PVP Vendors alone will not fix our problem

If you see nothing wrong there then there’s really nothing anyone can do for you anymore…

You are neither playing serious PvE content nor PvP content, why does it affect you if pvp players get something back that made PvP fun ?

You are the typical “If I don’t benefit from it, why should you get something?” person

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What do you mean im not doing PVE content? I am a mythic raider and i run high keys too…

I guess on another character then?

Aside from that, “if I don’t benefit from it, you can’t have it.”

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But PvP is the endgame so it should at least be equally rewarding.

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Im not denying that. But that gear shouldn’t have different type of stats from PVE gear.

You literally just said that you see nothing wrong with the only source of gear being PvE.

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I literally didnt say that? I said that its ok that majority of gear sources is PVE.

But you did say there is nothing wrong

Just cancel your subscription like most pvp players did.
Drainer went back to wowmane the private server.
Hydra started league of legends again.
Hotted playing CS and GTA 5.
Sodapoppin left wow long ago.
Bajheera play less and he is hitting the gym in most streams.
Lots of pvp people left this game. Some famouse others not.

P.S. thank you Ion , I never thought I will leave wow but thanks to you I will.

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But that’s not saying much, since the game in general has had decreased popularity over the years. Lots of Pet Battlers and Fishers and Altaholics and so on have probably left as well. It doesn’t mean there’s anything seriously wrong with Pet Battling or Fishing or whatever, it just means people eventually quit playing a particular game.

If the amount of PvPers who quit the game parallels the amount of people who quit the game in general, then that doesn’t indicate that PvP is in any worse spot than the rest of the game.

But yeah, if you don’t like the game, quit!

I played wotlk and i had no interest in arena because i had no friends to play with or raid, all i did is random bg, duels and farmed badges to buy the bis chest from the dalaran vendor.

But i was at a disadvantage, i was wearing relentless gear in 3.3.5a while others were wearing wrathfull gear.

A whole season behind, did not feel good because i had no IRL to play arena. Now am grateful to the current system. I get to wear decent gear and not a whole season behind.

This is ridiculous. In WoD it took a day to get the previous seasons gear. Anyone who wanted to PvP could. Now we have the situation where PvE gear is generally BiS and many items from PvE completely break PvP and don’t get fixed for months.

There’s basically 4 types of players in WoW: those who do raids, those who do pvp, those who do both and casuals. PvP gear doesn’t affect anyone minus the first what, week, where people PvP to get a 385 weapon. Now we have a problem where every source of PvE gives better gear until you’re like glad range.

I have no idea how hard raiding is, but mythic+ is not difficult and right now that’s the main way to gear. Fact is, if they introduced resi/pvp power or PvP scaling again literally the only problem is if you only do PvE or you only do PvP and you want to switch but then its just “gear up” like you did before…

Seems everyone complaint about reintroducing that system is from people who have no arena achievements, despite the fact that right now, you have an advantage and you still don’t play arena.

Arena players can never agree either tbh; I liked legion because my class doesn’t benefit really from secondary stats in the way others do (e.g. mages have different playstyles depending on what secondary they stack). But WoD worked perfectly well as well. Now, gearing is horrendous and gearing alts if worse. If you want to PvP, you have to PvE and that shouldn’t ever be the case and hasn’t ever been the case except Vanilla.

Anyway Blizzard don’t listen; that 1500 post from a Blizzcon winner and current arena commentator just proves that.

Afaik even PvErs don’t like the current gearing system. Its just crap all around.


Pvp vendors need to return, but im not sure about resilience. I remember the pvp stats back during WoD. When you had a new alt or tried to get into pvp, the only thing you could do was tickle people with who already have had been playing for a while.

And guess what this promoted? thats right afking , boosting and leeching. Because why play alot of bgs in wich you are practically useless to be able to get the gear, if you can afk in them wich basicly boiled down to being as useful.

pvp is nowhere in a good state currently, but atleast people are willing to queue up for stuff more. resilience was not done properly in any way. Trying to get into pvp with resilience could be compared to the slackers and leechers that now join bgs despite them having only 50k hp because they are still wearing legion gear at 120

I don’t know. I mean, every expansion has basically re-designed the PvP system to accommodate the criticism and complaints PvPers had in the prior expansion.

And I’m willing to bet that the next expansion will change the PvP system once again, and Blizzard will find a way to add PvP vendors – because that’s what PvPers are complaining about in BfA.

And then PvPers will find some fault with that new design as well and begin lobbying for something different.

And then Blizzard will change the PvP system again in the expansion after that, in what will be the 9th re-design of PvP. And of course PvPers won’t like that either, once they get it, and the complaining continues.

That’s PvP in a nutshell. :yum:

3k arena rating, 30 comprehension rating. top kekkers.



well the way people are complaining about pvp system I am hopeful that they will change it sooner then next expansion


Let me attempt to elaborate if i can.

Last time i did PVP was in MOP. I played on PVP server and last 2 content additions to MOP were Timeless Isle and Isle of Thunder. You couldn’t fly in either and both were affected by heavy world PVP, especially Timeless Isle. I was Heroic raider at that poing, raiding SOO (there was no mythic back then) and i had almost full BIS gear. Yet i was in massive disadvantage in world against even against low ranked PVP players because their gear had PVP power and Resilience. You are saying PVE players arent affected, but PVE players are affected the most. Because people who simply grinded conquest cap each week had massive advantage over hardcore heroic raiders.

So yes, i don’t see anything wrong with PVE being best source of gear, as nowadays that gear can be used in both PVE and PVP.

Well but with your PvE Gear, you could do all PvE content without any problem. It was only in PvP content where you had problems with it. You chose to play on a PvP server but refused to farm PvP Gear.

I was saying that the only way of gearing currently is PvE with no way of gearing in PvP is just wrong in many ways because it also doesn’t make sense. As an answer on that you said that there’s nothing wrong (that the only way of gearing is PvE) because the majority of the content is PvE-based.

I simply want either PvP gear back and be left alone with all that PvE stuff or ways to gear your character in PvP. Giving PvE players an advantage in PvP doesn’t make sense. If anything, harder content should give better gear - therefore PvP. I’d also be fine with an equal gear distribution between pve and pvp though.


Don’t you get items from PVP based on your PVP rating? Forgive my ignorance i didnt PVP in a long time. I assumed you still get gear, just randomly without vendor.