PvP Rating Adjustments

Nobody is making you reply to me. I have the guy you just replied to blocked on every platform at this point, he is literally making smurf accounts on Twitch to come harass me personally on streams. This is a person who admittedly calls the people he pushed Gladiator with “trash” and openly believes it was he who carried them instead. This is a person who is living in such a delusional fantasy of being better than everyone else, that I would suggest thinking twice before agreeing on anything with him.

The things I write are usually just simple advice for people they can try out with 0 intention of harm, quite the opposite, I’d love to hear that somebody found success in pushing. It is just boring to read on repeat people writing the same things when they don’t realize they are keeping themselves from utilizing their full potential or enjoying the game. I literally never boasted about myself being an insanely good player or anything. I just play the game a lot on a lot of classes and roles which is literally why I like to provide my opinions. If you don’t agree, then don’t, nobody is making you.

Opinions are what they are, opinions. Just because I like to argue my viewpoint and perspective still doesn’t mean you should agree with it or I need you to agree.

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Opinions are great, and so are suggestions, nothing is harmful until it becomes personal
like most of the forum trolls on here that want to point out rating being inferior to their own so their point must be invalid…

kinda silly really, its this type of elitism that caused BFA / SL to spawn

Yeah, it’s true. SL S2 spawned a lot of pseudo “3k xp” players, or people with other achievements and maximum ratings.

This contributed a lot to the ego boost of a lot of players, who in these days don’t even invite some people to groups in LFG because of that. It is very unlikely for most players who have played in S2 of SL to ever get higher “maximum experience” than what they got there if they actually tried to max it out back then. I was a bigger potato back then and I will happily admit it :rofl:

In SL people buyed boosts like they buy bread in bakery, I dont consider those seasons and its rewards legit even…


At no point have I said im held gun point to reply, what I said were the complete opposite of it that I often decide not to, just like on this case your reply to me made no sense and I have to explain this to you. Think Im just going to put you on ignore at this point as these nonsensical replies at me are frankly getting to my nerves more than anything else. I neither have any interest to daily read the takes of people abusing classes like dhs or wws on their current state but are too delusional themselves to see for what it is.

Do it I don’t mind.

I don’t understand how this is related to anything. Been playing my class when it was C tier, B tier, A tier, S tier e.g for years. Along with multiple other classes.

But it’s the respectful thing to put people on ignore if you can’t agree on something or multiple things. People who persue unnecesary drama such as the person mentioned should receive 0 attention, it literally derives them of their life force like a vampire left with no blood to drink

Lie. I don’t have burner Twitch accounts, you’re so paranoid it’s cute. Then again, you did mention you were having ‘bad mental health’ on that day so I understand. Take your meds maybe?

I was chilling in your Boomkins stream (because he’s ACTUALLY chill) when you and the Shaman I boosted randomly started talking about me in your party chat unprovoked without even knowing I was there. When you did know I was there, you even admitted that my presence has rattled you so much that you’re starting to ‘feed’ (which you were doing anyway before you and your equally obsessed Rsham started talking about me). Rent free.

The Shaman IS trash. You should know from the fact you guys lose many, many games with no cooldowns pressed.

https://imgur.com/gallery/lbjAFzJ - If I’m not carrying them then why were they begging me to come and play with them after I got my Glad? Surely they could have just replaced me instantly in LFG?


Until it comes to when you lose a game against people so insult them in your party chat. You’re so fake man, if you wanna talk smack about people, I suggest you advise your Boomkin to get a chat blocker or keep it to yourself.

So respectful putting people on ignore and then talking smack about them. Obsessed and rent free.

Difference between me and you is I actually have receipts and proof for claims I make. You on the other hand live in make believe world, living whatever fantasy you want to, with no proof or evidence for anything you say. And when you are confronted by somebody that DOES, what do you do? Ah yeah, you censor them:


Hmmmmm, unprovoked bringing up of my name by you and the Shaman I boosted because I hurt his ego too much.

Also, why are you banned in Bualock’s chat? ‘I might’ve said some things related to dogs and Demonology Warlock’.

Strange, that can’t be the super chilled, ‘no intention to cause harm’ Irony getting permanently banned in people’s chats, can it? Or did you not take your meds that day either so it was actually Patricia that said those mean things?


I love it when people whip out SS of receipts. The PvP forums is full of compulsive liars, so it’s nice to see evidence proving people wrong once in a while.


Yup. Next he’ll be calling me a ‘stalker’ again after providing proof…from a public website…where he was talking about me…unprovoked. Meanwhile what does he have on me? Ah yeah, baseless claims.

People on here are, and WoW in general tbh, are so fake it’s insane, maybe that’s why he’s called Irony? :person_shrugging:


I would say when you give people ways to be anonymous they believe they can say whatever they want and it has to be true so. Lillydot and a few more is a clear example of it. :person_shrugging:

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And when they can’t handle being factually wrong or exposed, IGNORE! :smiley:

Ignore, talk about something else, saying you are a troll for not believing their lie, blame everyone else and the list goes on and on.
People have too much of a “I am always right” mentality even if statistics or other proof is right infront of them. Quite funny at times though, but also the people that is impossible to discuss with since they live in their own bubble. :face_exhaling:


How is shuffle these days? Hardly played any at all but was gonna start playing it

Fine if you currently head into it as dh,uh,arms,ww but otherwise wouldnt recommend it. Ques havent changed as blizzard hasnt provided even after a year attempts to make dps and heals ss worth equal so there is no changes in ques either. Healers continue favor arena over ss as it provides more progress. I guess that covers most of it, so basically nothing has changed and welcome back. Needless to say the situation is dire, as the mode continues to divide playerbase and even as most dominantly played yet leaves many classes and even roles like healers out of the joy which personally I find the most senseless equation of the whole mess.

Year waiting and Im starting to wonder if it needs to be explained to some at blizzard that this mode needs healers and yet lacks rewards for them compared to other roles like dps. I wonder what part of this equation doesnt ring any bells. I sincerely wonder what is going on if this would need to be explained to them or anyone else who would question the matter. Dps and heal gains need to be equal, that would be basic assumption for any rated mode, which on its current iteration as 6 round shuffle and with separated mmrs for dps and heals doesnt happen.

Disappointment and situation related pvp ruined is what were dealing with. But I believe some dh,uh,arms,ww currently seem to enjoy shuffles and good for them I guess but I hardly see how it matters on big picture of things what 4 melee dps classes out of everything else in this game enjoyes if mostly everyone else doesnt. Hardly seem like the savior of pvp to say the least, more like destroyer of everything what was left of it.

long queues as DPS.

games are fine as long as its not 3-1 in terms of caster/melee. If you get a lobby with 3 casters as arms, prepare to go 1-5 or 0-6 even if they’re worse than you. Just the way it is. Likewise, if you get a lobby with a caster and you’re 3 melee, prepare for a 4-2 or 5-1 lobby.

still as toxic as ever - mostly healers with massive egos in my experience. i personally find it funny watching healers rage at all 4 dps as they go 0-6 themselves, but a lot of people won’t be able to handle that.

its fine for capping characters but i can’t imagine anyone playing it explicitly for fun with how long the queues are. the games themselves are fun, but its literally 15-30 minutes depending on your MMR and time of day just to get a pop - which isn’t guaranteed to even result in all 6 players hitting accept and you joining the game.

Tbh not even fine for capping vault anymore, which always was the only point of shuffle. They nerfed honor gains by around 30%.

Dont do it - its a very toxic mode for human brain. Just go normal arena and cap there. All healers went back to 2s and 3s you wont have it difficult to find a healer.

Often times when I make lfg group there are 3-5 healers applying at once and you can just pick and choose.

I don’t think that PvP is important enough to garner the attention that would be needed to keep balancing on par with the frequency of content patches. Doesn’t seem feasible.

I just wish they would at least implement an AI that balances damage/healing for each bracket based on spec performance or something. That way we wouldn’t have to endure the long streches of imbalance.

Im baffled at the fact that they release rated mode thats progress is not equal for heal and dps, now even after year of people complain of it they have done nothing to remedy it.

They have examples of real soloq systems from privas which people play and have been popular for over years, and even from their own other games, and yet they went and did something complete different which could be seen from drawing board to be fail if its separated from actual arenas or uses more than 1 round for its design, they had one job to copy any succesful soloq system already in use and they failed even at that.

Now this is the defining state of pvp for entire expansion and next till solorbg eats shuffles participation to its end. And then people play some grotesque mode made out of battlegrounds but doesnt even come near what battlegrounds were, watch people run nascar with speed buff and capping stuff brainlessly in turns and doing random zerg occasionally somewhere.

oh hey how did this work out? 22 days later?