PvP on PvP Realms - Whats the world coming to

You play on a pve server so what the hell do you know ?

Im PVP, I was rank 13 in Vanilla but it is crazy at the moment, you can see it in AH, hardly any goods for sale because no one can do anything

Its not comparable to old Vanilla because the population on the servers was like 3000. Put simply the two vanilla continents arnt big enough for the populations of the servers and the lack of BGs and therefore the lower rate of honor required to rank up has created mass carnage. Yesterday in Searing gorge there was something like a hundred horde camping Black rock mountain dungeon groups. There were piles of skeletons, thousands of them…….(If I was horde id be very proud of that) but its turning people away from the game in droves.

Alliance are heavily outnumbered not just by players but by PVP orientated players so ive seen a lot of people quitting which just increases the balance

Phase 1 had PvP enabled. They were not complaining about it then. Why?

Not sure unlocking bg’s early will stop Wpvp in farming zones as in nost and many more private projects we tested early releases there were regular gangers no matter the battlegrounds.

Also releasing BWL early 2020 means we ll be raiding cthun in July…and by 2021 classic wild ride will be over ;

Not at all - I have experienced PvP historically and it was not for me 15 years ago - certainly isn’t now

My intrigue - my interest - is why you would choose to play within an environment and then complain about it

You are right about many things in your post.
Only one wrong is you call this activity “PvP”.
This is honor farm, farm for some reward using any means. That is not PvP, people who do it arent interested in pvp, only rewards.

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I can answer your question (I’m a PvE player too)

It comes down to expectations vs reality.

Players think that the servers were going to experience a game of dynamic territorial change and escalating skirmishes, indeed i think this is blizzard’s intention. However in this environment players seek to win more than they lose leading to a single faction dominance, this has always been the case.

I’ve been over and over why this happens so ill just link this

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I made a character on a PvP server because i like wpvp.

But this is not wpvp, it is a mindless slaughter.

Alliance players can’t even get to dungeons. Horde players are spawn camping the flight masters too. They are literally everywhere.

I had no idea that the servers would be this horde dominated.

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Sigwar, this might be the case on your server, I can assure you both sides are engaging in full blown douchebaggery.

In fact I just stopped playing today, cant be bothered, it is not fun in its current state.

I will come back when BGs are out. No point at the moment playing. This might mean I just dont bother continuing with a subscription, if this was the aim of Blizz, they achieved it.


What you are missing from your question isn’t why people choose to play in a pvp environment and then get upset by pvp. It’s why is it now all of a sudden a problem?
Why has it become such a big problem now?
Well, they have released the honor for kills, and people who play wow for pvp have no other place to go than to farm people out in the world.
And as it has been mentioned earlier, there is no BG so where do you go? For a fair fight? Sure, some might. Others who want loot, will not.
Just like people who want items and honor log on at different hours so that the BG will be easier to dominate.
The problem we are all here talking about is really that Blizzard has opted to release honor for killing the opposite faction without also opening for a place to do so (being the Battle grounds).
So now we see pvp servers where those who want pvp (horde and alliance) group up and farm people for honor.
And once in a while it is a fair fight, but mostly it’s the people who want to kill and farm honor who kill the once that wants to farm or get to level 60 ect.
So, why are people upset about being killed om pvp on a pvp server?
Because it’s not fun to be farmed, it’s not fun be killed 10 times an hour, it’s not fun to move for the 5th time and still get killed.
WoW is just not fun at the moment. (unless you want pvp, have gear, and have the dominating % faction on your server).

you only get killed 10 times in 1 hour? That estimate is on the low side for me right now.

This morning I have spent more time dead, than I have alive. This is not fun.

so tell me - and I really am interested to know - what draws somebody to a PvP Realm - what makes you want the hassle of random squealing when you get one shotted every 3 minutes by a PvP player 40 levels above you - or wiped as a party 16 times on your way to a dungeon entrance

Since you are not from PvP server, I corrected your sentence.
Also you should add corpse camping for hours.

You’re welcome.

I automatically dismiss any Horde player defending the current state of “PvP”. Just look at old PvP montage videos for how it used to be. This is nothing like it.

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i for one love pvp at all times every time, even if its a hopeless uneven and outnumbered fight.
i made a post “crying” that there’s no alliance to be found on my server and the alliance gave their reply to me, in person, within the game after their raid found me outside BRM. we were about 20-30 hordes vs. 50+ alliance (according to spy) so needless to say they whooped our rear ends, but it was still miles better than traveling between every zone and finding 1-2 people to gank for 15 honor points each (shared among the raid) every 20 minutes. in fact they were so proud that apparently they pinned a gif on gandling discord showing me being pebbled by circa 25 grenades after being mindcontrolled and sheeped for about a minute and a half. must have hit the nail on the head with my post for them to react like that :slight_smile:
gg allies, well done. do more of that please, maybe we can get some actually exciting pvp going before the battle grounds come out and world pvp dies off.

In the end most Alliance players will just transfer for a Alliance dominated PvP server when paid-transfer becomes available, and i can’t wait for it! :slight_smile:

Most people complaining are BFA players, that followed their streamer to a pvp realm, expecting that it´s pvp free environment like on retail.

Everyone with Classic experience should have known, that dead flightmasters or NPC´s, corpse camping Rogues and cows that raid cities are Vanilla. Complaining about pvp on a pvp realm is indeed silly, but there are so many things with this community that just don´t make sense.

They hated on retail due LFG, but now use an addon that does the same. They hated gearscore and raider. io, but now use Spy. They asked for world pvp, but now dodge it as it´s not “fair”. Once Naxx comes out, they will hate the grind involved, once BG´s do, they hate on queue times and the grind to rank 14…

Asking for Classic, but then trying to turn it into retail is exactly what this community is all about. I honestly, don´t get it!

The principal complaint of any reasonable player who rolled on a PvP server isn’t that they don’t want to get ganked. I personally rolled on a PvP server because I want to PvP, fully accepting that sometimes you’re just outnumbered

Unfortunately, on most servers right now, world PvP is consistently nothing but target practice for the dominant faction. Frequent 20v1’s aren’t “PvP”.

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The problem is entitlement. Player joins PvP realm, PvP happens, they don’t like it, they demand changes to make PvP suit them - never mind the players that joined a PvP realm knowing what it would be like and wanted it.

There’s PvP (For Honour gain) and there’s just griefing of low level zones that yield ZERO honour gain. This is what people are complaining, and rightly so about. Anything within the Honour gain margain I completely expect but unfortunately there’s far too may uninformed, or just outright morons out there that have spiralled out of control.

Now go back to farming those level 40’s in Tanaris mate.

That’s been a thing in PvP games and MMOs since the dawn of time and it’s something that’s virtually impossible to fix without gimping or completely removing PvP altogether.
The people who are complaining about it are either totally new to the genre or had unrealistic or naive ideals on what classic PvP would be like.


The problem is the massive server population cap and unbalanced horde/ally ratios.