PVP Vendors alone will not fix our problem

We need pvp stats for it like pvp power/resilience to work also we need each pvp gear to have multiple gem slots we need that mop system that let us reforge our gear stats to the ones we like. And ion might ask how will you guys find the vendor xD? Just put a giant marker on the map that says PVP VENDORS ARE HERE PEOPLE. Hell keep the prestige but give us the old honor system back…


pvp power and resillience sucked.

It was yet another barrier to entry that just allowed people that did some pvp to cut through those that didn’t.

It was a dumb system and it belongs in the past.


Not a single player who does serious pvp will agree with you on that only pve heroes.


Source please. Have you done polls? If so. Results please.

Or…is it a fact because Aryafrost-kazzak says so?


Please go kill deathwing and stop posting on these kind of posts thanks.

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The problem with the current approach is that PvP gear largely is harder to get at the same ilvl as its PvE counterpart in terms of time and effort.


I am sorry? You are in forums. If you do not want to discuss or defend your…“claims” then…what exactly do you wish to accomplish here?

Or your “general idea of a forum discusion” is:
A: Yes I agree with you -> You are my best friend! You stay!
B: I dont agree with you-> GO AWAY PVE hero! Go kill deathwing! I am not talking with you!

if thats the case…then somebody else needs to stop making “these kind of posts”.


I agree the fact that i get 400 ilvl gear from 2100 rating is a joke old honor system did not have this problem and the normal honor gear was easy too get blizzard ruined pvp for real pvp players to make deathwing killers (pve plebs) happy.


Prove it…

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They went away from the previous system precisely because freshly dinged players kept on complaining about being stomped with no gear… after having put no effort into getting it for their character. Turns out a static scaling system, like we had in Legion, was boring and made it feel like you couldn’t customize your character but they forgot how badly designed the gearing is for when secondary stats really matter.


Not even a single wow pvp streamer and their viewers disagreed with this fact go see for yourself if you want too find out its healthy for you miss pve.

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No, I said prove it. Not that “wow streamers and devs agree with me”

I can make a bogus claim like you and say everyone agrees with me, thats an idiotic way to try to prove something.


I cant prove anything to you if you dont know anything about pvp and its community pve scrub.

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You’re hardly a pvp god yourself.

Prove it with facts which we can interpret ourselfs. Be it sub rates, dev Q&A, something which we can analyze ourselfs.

Going with John A said on youtube so its true.
Well…I can also claim that earth is flat. Now I just need to find some “genius” on youtube that also believes in that so then my claim will be proven true…right?

2nd. Claiming pve players are “scrubs” what ever. Even in discusions I respect the person in front of me even if I disagree with his opinion.
Insulting anyone who has a different opinion than you…


Just noticed that you are a panda bro talking to you is like talking to a brickwall you just wont understand anything other than standing in 1 place doing a 3 button rotation when you actually manage too do decent in pvp come here and comment on it good day mam.

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Same can be said towards you.

Learn to respect people who have different opinion then yourself…

Do not be sensetive but you are not obliged to give opinion on something you are not doing seriously i myself dont do pve so i wont go and comment on it and demand changes same goes for you if you dont have exp in bfa pvp you are not allowed to comment on it.

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I hear DK rotation is uber complex.

All you can do is insult people who disagree with you. Call me back when you get past puberty.

Its a free forums. Everyone can discuss what ever they wish.

So…not only do you refuse to respect people with different opinions
But also going to go all mighty: “You are not worthy to talk with me?”.

Boy…I dont know who the hell you think you are. But you are just a player. Same as me. Same as Dejarous…

Perhaps Dejarous is right. You do need to learn some manners and discuss stuff like grown ups. Playing “I am the king of the sandbox. You will not approach until I give my royal consent”…is childish at best. :smiley:
And you wonder…why we are so skeptical towards your claims?

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