PvP Rewards and Item Levels

I see you are enjoying ganking people

Yea that is the best change related to these, because Duelist players are generally equal to Glads skillwise just less experienced ones, equalizing gear will help them to climb more easily if they really deserve it.

Hopefully I’ll snipe a weapon in raid since it’s gonna take some time before you can buy it for conquest.

There’s some ~33 pieces of gear. 3 options a week and no (or a very poorly implemented) “bad luck protection” system.

Nah, I wouldn’t call it very likely that I’ll get the right 8 out of the 16 pieces that are correctly itemized in 8-10 weeks, especially if I start buying items with Conquest (reducing the number of valid pieces from the initial 16 to 8 or 9 eventually with your proposed weeks).

With my napkin math I came to the conclusion that a fairly large portion of the PvP community will randomly be getting absolutely shafted.

Quite reliable

Haha, nah.

There are going to be lots of people out there without full Conquest gear until w14-15, and it’ll be even worse if we consider those who’ll have completely messed up off-stats (then we’re talking w18-19).


But Honor gear should be boosted to 226 ilvl in PvP and Conquest gear should be boosted to 236 ilvl in PvP.

The maximum upgradeable non-PvP ilvl of Conquest gear (Duelist) should just be 210 as to not overshadow PvE gearing in any way.


Yea, maybe untill Cata? Right now def not, in this super quick meta , if you don’t have gear you don’t have anything, at least with most classes

Haha yeahh… I was also reading and tought… Ahhhhj this one of those buggers who utterly Destroyed wow…
Went from work you’re a%& off to get a decent item and dream off the OP ones all the way to, freeshinypurplelegendaryspewpewiwantmoreQQ…
Wat a utterly joke u turnt this game in to.

You upgrade the gear at an npc standing next to the vendors. It costs honor or conquest, iirc.

Uh, what? How are they equal then?

not really. you can get very high geared by doing keys and raid (weekly vault) and mythic raid. So nah not forced to do pvp.

Having good skills and reflexes doesn’t equate to not making mistakes. Skill and minimum mistakes is what you need to reach Glad, Duelists are good mechanically they just play with less IQ, including me.

I didn’t say they completely equal, you just misinterpret it.




This is moronic.
A player that gets some cp will gain less than one that doesnt.
Blizz like fail.

Agree completely.

They reduced the cost of weapons. But yes… the 550 cp /week cap still sucks.

Please fix group finder. Elite quests in BFA LEGION unqueuable with the eye group finder tool. How do you expect a lvl 50 to solo the Voldun dinosaur boss? Or elite wqs?

The upper limit of this upgrade is determined by your current highest rating bracket in Arenas or Rated Battlegrounds

Whats does the current highest rating mean? This season, this week, or this moment?

I would appreciate the clarification.

Thank you.

Likely highest achieved during the season else people will have an incentive to avoid playing (out of fear of losing rating and thus losing ilvls allowed for upgrades).

Doubt it. It most likely means the highest rating you have currently in any bracket (2s, 3s, RBG).

Then you have an incentive to climb and stop. They have been fighting this before.

Haha you didnt even understand what I said.

Gear being locked behind rating is a huge improvement than it being locked behind a mythic raid.

Anyways, even though I understand your frustration, I do not share it.
Skill should also reward power.