PVP Vendors alone will not fix our problem

I dare you to get high rating in pvp with dk panda girl.

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I would like to go back to a time of separate gear for PvP and PvE. Each having their own vendors.


haha, you actually liked the one post that agreed with you, even though a “pve scrub” made it. Could you be more of a hypocrite?

You’re literally belittling anyone who disagrees with you but not caring if they agree.

Yeah all i want punyelf is seperate vendors for seperate players i dont want people who dont do pvp too decide for us.

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You can.
You can either defend your claim and you can discuss any matter like a civilized person and share opinions. Well…that what other people do on the forums.

Or you can just attack anyone who disagrees. “I am right. If you disagree then you are a (censored)”.

Obviously you took the later approach so.
What exactly do you want to accomplish here on the forums? I dont see any way we can have a proper discussion. If you will all out attack anyone who “refuses to dance to your tune”?

I enjoy my PvE scrub status :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


How can you make an arguement if you dont know the pain us pvp players go through when you dont do pvp.

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I dont. I am still waiting to hear it out from you. Your version…your opinion.

Sadly…I only keep getting “Hahaha you pve scrub! GO away! Get gud! YOu badz!” from you.
But I am feeling optimistic. I might get something of value out of you yet. :slight_smile:

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Imagine that i come to your pve space and demand a change that you dont like even though i dont do pve does that seem logical too you lynlia ?

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I pvp, I have over 450k kills. You’re just looking at arena rating. In other words trying to invalidate opinion because its not rated.
You literally haven’t made a point besides belittling those that disagree with you.

What did pvp power bring to the game other than the ability to gank scrubs that didn’t cap weekly?

I dont want to dump on scrubs i want too choose the gear i want the stats i want pvp power it makes so people wont use some broken pve gear to get an advantage in pvp because some pve gear is so broken in pvp pvp stats worked for over a decade and it will work now too blizzard just wants us to do pve too to extend our subscription but its just backfiring on them.

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And this is where you are philosophy is bad.

“Marching in. Breaking down the door. BLIZZARD GIVE ME THIS! NOOOOOAW!@AAAA” is the worst possible approach."

if you would instead propose:" I have an idea. Can we adjust that? Maybe remove X? I believe if we remove feature X and replace it with feature A. Then we could increase…the appeal for mythic raiding(For example). Because I think that feature X is holding us back and needs a better alternative…"

I woulnt give a rat a** if you don’t do pve. Your opinion is a good any players.

But marching in: Blizz FIX THAT NOW! HAHAHA Lool OMG! You sux!
Ok…prove it why it sux!
OMG AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Get away from me scrub.

I hope for your sake. You see the difference in those 2 examples…

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but you raid and do mythic + so are you not a pve scrub too ? nice rateings in PVP btw and res/pvp power was replaced by versa in WoD and you guys ruined it because Legion had perfect answer with templates meaning skill not gear was key .

In order to get the best gear for pvp you have to do pve they are forcing us to do something that we dont want its a torture and templates in legion were bad you could not build your character with stats you wanted in competetive pvp

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You will get a lot of hate for speaking out truth because all these trash pve players want to keep their advantage and play on 1.6 rating with 420 gear score


Im not any good with pvp so this is a question i like to ask ,isnt it meant to be player versus player and about personal skill rather then building stats like PVE players do .(Sorry if dumb question) i just thought people rather rely on there own skill and ablities to prove a better player then gearing up which seems to be awful atm with no vendors.

I know drae but i pitty them because they dont understand anything about pvp and they comment on it…

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Iam only asking civil questions ive never really done any pvp in all the years ive played which is alot sorry i meant no harm .

You are fine serissa and regards to your question players have different playstyles some like to do bursty comps some like to do consistent damage stat templates destroyed that.

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If you have to call someone trash for playing PvE then that says more about you and does not help the argument for Vendors/Separate gear in any way.

I am someone who predominantly plays PvE, I do not feel the need to insult people because they play PvP. I do think there are reasons for separate gear and vendors but people like you make me not want to take part in discussions.