PvP Rating Adjustments

Its bit doomer but it was realistical what Ive seen people talk of this for the moment. Money matter and our pvp doesnt.

He is brain damaged if he thinks pvp is 1% of wow population. I’m glad he got permad from twitch what a clown.

13% of wow playerbase has combatant achiv in df, and majority of wow pvp players don’t even play rated.

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I dont know about that but what he said related how big corporation like this works was real. Pvp is not cost efficient and the low level few guys that do care there doesnt matter as they dont get budget or permit to do anything and have to go through so many layers to get anything done.

I study Business and let me tell you that pvp in this game is more profitable than pve.

Not because it has more players, but because it’s cost efficient, because barely any dev time goes into it. With how garbage df was in terms of story and huge drop in pve participation they are lucky to break even from pve, however pvp continues to extract our money without barely any dev time going for it.


They focus effort on pve and classics, sod is getting constant attention when its more popular than pvp in retail and same for pve and always has been. They do changes on the game almost entirely related pve, if your spec is bad in pve then suspect it gain reworks or tuning etc and no one stops to think even for second if its good idea to make retri a range dps or warrior dozen mobility on short cd which all are great in pve for uptime between avoiding mechanics but doesnt transfer so well into pvp

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They like classic but also don’t like classic, because they cannot milk the store in it…YET

However In next expac there is atleast some attention going into pvp with solo q rbg and a new bg.

As for balance i cba talking about it, it’s not important, They gotta fix core systems first.

Its classic case of corporation stare charts and margins and having shareholders to please.

I think what he said were most realistical, its realistical we have people deciding for our game who have never played the game or have any interest on the game outside of some chart related statistics he is looking which aspect being most profitable or which aspect of the game gain the majority of playerbases attention which bring them the money if they please them. I see reworks constantly made for pve in mind which then affect heavily into pvp so I see how this seem like the case, I kinda agree with him on everything.

Never let some loser who plays wow all day, with secondary education tell you what’s what.

Half the garbage that comes from his mouth don’t even make any sense.

wish more people understood this. they made 3 bg maps in like 2005 and they’re still the most popular ones in 2023.

everyone’s favourite arena is also in the first batch they made in 2007, as well.

they could turn off like 5 of the newest bgs and 5 of the newest arenas and a lot of people would cheer.

a new season for pvpers is literally an enchant that was already being used on an NPC’s weapon somewhere, a mount that they recolour for the rest of the expansion, a tabard and a recolour of the tier set.

no new voice acting required. no new textures or models required. no playtesting required. who cares if there is a bug with an item set?

long after PvE is dead i’m confident they’ll keep 3-4 people around to churn out a new pvp season every 6 months, because its a waste of money not to, tbh.

Well I was pleased to see he also shares my opinion related shuffles, made me wonder how many other awc and r1 player thinks the same.

Shuffle has too many rounds, I dont care go into details why it is bad as it has been disgussed enough. It also divides the already thin playerbase. It should always had been soloq like it has been on privas for years now, soloq with flexq for 2s and 3s and same rules as in arenas related dampen and all and stop divide playerbase and peoples complains about leaving and all that. In general I think he seems intelligent and has alot good takes.

No i still miss strand of the ancients rip

You are wrong, they already preparing pve a grave, it’s called fated raids, and reused mythic+ dungs, main pve focus in this game is going to be solo content pve like delves and mage tower.

I’ve had 3v3 games that lasted longer than my average shuffle 6 round match, this is incorrect.

I dont understand the reply. I have made comment on this post related rdruid tho that they need nerfs cause all matches outside shuffles now last over +8min cause rdruid. And nobody likes that not even the people on top.

Fact of the matter is we cant keep dividing playerbase that is this small while using rated system that is tied entirely on participation, thats just reality. The system is terrible and now were dividing playerbase even more.

Also there is people who want to design their own comps or play with friends and loved ones so I cant advocate on removal of arenas either and it would be against everything mmos represent, the most logical solution would be to make real soloq like in priva and other games hence, ditch shuffle and make real soloq with flexq with the existing arenas and we stop dividing playerbase aswell solve many complaints I see on forum that only come from shuffles design but are not affected by 1 round arena formats.

Flex queue for legacy brackets would be fine, but also unfair to go vs meta comp sweats as some dumb comp like double warrior or something else.

As for shuffle i think it’s the most fair the system of arena tdm mode can have, the only problem is the queue times.

You said too many rounds in shuffle, i said those rounds are short due to dampening.

Yes theres too many rounds if theres more than 1, which results griefing and are vulnerable for leaving. Only single round of arena makes sense on this type of setting. Also due to nature of things healers get the short end of stick for 6 round of type format so we see they focus 2s currently more than shuffles when they want that similar rating gain what dps are having in shuffles. Again you have playerbase divided and needs not met equally. Problem.

Also we cant remove arenas due to mentioned reasons related friends/loved ones/people wanting to design their own comps and the like/mmo elements, we need a soloq tho so we cant just “remove shuffle” either when its needed, most logical solution would be these flexqs which combine soloq with team brachets used in privas and other games on their rated brachets which have soloq aswell.

They can have writen algorithm that soft favors team against team and soloq pug against pug on it, shuffle is already filled with algorithm intervening with natural order of how real arenas behave in terms of matching so I dont see how this would be problem either.

Queues are long as it is, i don’t think we need more soft algorithms.

Griefing still exists in other games, and they are mostly 1 round/game.
It’s just not a winning battle, however wow is an mmorpg and we can’t pick/choose our hero on the lobby before game starts, and there is no bans. That’s why i think shuffle is fair. Thankfully we are getting solo q rbg so hopefully the complaints stop!

You mentioned you dont want teams just stomping on pugs tho so I gave an solution.

It does and it exists most in multiple rounds systems which enables people behaviour like simply getting tilt for lose and start playing worse or grief the others cause they know they are gaining less from the lobby so they stop care or leave, all issues only affected by multiple round designs.

I watch rdruid die to dh and I ask him nicely to not use clone cause im playing affliction and will pressure everything, he replys to me with “watch me clone all” and proceeds to spam clone on every target when I soul rot darkglare etc basically ruins my gameplay intentionally, this is shuffle. In normal arena he got tilt for dieing and is somebody elses problem after instead of yours cause the lobby ended and everyone is heading to next instead be stuck with each other for another 5 long rounds.

There rises too many problems with 6 round design for soloq than it solves and on top of this all it splits the already small playerbase if we separate it from arena.

That’s your first mistake, you don’t type to people. Especially ones who just got destroyed the round before.

I would rather not see these people for more than 1 round, especially not gain them in my team. The game is team involved gameplay after all, I dont want to play with beginner level people and I dont want to explain people things that are mostly common knowledge. Im not a teacher, I get tired just watching arms chasing bm when there is mm on the same team being free entire game. And I would had to type it to him which I did after and he understood. I dont want to do this in soloq type of enviroment where we wont see again, I dont want to spend my time being teacher to low exp people telling them of basic prios or common knowledge related abilities and the like for 6 rounds. There is no point for me in investing on people using my effort to teach them something when I wont see them again in soloq type enviroment so its tiresome having to spend 6 rounds teaching people common knowledge instead of get rid of the lobby with 1 game and let these people educate themselves of the game like everyone else with sense and success have done so far.

Well good thing blizz is not removing 3v3/2v2, But understand that you are the minority, and the majority of players even though they complain alot play shuffle significantly more than the other brackets.

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My most enjoyed enviroment in mmo type pvp is battlegrounds, always been and always will be. I was pvp paul in vanil who sat in prema farming ab till we had dozen guys hws while rest of community were only raiding. 2008 I went to warhammer online which was 100% pvp mmo which is nothing but wpvp pushing campaign on contested zones toward other factions capital and queing to instanced battlegrounds while participating on this wpvp push which is the ultimate goal on its pvp to invade enemy capital. The push on zones went for several hours or sometimes entire day till reach capital and then it just starts again, never ending cycle of pvp. I loved it more than wow.