PvP Tuning -- 10 February

I think they will be next week, they seem to alternate between groups of classes/specs for tuning. The Cascade change was 2 weeks ago right? I think, so maybe Warrior, Ret etc will be next week. Maybe their trying to do smaller groups of changes, gather data on that group over the course of 2 weeks and adjust so its more manageable than than trying every spec at the same time.

Just a theory, could be wrong though.

Would like to see some damage tuning for WW Arms and Ret.

Maybe nerf Enhance burst a bit and buff it’s sustain damage to compensate, same treatment could be applied to Ret.

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Well, it’s fairly predictable that there’ll be sweeping changes after Blizzcon is over.

Lets hope so. Nerf war and ww monk, ret just a little and then it should be pretty balanced.

Did I miss out Drae already?

Otherwise good changes, not so sure about MM honestly they already were kinda good before.

And Hpal nerf on the mana was a bit lazy tbh.

It’s kinda cute tho to see many people want melee nerfs, when it’s the only thing stopping the casters from fully dominating.

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In other words, while hpala needs to start casting again so they can be interrupted once more, and the healing output should be reduced (and basically shifted away from instants to hard casts more), other than that then other healers are struggling constantly vs. the outliers of the DPS classes and big bursts. From both casters and melee dps.

So in other words, reduce all damage done across the board and we’ll be fine. Or increase healing for everyone while leaving the damage pace as it is and just not reduce the hpala healing output when moving over the healing done to hard casts (i.e. no need to buff hpala healing, but it’s important to get rid of this instant crap by speeding up the cast times of the hard casts and making flash of light equal to holy light in output but with a slightly higher mana cost, like it used to be). That way, you’d only be able to secure kills via CC and interrupts. You know, like the good old days.

now nerf ww, ret and arms

  • literally every elemental and aflock

we’ll get volcano cleave 2.0 with spellcaster dominating meta

I say - buff DH

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nothing about warriors

I mean thanks yea, after making Rallying Cry useless by making it minimum 2 minutes cd, it doesn’t answer against Combustion even after this nerf! I am leveling up first aid to answer 10k dps currently, I guess it will help 500 heal per second. You should revert rally nerf to 1.5 min, 2 is too long for a class without self healing, 1 minute was overpowered I agree. You need to revert half of Rally nerf.

At least put Combustion on GCD, that will give people a little bit time to react, like trinketing or something.

Convoke is still disgusting, I’m talking about Boomy convoke, it is really stupid if you can’t interrupt something for 1 second you lose the game.

Just watch this, what are you waiting for? 11 sec video.


Affliction is scary

Please explain the sacrifice nerf.

The mana nerf is huge for rated battlegrounds. You will start seeing less paladins and more shamans, priests, druids and monks.
You will have harder time killing the healers. Paladins were an easy target in RBG.

I’ll just switch back to my shammy healer. Anyway paladins were crap.

It’s an okay start once again but still missing changes for warriors, rets and prot palas.

The Unholy buffs are barely going to change anything and it’s also missing resto druid buffs. SV hunter should’ve been buffed over their 2 more annoying counterparts.

I’m atleast glad that hpala will seemingly finally start losing mana now

Lol good one.


You’ll go back crying to your pala :rofl:


It’s really demotivating to see your class nerfed every week. Have fun now and be happy. At some point later, you’ll be next :slight_smile:

Anyway, this is happening since the beginning of wow. Blizzard was never able to keep the balance in pvp and will never be.

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Hpala will still be the best healer but ofc noob rerollers like you will complain

Yea rdruid will be next to be buffed, not nerfed :rofl:

Yea, sadly hpalas are like always dominating


Holy Paladin is still going to be strong. There’s a reason why they’re the most dominating healer by far in pretty much every bracket. Even with these nerfs they’ll be fine.

dude1: omg pala is gutted, 30% less mana regen qq
dude2: bruv, it’s still s tier, u have the best healing toolkit, uninteruptable casts, heals that cost no mana and survival kit of the tank, ulti sac will scratch u, u won’t even feel that
dude1: pala gutted, qq :<
dude3(ele shaman main): i’ll remain silent and watch them gutt each other, then casters will rule the meta once again

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Still nothing about WWs and Arms. Kind of unbelieveable.

And no buffs to either Demo or DH.

I just don’t get it.