PVP Vendors alone will not fix our problem

…I did try to explain that as well. Well. Good luck. Maybe your charm will work better. :smiley:

Puny everyone have their own style of agreeing and disagreeing with something he did have a point.

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Then make a point without being a child in a playground throwing insults around.

I did my 10 RBG wins for my mage tower skin and I have to say it was the most horrible experience full of angry people whether they won or lost. It’s not an aspect of the game I enjoy but I don’t feel the need to belittle anyone because they do something else in game.

However I think we’re going off at a tangent now. Maybe we can be nice to each other and agree/disagree about things :slight_smile:

I call people trash for trying to make the game unfun for others even though they don’t even play that aspect of the game. This guy made a post about how we need PvP Gear which 95% of the PvP community agrees on, but then I instantly see comments that can be translated into
“But If it doesn’t affect me, why should you PvP players have an improved game mechanic” or “But I want to keep my significant advantage over PvP Players in their own PvP Content as a PvE” player.


So you do understand our pain because you were forced to do something that you didnt like.


I think it does affect us though, I preferred it when the gear was completely separate and I didn’t feel I had to do PvP and PvPers didn’t feel they have to do PvE.


But people support you view but in a better manner insults never gets anyone anywhere :slight_smile:

Well. In that case. You are punishing absolutely the wrong people. The “trash” pve players did NOT demand that Blizz ruin pvp. There is a lot of stuff Blizzard did which neither pve or pvp player asked or wanted…

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I didn’t call you trash either, did I? I was more refering to those people that disagree with PvP Vendors simply because they want to keep their advantage and then make the game less fun for PvP Players. Not only in this thread but in general.

I am aware of that, but seeing comments that try to defend the complete imbalance of gear in the game currently just makes me think that those kind of people must be some kind of bad (trash) players that can’t get anything done without a huge advantage over others.

The problem currently is that if someone does M+10s regularly, he’ll likely at an item level of 405 or 410 now. If they play pvp with that gear then, they have a huge advantage over players that only play pvp let’s say on 1.6-1.8 rating even though the content is not harder. The 1.6-1.8 player is likely to have more like an item level of 390-395 if he doesn’t play pve.

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Us PvP players talk like that its nothing personal. We just dont want deathwing killers to ruin pvp for us.

I wasn’t actually thinking of the Mage Tower reskin as an example. I think PvP is a completely different skill set and way of playing to PvE. Some do both and enjoy both and others prefer to stick to one or the other.

My BiS trinket (both 1st and 3rd) are from PvP. I hate that, I don’t want to do PvP. I want to stick to the area I enjoy. I don’t want PvPers to be forced to do PvE either. If there was separate stat for PvP then I wouldn’t have this.

I have only ever dabbled in casual PvP with friends, the only time I got a minimal amount of rating was doing those RBGs and I didn’t even enjoy it. I just did what I was told and I was glad when it was all over.


PvP vendor will solve nothing .

Even if they add PvP gear back, what about the fact they wont get “Titanjoking” ?

What about the fact you have to Wait more than 2 month for your full 400 when spamming mythis you can get free 400 or higher in one week ?

And if they add PvP vendor they will also bring back PvE vendor who mean more free stuff for one and less for another who will create more complaint.

And with so much RNGfest we’re force to PvE because is sadly the most reliable sources with less rng to get enough secondary stats.

The game has been down this path before though. And preferences aside, it does come with certain issues.

If you are a PvEer and you decide that you want to try out PvP, then your PvE gear will be completely useless, because it doesn’t have the “PvP stat”.

So until you acquire a full PvP set, then you’re going to be cannon fodder in any Arena or Battleground.

To avoid all PvP newbies being cannon fodder and having a horrible experience, it becomes necessary to create easily-accessible PvP gear, i.e. crafted gear and cheap vendor gear.

But what then happens is that everyone quickly gets all the best PvP gear, and then the incentive to keep playing PvP diminishes greatly, because they’re not really getting any meaningful rewards anymore.

So yeah, the game has sort of been down this path before. Some people like it, but it’s not without problems.

And on the flip-side it sucks for the PvPer who wants to try PvE but can’t join any groups because his gear is crap since the “PvP stat” is useless for PvE.

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I preferred that system. The game should not cater to PvE players dabbling in PvP. It should cater to PvP players and let them gear up. PvE players have to do PvE content to get the rewards from PvE. PvPers should have the same. The current system seems the worst.


Calling pve players plebs lmao. this guy is something else.

In wod pvp gear scaled in pvp for example the base item was 380 in pve when u gotten into pvp it bumped into 425 i think this will fix the titanforging issue

I know, and it was the perfect system because everyone can atleast get honnor faster and be usefull even at casual .

Now because they think how “fun” is rng we wont see it again :frowning:

They should tell that to all my not completed PvP and warfront sets this expansion… SUCH FUN to never loot the final 3 pieces or less.

Doing mythic at 10+ to get a full item set of 400 is not “free 400s”.

I know the pvp crew don’t consider pve “actual content” but I hate to break it to you- it is. And to get a full haul of 400 gear in every slot from mythic in a week will take some effort. You’ll probably have to be doing higher keys of 15 plus in good time to get the chests to outfit that quickly and to combat the RNG of getting duplicate items.

That’s even assuming a player below 400 ilevel is allowed to run 10+ in a spam to do this (with rio, I doubt it, they’ll have to do lower keys first to build their score)

So no, getting 400 in every slot from mythics is not “free” worth of week play. If you’re going to demonise the other player base (why even do this? What’s the point?) at least get your facts straight.

Contrary to what people think you cannot “afk to 400s” through mythics unless you’re buying boosts. This argument applies to pvp and arena too. It’s zero sum.

For the record I think pvp gear does need some looking at as progress is too slow and too low for time invested. The two playstyles should be different ways to gear but roughly equal in time and effort.

I just dont understand when people make these arguments who come from a pvp they feel the need to snipe pvers as afkers and lazy gearers. Its completely unnecessary and palming it off as “just the usual pvp banter, relax” does nothing to make yourselves look like your arguments should be taken seriously. It just makes it come across like envious whining rather than thought out arguments.

It you think 2.1 arena rating is equal too any mythic key ur either trolling or havent done a single ranked arena in ur life

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