Anyone who still claims that inflation isn’t real is literally trolling. I only play 12 hours a week and I’m already 2162 rating.
If you guys have negative 35℅ winrate of course you can’t climb, just don’t spread misinformation.
Anyone who still claims that inflation isn’t real is literally trolling. I only play 12 hours a week and I’m already 2162 rating.
If you guys have negative 35℅ winrate of course you can’t climb, just don’t spread misinformation.
Most arms warriors have been duelist in shuffles since first 4 weeks and dhs since 1st week, current ratings in shuffle as arms is nothing to even consider about.
Your peak is 1.5 currently at arenas and thats the only rating that matter since blizz has made most achievements gained through shuffles as worthless as trying flex arms warrior shuffles. Get it in arena and tell us how the inflation is or isnt. There is no inflation yet as people are not playing, game is as deflated as ever.
Iam pretty sure all my chars jumped like 60-80 points in mmr this week without playing but I could be crazy.
Also 50 people now hit 2,4 instead of 3 in Eu. We can ignore that 5 of this are Lontar alone.
However still no people are playing which keeps inflation low. I can only repeat 3-5 minute wait time for 3v3 on an afternoon felt crazy to me.
If 3v3 wait is longer than 60 seconds blizzard needs to pull an emergency switch.
Not even talking about dead lfg is. Its basically 70% 0-1200 rating people looking to cap twinks or 1,8-2k Mglad spammer who sweat with a 50% win rate and are rage ready at anything
Cant even play with friends anymore. Most people will now get their vault cap for sockets outside of arena cause its more time efficient and no one cares to que before the end of season
When this post was made 2 weeks ago, there were zero people above 2400 in 3s and the highest was 2390. Now, there are almost 100 above 2400 and the highest is 2660. So, clearly there is some.
There’s only inflation for people playing the game. The ones who are stuck on the forums repeatedly complaining about their own problems trying to make them sound like everybody else’s problems don’t have inflation though. Because they aren’t playing. Can’t push if you don’t play.
But ask yourself why they not playing? Specialy healers…
Currently we got game which award you for nothing for wining match, yet punished you hard for loses even for draws.
As healer situation is like this:
You play 3 hours, and it going well, you grinding your ratting slowly, since for wins you got like +10 , +20, most of games are draw… than baaaaaaaaaaaaam only one good lose and all 3 hours of bloody work gone, time wasted, progress to nowhere…
You are getting long queues because solo shuffle is not fun and rewarding for healers. You’re queuing just to be constantly CC’d and blamed for the loss, who likes that? It’s no fun. That is why a regular player would rather wait 20 minutes in queue to play DPS and will choose to play DPS 99 out of 100 times.
Have you considered not getting CCed and being good?
Or the situation for healers is
Play in a premade bracket with a good comp for your healer spec
Push rating every day because there’s inflation
Never have to heal idiots
Get whispered to queue the moment you log in
Get achievements and have fun
No man, every healer on this forum only queues shuffle on 1.7, doesn’t believe other brackets or things like a friendlist exist.
The sad reality is the only healers who can’t push in the premade brackets are the ones who aren’t good enough to push and don’t want to commit the time to be. Because everybody can push rating in this game if they commit some effort to it, especially with team comps that go well with their team. But the ego factor kicks in and being unable to say " my bad " or think about personal mistakes leads those people to think it’s someone else’s fault always.
The thing is that 2v2 and 3v3 is more deflated than Shuffle. And the Shuffle healer bracket is more deflated than the Shuffle dps bracket. So no matter which mode you choose to play you can only lose as a healer. Blizzard is telling healers to move on since the start of S2 and that’s what they’re finally doing lol.
No, it isn’t.
Stop rolling off of forum myths and what you’re hearing on it. Right now you literally win more rating than what you lose. You can do one session, win 15 games and lose 18 games and still end up with more rating than you started.
Try it for yourself. People are quing all the time now, the maximum rating between late November and Mid December was 2300 and 2350. The maximum rating in 3s between Mid December and Late december / now went from 2350 to basically 2700.
The last time I queued two sessions in a row I went from 1940 to 2250 in two sessions with a total of about 60 to 65% winrate.
There are people who already confirmed this. Inflation is pretty juicy.
Now imagine a world where as a healer you’re playing with decent people who don’t troll you and win with you
To be honest, I haven’t played since the “inflation” but I find it a bit hard to believe that 3v3 and 2v2 is more inflated than Shuffle now. There are 1200 people above 2,1k in 2s, 1100 above 2,1k in 3s and almost 5000 people above 2,1k in Shuffle. Like I might be wrong and it’s indeed easier to push in 3s now than in Shuffle and it’s just far less popular but I find that a bit hard to believe (people would probably just hop over onto the mode that is inflated the most and abandon every other mode).
I mean I haven’t queued a single Shuffle since middle of last season. Just had the feeling that everybody who isn’t spam queueing Shuffle as dps (and have infinite free time because of dps queues) is losing and that’s why I’ve stopped playing the game. Too little too late Blizz…
Edit: Just looked in the game right now, there are literally 3 groups listed in lfg like lmfao And all of them are between 1500-1600.
I haven’t logged in for two-ish weeks now I broke my fingers and can’t play right now, but rly rly rly RLY want to
Can’t wait to get those numbers-wumbers
I just opened LFG and there’s a total of 37 groups for 3v3.
Of course Shuffle is more inflated than the other 2 brackets. What I’m saying is that the other brackets are still being played quite a bit by the people who want to play.
But everybody has a choice of course. You can wait a bit and find a nice and cozy comp and push rating, or queue Shuffle as healer, get trolled, lose rating, repeat again, get mad, go on forums, write angry posts, pretend it’s the only game mode, meanwhile some other healer is out there pushing 2s and 3s, chilling, climbing, getting achievements.
It’s all a choice.
Oh you’re right, I just checked on my active char and there are more groups listed, my bad.
Yeah but that’s exactly the point. If you want to push rating your best bet is to play Shuffle as dps, everything else is sub optimal, thanks for confirming.
I even wrote that I haven’t queued Shuffle since several months? 2s ok but my friendlist is completely dead by now, everybody stopped playing for obvious reasons. Blizzard was lazy and no matter what they’re doing now a lot of people already made their decision that the season sucks and won’t come back.
Also there’s a third choice and that’s not playing the game. I’m just sick of my role getting ignored for over an entire season with no end in sight, I honestly feel like the responsible dev is getting paid by the competition for sabotaging the game.
Well, think for a moment.
Shuffle has about 6 to 10 times less healers in the top ratings compared to DPS. Maybe even more of a difference. This is because lower healers can get into higher DPS lobbies, if I remember correctly, with about a 150 to 200 maximum rating difference.
3v3 always has about 2 times less healers than dps in the top ratings compared to DPS because the DPS literally cannot get their ratings without those healers.
And that’s because pushing a healer in a premade bracket is 5 times easier than pushing it in Shuffle.
In premade brackets healers can literally have things like “free win / free push” comps. For example a Priest quing with a DK + BM hunter is extremely easy to play and win with. On both low and high ratings.
I literally have a few healer friends who refuse to ever queue Shuffle. Some of them are already 2200 or more in 3v3 or 2v2 with next to 0 games played in Shuffle. They just queue what they feel like and win with it.
played alot of 3s at 2200mmr lately and ques were between 10 seconds and 2 minutes mostly
Doubt that it’s easier to push ratings there (unless you have a fixed premade to play with). The reason why there are so few healers in high rated Shuffle is because they’re living in their own MMR bubble which isn’t affected by dps players, that bubble has less activity and therefore less inflation (at least I think so because that’s the only logical explanation).
And in Shuffle on dps they’d probably be close to 2,4k by now. Like I get it, you can get high ratings in all brackets and you can adapt. Your argument might hold for the top 0,5% playerbase who push gladiator (because it’s locked behind 3v3 only), the other 99,5% of the playerbase get the middle finger from Blizzard and their stupid rating system which belongs into a museum and not into a modern game. None of that changes the fact that the product is trash and below the quality of some f2p games.
Yes, it might be more bearable now with the inflation but they haven’t managed to fix any of the core issues: 2v2 and 3v3 being more deflated over all than Shuffle and Shuffle healer bracket being more deflated than dps bracket. It just feels awful. They should’ve never released Shuffle…
IDK man, I get your frustration, I’m a healer in shuffle myself. This is my first DF pvp season and I absolutely love the game mode! Just login and instaplay, don’t wait for your friends for couple hours, don’t pass the LFG-exam with people demanding 2.7 for 1.5 cr games. Just hop on and play! We all asked for this, didn’t we?
I know nobody cares, but for players like me with only about 1-2 hours of playtime after my kid went to sleep, this mode is a salvation.
People asked for a soloq, not this low quality 6 round ultra dampen format which bullies healers out of the game. And to be fair, as a healer you don’t really need high XP to find people to play with. The only thing which is of relevance when looking for mates is their current MMR and everybody who thinks otherwise is dumb