I got a PvP experience that’s so far from what I expected and so far from how it was in vanilla that it’s not even fun. On the plus side though, I’m making sick cash selling Free Action Potions and Iron Grenades.


This is a crazy post.

I have always been a PVE player on retail.
With a few month here and there of PVPing via bgs.

So i hear about classic coming out a few years back, i start hearing about classic from influencers.

I hear these amazing story’s about southshore vs tmill.
I hear storys about world pvp events.

In my head im like wow this sounds incredible. I can’t wait to do this! I must must must roll on a pvp realm.

So classic comes, level up, pvp here and there over mobs and questing zones. Loved it.

Then p2 comes.
Can’t wait. Log on for launch. Fully preped.
In a huge guild.

Group up, go to brm. Wipe the first group of horde we saw, dominated them for 10. Ins, then a wave of horde came. Wiped us for 2 hours. Flew to other zones, got wiped by 3x the ammount of horde.

Log off, come back the next day. Make little 5 man groups, can’t find any fight anywhere thats not 40vs5, group up to 40 man, fight it for 10 mins, then its suddenly 200vs40.

One week later, we go to MC, and its unlike anything i have ever seen. Without a word of a lie, there was over 500 horde around brm. I was actually impressed the servers handled it.

And its just been non stop since, I can’t go anywhere, I can’t make a group big enough, like its not even an option, can your brain understand that? We cannot make a group big enough to beat 500 horde.

Theres no southshore vs tmill, southshore both are owned by horde. I can’t go anywhere. Theres no pvp events, its just a complete gank fest even if we bring 120.

So no, i believed i knew what pvp would be like, just like i am assuming most alliance people thought it would be.
I never heard once from a single influencer that it would be 500vs120 on a good day. But on most days 500vs40.

It’s a huge shame. As i wanted to experience what I was being sold by pro pvp server influencers


I don’t get the pvp whine either tbh.
I play alliance, so people can’t use the “you play horde” mentality.

I don’t mind fighting to get to places or making groups to gank horde back.

Sure, is getting ganked for 20mins coming off a FP annoying? Yeah ofc it can be. Sometimes I just want to do stuff, and I can’t. But instead of getting annoyed I just find something else to do til I can come back later when they’re bored.

Do I think it’s an issue? Not really, it’s what I expected. I expect people will get bored eventually and the wpvp madness will settle down slightly.

I’m lucky I’m on a server where the alliance actually work together and have good communications, we actually own a lot of hubs and can take over BRM on raid nights easily with a couple guilds working together. A lot of people aren’t willing to do that though, and that’s why they get steamrolled.


Last time I visited BRM there were 9 full raid groups of hordes and 5 alliance raids fighting it out, taking it over would have been impossible and even if 4 more groups of alliance came it would still just be a massive brawl. You can’t really expect the poor sods going to BRD to lvl or something to fix a couple of full raids to protect them, thankfully I was omw to MC so a couple of sappers later we left the carnage behind us, then again I’m on a server with double the population of yours.

There’s a reason PvE realms are listed as “normal” because that’s where normal people go.

PvP is where the psychopaths (horde) and masochists (alliance) go.


so you have no shared experience, and think you can judge what is going on, looking through your rose colored glasses?

We can debate all the time you want but the game will still be unplayable to the minority faction (alliance mostly) on pvp realms and that is due to the huge population and faction imbalance in favour of the horde. So, like me, people quit or reroll horde so we can all play happily together on our pve (named pvp) horde realms :slight_smile:

Times have changed.
MMORPGs are no longer about having a world and do whatever the world throws at you.
It’s about the world proposing different activities to players who then agree (or not) to do them.

I… prefer the former. But I am reasonnable enough to understand that it’s a thing of the past. That’s why there is complaining. Because WPvP is -simply put- not to the taste of modern audience.

Enjoy those endless BG queues :slight_smile:

I think there is quite a big distinction between PvP between equal level players, and a group of 5-10+ Horde actively seeking out lvl 50-59 levellers to just steamroll them day and night.

I logged in at 7.30am to try and finish up questing etc, and still met multiple groups roaming - this was honestly a bit of a surprise, and a nasty kind of behaviour that certainly did not exist in Vanilla WoW.

At least we get to laugh at all the Horde complaining about BG queues soon, since they’ve all basically destroyed their servers

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Don’t think this is a case of just horde doing it. I am on horde and Ally on my server are honestly behaving pathetically.

It changes from server to server. It may be the case horde is also doing it just as much/more on this server but I have no idea what is going on for Ally side. Trust me, its not just horde being pathetic

Cross realm BG’s.