PvP Rating Adjustments

Is this guy human?

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I think that’s fair. If there’s a 0-6 anchor, then EVERYONE gets a chance to carry him and show their dominance. Imagine everyone’s tears if soloq was 1 round and someone would get this guy in their team.

6 rounds are great imo. Dampening ticking fast is fair enough also imo, because nobody (except couple individuals) wants to play 6 15 minute rounds for 14 rating.

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I never said that I’m good. My highest healer is hpala which was before the damage “nerf” 1800+ with a 96-60 win rate, but now after that nerf I just can’t top that damage and I got back to 1600+ . I just got bad in couple days I guess, need to git good

It doesn’t matter if you think you aren’t good or if you are bro. The point is to try to improve. You are not actively improving in a tilting environment with 2 DPS putting you on stress nonstop in Shuffle. Some Shuffle games are so fast that there is literally no room for improvement.

You are literally forced to do things like panic Bubble, panic trinket, because you can’t trust those people to press anything to not die. Which are both bad habits that will not be good if playing with decent players, because it will create CD overlaps into losing later.

Anybody can become good if they try and invest some time into it and look for advice and check out their own mistakes. Every single player on this forum can at least reach 2100, if they invest some time into doing that.

Point is if you are playing a premade bracket with a good comp for your class, you have more room for mistakes, you have a consistent win condition and you get to push and learn off of it.

It might sound like a meme but being patient and friendly does go a long way.

Not exactly.

Healing shuffle is about adapting to literally everything, including your teammates.

Healing premade brackets is much more scripted. You don’t need a PHD in Rocket Science to go to an enemy healer that is trapped by a Hunter, then press your Fear, repeat that 3 - 4 times and just win the game. Or do that off a Polymorph with RMP etc.

You are literally removing RNG variables that can decide if you win or lose by quing a premade bracket.

So by default healing Shuffle is harder, with the only time this can be an exception are the very highest ratings compared with eachother.

It’s a simple math equasion.

Premades in LFG need healers
You need dps
You join a group
You push
Add eachother
Play again

Or the same thing but with you making your own group and inviting people you think are decent to play with you.

Repeat that a couple of times as a healer, all of a sudden you have 0 reasons to ever queue Shuffle. 80% of my healer friends are quing 2v2 and 3v3 nearly all the time, Shuffle is something they queue at dead hours or to emergency cap vaults / gear new alts. Sometimes they push, but they don’t consider it the bracket that is the reason they log in to play for.

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Me 5 minutes ago: “Maybe I’ll try LFG again”

Oh, 4 groups.

A holy priest, a mistweaver and a resto druid looking for someone for 2v2 and a 3v3 group looking for a dps(preferably a caster).

Sure seems like it’s alive.

At 6 AM on a working day in EU? :smiley: Dunno what you were expecting

There were countless of m+ groups.

Even now, at 9 am there’s a total of 11 groups when I checked. Several of them already have a healer.

edit: Only group inviting me is a double warrior 3v3 group, lmao. I’m definitely not gonna play that.

Nobody is making you. It’s literaly morning hours. Try again in the afternoon or evening when people are actually back from work xD or make your own

the quality of shuffle games in the morning / late night isn’t any better

I’m sleeping at those hours currently. Not everyone lives a 7-16 life.

Why sign up then you donkey

I know girls who make tinder account and like every guy just to boost their ego when they get liked back and ghost them, Playing healer in wow is a similar experience.

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Cute :slight_smile:
We heard this 1 year ago.

I know its hard to make sense of the replys from that dh or in general what i see at this arenas, when im replied it makes me pause and consider if it is worth to answer or not as the explanation to correct everything which made no sense would be more effort than just ignore the reply. Im not sure if just trolling or if there is some other factors overtiredness or the like, the takes are bit weird and unlogical most of the time, still Ill give them the benefit of the doubt.

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Or logging your healer and repeatedly joining and letting shuffle queues time out to edge the DPS players over the course of 30 or 40 minutes while you make dinner, so that when they do get into an actual game they appreciate it a lot more and have more fun.

Can’t be me.

This only applies if you don’t have a job.

You make dinner at work? Brutal

Most offices have kitchen :stuck_out_tongue:

Aye when I say dinner I mean, 6-7pm when you’re home.

some people are 9 to 5, some 12 to 9:30