PVP Vendors alone will not fix our problem

We do still get gear, but these items are very very rare and also have a very low item level, making them basically useless if they don’t titanforge. On new characters, gearing is basically impossible in PvP since you’d need to be on 2400+ rating for good gear, but that’s impossible when you keep getting onehit by geared people.

There’s also no way to bonusroll for 415 in PvP like there is in PvE.


Well i agree there should be vendors, but i don’t think there should be special stats, or if there are there should be contained only to instanced PVP.

That’s unlikely to happen, for a few reasons.

  1. In the past they’ve always only done re-designs of PvP with the introduction of a new expansion.
  2. There’s nothing planned for patch 8.2, so even if Blizzard had the desire, then the earliest time a re-design could happen would be in patch 8.3 - which is by the end of the expansion. And at that point it makes more sense to simply introduce it with a new expansion.
  3. It’s a huge undertaking to implement something so simple as PvP vendors, because in BfA the reward structures in PvE and PvP are intertwined, so if PvP suddenly has access to a vendor where you can just buy BiS gear, then that throws the whole game’s reward structure out of whack. Hence why it’s easier to do such a re-design in a new expansion and not in an on-going one.
  4. Blizzard’s development resources are probably already allocated toward other tasks, like new zones, dungeons, raids, quests, and so on. Squeezing in a huge re-design of PvP and making it a top priority is not something that can be done without de-emphasizing work elsewhere. And then it may not be so desirable to do, when it costs on the actual content additions for the game.
  5. If you read the complaints people have, then the only thing they have in common is a displeasure with the current design - but that’s always the sentiment when it comes to PvP. The PvP community is never happy with the existing PvP design, regardless of what it is. The design challenge however is finding a solution that everyone likes. Because if you read the posts here and elsewhere, then it quickly becomes clear that people want very different things. There isn’t a single solution that everyone thinks is awesome. Even the fabled PvP vendor is not something people agree very much on when you start discussing the substance of that design and how the gear should be purchasable, and how the gear should be designed, and so on.

So yeah, Blizzard will likely re-design PvP again, but it’s unlikely to happen before the next expansion. It would be unprecedented if they did so during BfA.

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Introducing pvp vendors and Titan residum like currency won’t take that much effort on blizz side .


That’s kinda weird considering PvE gear during MoP was superior in wpvp, and in s14 the disparity between pve and pvp gear was HUGE, you were at a disadvantage even with full s15 gear vs full heroic soo, although it was a lot more manageable at that point.

Also, PvP power was worthless, it was very undertuned, by far the least desired stat in the game, even for pvp.


What would you think about a guy entering in your raid with full pvp gear (before wod) and wanting to be competitive to the people that already farmed their pve gear?

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You might want to watch a few of the top PvPrs ideas on twitch/YouTube.

Baj done an excellent video on why PvP gear was far better. It just needed tuning.

Let’s reward PvE players who play the game and push content with better gear but PvP players? Oh nooo.


It would.

Let’s think through it.

Let’s say Blizzard adds a PvP vendor.
On this vendor you can buy any item that’s desirable in PvP for a currency.
This currency can be earned by doing PvP (Arenas, Battlegrounds, etc.).
Like in the old days, right?

What does this do?
Well, it makes everyone do PvP! Now you can litterally farm a currency to buy any BiS items you want – PvP becomes the ultimate way of gearing up. At 1 item per week you’ll have BiS Mythic-quality gear in 2½ months by just grinding some Arena games. Easy!

So let’s say you need to have a certain rating in Arenas/Battlegrounds in order to buy the best gear from the vendor.
Well what’s the point of the vendor then? You’ll still have gear inequality, because the people who don’t have a 2400 rating will still get crushed by the players with superior gear – gear which they don’t have access to.
And for the people who do have a high rating it goes back to the issue that these people can litterally mark a date 2½ months ahead in the calendar and know that on this date they have BiS gear! That undermines the whole PvE side of gearing up, where players are still dependent on luck in order to get BiS.

Then there’s a third issue which is a bit tricky, which is Warforging/Titanforging and tertiary stats.
Because if you have a vendor where you can see the items you’re buying, how do you incorporate Warforging/Titanforging into that – which is supposed to be a lucky proc?
Let’s say the player buys an item and it Titanforges. Yay!
Now let’s say the player buys an item and it doesn’t Titanforge. Okay. Now he just refunds it – as if it was an accidental purchase – and then buys it again. Repeat until it Titanforges!
Then we can say that the items on the PvP vendor can’t proc with Warforging or Titanforging at all, but then the items from PvE will still be superior, because they can Titanforge.
The reason why the Titan Residuum vendor works is because Azerite Armor can’t Warforge or Titanforge.

It’s not that simple. :upside_down_face:

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all in favour of having pvp’rs have equal gear for pushing content. What I’m against are pvp power and resillience.

Let’s agree to disagree then .I don’t think they need to put too much resources to correct pvp scenario inside the game .


That’s my bad on the misunderstanding then!

You have my apologies :hugs:


You’re giving our community a bad name Aryafrost

Resilience was far better than scaling.

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Does it have to be one or the other? Or could they improve scaling?

Resillence was a second stat that was completely artificial to make you take less damage versus other players in pvp. It forced you to gear 2x and if you didn’t you were just fodder in pvp situations.

Even if its proven it was better (convince me) its still a suboptimal solution.

WoD’s system was still the best I have seen in this game. No extra stats, just different ilvls.

No, rng gearing in pvp and pve gear being far easier to obtain is a dumb system.


If you want more then google. Don’t just ask for others to do so, that’s just being lazy.


Please don’t quote me to talk about something different.

I’m talking about resillience sucking, what the hell does that have to do with the rng of pvp gearing?

God, some people.

Heres the thing.
You do pve to get pve gear and do more damage/tanky/healing in pve right?
PvP players get pvp gear to play pvp.
See? While pve players do their dragon hunts ,the pvp players do something else.
It won’t be fair if a full pvp guy with resilience come into your pve teritory and he do the same damage like you who was farming hundreds of dungeons and raids and have the bis pve items ,right?
Well its not fair when a dragon killer join in arena or bgs and start killing the pvp players that spent thousand of hours only in pvp.

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You don’t pvp, you do casual pvp there is a whole big difference in that, the stats that the DK talks about pvp power and resilience must be on the pvp gear there has to be a difference between pvp gear and pve gear, you fail in that we get to this point that we all are now in a dead game witch none knows what the word pvp does really means

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Scaling should not be in the game at all. Resilience may have had it’s problems but at least it made players work for gear. Scaling rewards those who don’t gear up and has no place in any MMORPG.

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