PvP Pet Battles need reviewing

I think PvP Pet Battles, especially at top end (Level 25) needs a significant review.

Almost everyone uses the same three battle pets, there is no variety in PvP and it just seems that a lot of people just stack up with what ever 3 of the same pet is the current meta and just use that.

Personally I think battle pets should be limited to one of each, and that’s it. To stop the focus around just one pet specifically.

I enjoy the pet battle system, at all level ranges, excluding when it hits 25 were everything changes and match making seems to almost always be against the same people with the same 3 pets, such as the Beast - Infernal Pyreclaw or the Dragon - Stormborne Whelping which in my view is one of thee most over powered creatures in pet battles as it has the ability almost one shot most creatures.

It hardly seems fair or right in my own opinion.

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It’s a complicated problem.

If you’re interested, have a look at


for some discussion.

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I will thank you for this :slight_smile:

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You’re welcome! :smiley:

And I’m not dismissing you - having read through the basic old arguments, you might have some new thoughts, and if you do, I’d love to hear them.

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