How is this actually being put forward? Is this a joke? Who can genuinely think that this is a good idea, you need to add more variety of stats. It’s completely killing the game and it requires minuscule effort to change stats to fit all classes for PVP. The fact they aren’t even testing it to gain data just shows pure ignorance to their customers. You are charging a monthly subscription for a product while ignoring feedback and creating a game for yourselves to play, not your consumers.
A fantastic video to show the laughable state of pvp vendors in shadowlands which is under 2 months away, there are 0 signs of this being altered or changed.
Even if they did that the gear would still be worse ilvl than PvE gear, and if it wasn’t that would force PvErs into PvP to get gear. Point being, Blizzard will never create a PvP vendor that offers gear that is BiS for PvPers as long as “gear is gear”.
There’s no other solution to this problem other than to add PvP stats (MoP/WoD versions) or bonuses (for 16-18pc).
Even if they fixed it, it’ll still be PVE > PVP Gear, look at the current expan AWC. people using PVE trinkets etc in PVP
In mists and cata and most expansions, it was the same too cause it usually was out right better gear.
Its only going to get worse cause mythic ilvl raiding gear is now 10 ilvls higher over all other content on the last 3/4 bosses
I am assuming so far that it’s the first iteration, so it’s just put in for testing purposes, i.e. no thought has been given to stat combinations, currency acquisition rate, or otherwise.
It’s just there to show people what the design looks like.
Then people will give feedback on it – as they clearly are doing – and then Blizzard will use that feedback to do a second iteration of the design.
That’s usually their modus operandi at least.
I’m sure we’ll see changes within a build or two.
My concern is still mostly whether they have time to iterate enough before the release of Shadowlands, and whether they’re happy with “semi-decent” when some players seem to desire “better than expected”.
The stage seems set for disappointment. Let’s hope it doesn’t get to that. 
They could fix it by putting a PvP only stat on the PvP gear. So that way you have 2 seperate gear sets, one for PvE, and one for PvP. PvP gearing fixed, boom. (It worked before).
Way better than the multiple sets, and random pieces of gear with BiS corruptions sat in your bags filling them up.
People demanded pvp vendors, so blizz “technically” gave them what they wanted. You got the pvp vendors, but just really bad gear not worth getting from them. I’m sure blizz will be saying “well you never asked for gear that was useful in pvp from the pvp vendors. You just asked for pvp vendors nothing else…”
Albert Einstein: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Ion and co. still in charge of the game. Don’t expect pvp to be different than bfa
having pvp gear with pvp stats on it worked but it also meant you hit a lot more of a brick wall from a competitive standpoint sooner rather than later when you play a handful of matches and get whacked for lets say 50% hp cause your missing the stats your working on getting.
With posts like this I wonder if people even played the Game back then. PvE Trinkets always were a thing in PvP, especially in the so much loven expansions like WOTLK, where it was just as bad with DBW and Shadowmourne.
Either way, they listen a lot to player feedback this alpha and beta so if you got a key just write them proper feedback instead of nonsense semi-troll posts like this to just hate on the Devs.
i really hope they will fix this issue before the game launches. If this expansion fails and or the pvp is totaly unplayable im literally never coming back…
Its just annoying at this point that blizz at this point doesnt even listen to veteran players who actually know whats up.
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Sorry but what even is this comment? Has nothing to do with the post? It’s about fixing the vendors. So before you try and give some great advice actually read the entire thread first. Yeah they may of listened to feedback in certain areas? Great? That’s good, now maybe try and use the millions made from monthly subs and micro transactions and use that to address feedback across the entire game like PVP … Right? 
100%, but the game was super fun, and the more PvE gear you had on, the squishier you were in PvP.
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BFA gearing was better than it’s gonna be in Shadowlands, there I at least had a 1% chance of getting a good piece of gear at the end of an aren

I’ve basically said from the beginning that a PvP specific stat is mandatory if blizzard wants to create a fulfilling PvP gearing experience, it’s the only thing that worked in the past for most players.
They don’t need to come up with some fancy over the top system that they don’t even understand themselves every expansion but they somehow want to do that, at least that’s how it seems.
One thing I know for sure is that the last 2 expansions have been a nightmare for me as a PvP player ( for slightly different reasons ) and I won’t be going through similar emotions in shadowlands because I won’t be playing the game if they persist on being this stubborn.
We don’t desire anything but for pvp gear to be the best in pvp. It really is as simple as that. Pvp stat does just that and worked for 5 expansions. They fixed something that didn’t need to be fixed and now it’s in the worst state it has ever been excluding classic.
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That’s not really true.
I think most people have hopes and expectations in regards to the rate of acquisition as well.
The prospect of having to do 600 Battlegrounds for a set of optimal gear in PvP is probably not what many would consider ideal, even if the gear is the best for PvP.
That isn’t the core problem here. I am perfectly willing to do 600 battlegrounds for a full set of pvp gear aslong as it is the bis items for pvp before you start hitting the rating barriers. 600 battlegrounds really does sound like alot but how long is it genuinely? I remember farming honor in tbc and every 2 days i got a item until i was fully decked out.
Doing content you enjoy is never time wasted and i enjoy pvp.
The problem is that without a pvp stat you are hard cucking yourself because you can spam mythic 0 and get the same reward 10x as quick. Add a pvp stat and you aren’t getting the same reward.
Probably longer than most people have time for.
I think one should be careful not to extrapolate a personal opinion into being everyone’s opinion and presenting it as “we”.
That’s still more a concern in regards to the rate of acquisition rather than the quality of gear.
Blizzard’s stance on the matter is seemingly no.
So from a perspective of feedback, it’s probably worth exploring alternative solutions that accomplishment the same that Blizzard are more likely to accept.
Apparently blizzard’s stance on the matter is that pvp should not be a viable way of gearing, even for pvp itself. So no idea what solution they are likely to accept