PvP Realms

Funny to read in the Classic forum all the hate on PvP realms. Maybe WM sharding is not so bad after all :slight_smile:


Thanks for pointing that bro…i for one enjoy salty threads.

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So much salt hehe.

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And yet they still sound so similar :smile:

Horde Mode/overwhelmed by alliance = unbalanced realms :grin:

The overall problem seem to be people hitting back :wink:

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That is the major issue for WPvP in both Classic and Retail… how can Blizz fix this issue of people hitting back!?!

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That is a very good question…

Maybe a system like in Diablo 2, where you could create your own realm, and then lock it behind a password… Then I can pvp with myself and no one will ever hit back :wink:

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Wow, it’s really hotting up in there… they hate PvP realms!

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