PvP Tuning Changes for 27 January

Why no intervene nerf, literally most one sided spell in the game


Imo offhealing is fine atm apart from Rets due to the fact that it doesn’t cost mana. I would most likely further reduce their healing but make Lay on Hands useable in arena for a big 5min heal instead of no CD LoH.

Not going to make much of a difference, especially not in 3v3. It needs to be more. But I can see this as a good-ish first step, although my fear is that the first step will also be the final step…

Feral Frenzy? Why? Weird flex. I guess that’s actually somewhat of a buff (larger chance to proc Ferocious Bites).

This also won’t fix the issue of players getting RNG one-shotted by 2-3 Starsurges (or less likely, Ferocious Bites) in <0.5 seconds.

Good. This change, unlike the old blanket dampening change from Legion, doesn’t ruin 2v2 for hybrid double DPS comps.

Good change.

Good change.

Good change. Not sure this is enough to bring them down to earth though.

Bad change. The nerf should’ve been mainly to Healing Hands.

This will however, mostly, remove Prot Paladins at higher ratings - but it won’t do much about Rets livelording capabilities.

Completely missing nerfs to Warrior’s defensive utility (Ignore Pain and Intervene being the obvious ones, where Intervene needs to go back to 1 ability only, and the Ignore Pain shield portion needs to be considerably smaller in PvP) and to WW’s DPS and burst.

Moreover, no buffs to under-performing specs like UH DK, Fury, Arcane, Frost, Destruction, DH, Survival, Feral (etc) is extremely disheartening. Why not add minor buffs? Just start small and add more as is needed.


Druid off healing is strong, Shaman off healing is also strong, especially Enhance off heals.

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Yes, but Enhancers also have no defensives, hence why I think it’s okay, you oom after 3 heals anyways.

Wouldn’t call neither druids or Shamans survivability strong really, apart from Boomkins, I do feel like they could nerf the healing allies recieve though, not the player itself.


Not the player no, their ability to off heal I’m talking about.

As for Enchance, not sure… they can do a really big instant heal with their procs.

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Yeah they actually have some really strong Healing Surge conduits which I think should take a hit as baseline Healing Surge is already high enough.

Best case scenario imo would be to give these specs proper defensives instead of massive healing to survive.

If by strong you mean, “hey, let me leave form (2 GCDs to return and do w/e you were doing) to cast this Regrowth here which is completely susceptible to interrupts and leaving me vulnerable to a swap, and which if not causes me to oom in 3-4 casts” then sure. Other than that - no. Druid off-healing is not particularly strong.

Let’s not hit those already on the floor shall we?


dk is fine, its ww monks outshining every melee class atm, like, ww monk does a solid 30% more dmg in arena than other melee classes, and some other classes are stuck even below that

these changes are only scratching the surface atm


Well Boomie has pretty good defensives I’d say. and Feral but bear form requires pre use with both specs so theres abit of a skill floor to them in terms of the awareness you need.

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I already said Boomy has good defensives.

I wouldn’t say Feral has good defensives though, Ele and Enhancers have an even tougher time.

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Uhh, their good i’d say unless they vs something that kills in a stun like a Rogue for example. Thats always been Ferals biggest weakness.

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Let’s ageee to disagree and not go too far away from the topic.

Great chatting though!

Sure, I don’t think you are wrong. I just think just depends on what they are against.

Nice chatting with you too =)

Those are some very good steps, not nerfs to the ground, but fine tunning imho.

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well… if there is no dk in the top 150 in 2s ladder… u know the class itself is week atm… that is a pretty good indicater :stuck_out_tongue:

These changes won’t change the meta at all. Holy Paladin will still be the best healer, MW Monk the worst.

In fact, these tuning changes don’t matter. The tiny Triune Ward/Infernal Cascade/Divine Favor/Word of Glory nerfs won’t change anything, and Convoke will still be amazingly strong.

These changes are not enough, especially since other classes are not changed at all.

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Literally amazed WW escaped any nerfs, they have more kit & mobility than any class and they’re doing insane damage.

I woud look to nerf the covenant abilities for Kyrian Ret & WW and Arms Condemn, those abilities are what’s causing issues.

Also convoke nerf is good, but Starsurge hits almost as hard, I feel like a better choice would have been a damage nerf and/or caps to abilities used.


I’d take deeper look at Soulshape + Rogue conduit combo constantly reseting and restealthing. In 2s it’s pure cancer


Basically Paladin will finally go oom like other healers because he will have to cast some Flash of Lights or Martyr. They have to look into Shaman as well.