PvP servers: Ally or Horde? what will u pick?

SO guys, do we have any guesses where the majority is gonna go to?? what are most of u gonna roll? ally or horde on pvp server?
im curious… most min/max pvper usually go horde. but i see many people stating that alliance is gonna be dominant faction.
id love to roll on the underdog side (if there is such a thing with faction balance).

So whaat faction are u rolling and why? :slight_smile:


Horde… I made this char the last time, and the changed to Alliance… Wanna play Horde this time :wink:

No clue it depends on what class people feel like playing or where their friends play.

Orcs/ humans are simply amazing for all classes they can play but you want to main a hunter/shaman its Orc. If its a paladin/priest alliance is better.

Maybe the better way to think is not what faction you want to play, more what character you want to spend most time with.

I probably want to play both a human paladin and an orc hunter so gotta play pve unfortunately

Alliance. Really enjoy playing troll in SOD, but ally is my favorite faction. Other than troll horde races are crap. Alliance has at least 2 cool races: dwarf and gnum. Wish in classic plus they would make a special faction for trolls, gnomes and dwarves enslaving the rest of Azeroth.

Not sure myself… would be cool to know what most pvp players go for tho!

Stronk will make reappearence on PvP server.

Gonna smash these Alliance good hehe.

I assume most players will pick whatever the server allows, since there will be enforced balance. But ultimately, it should be fine either way. I’ve played alliance a lot in classic on a hunter, in SoD on a druid, I am feeling like going to my roots with horde. Likely will make an undead priest, like once upon a time - or maybe also a tauren shaman, orc warrior. Play a few things, have some fun.

Pvp servers is a waste of time. also they will be bot infested on much heavier side.

Also theres no reason to start wow again,but thats another topic

For the Horde

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That seems to be a VERY very unpopular opinion bro :sweat_smile:
Most people are really looking forward to classic fresh. Maybe that’s ur opinion but u are pretty alone there buddy


Just another retail player in the wrong forums. :sweat_smile:

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My irl friends agree with me. All i need.

i always play games on max difficulty so ALLIANCE


Of course they agree with you because they are not even playing. You like and play a game or you don’t. Who cares about other opinions, imagine asking 8 billion humans what they think about WoW. Their opinion doesn’t matter.

Horde, those racials are way too strong to not pick.

Would choose Alliance if i had a guild but not this time.

You must not have played classic much then. Everyone who played it the first round knows alliance is the best faction for literally any group content, be it pvp or pve.

It’s basically facts at this point and only casuals would disagree.

The reason everyone plays alliance over horde on hardcore is due to this. Alliance is safer and has an easier time with paladins over shamans.

Horde is volatile and very zug oriented, it has less defensive options and mostly focuses on offense but even then alliance has consistently out-parsed horde on every single classic raid. So not only is allies safer , it’s also stronger for raids/ group pvp.

im not talking about trivial PvE content i mean PVP

Yeah, alliance is also best for group pvp/ranking.

Horde is generally better for 1v1 though.