I did this too right now. I really hope they can fix this as I grinded hard last week to get my new title…
Not sure if I got it right, but I just posted about this issue on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/ngg22c/pvp_titlesrank_not_updated_accordingly/
I’ve just sent my ticket and liked fourm had 5 guildies and pile of randoms on golemagg confirm there standing did update and others confirm didn’t worrk for them so this defo seems like a issue that’s happened to. Some people not all
Can vouch for this guy farming all week, we were up most nights until the early hours!
I am the 13.98 guy. Nope, my rank didn’t update, I was standing 1 on the server. Still rank 13 in TBC. I won’t let this one slide.
Make sure to upvote the reddit post too, any eyes on the issue is good attention. Can’t let them sweep it under the rug.
deedz me and you had over 400k honor last week and nether of us got title in tbc my rank still hasnt changed in classic ether make sure to open ticket guys link this thread and if you want link this reddit post:
What category did you choose for the ticket? Nothing is fitting.
I tried with support ticket but i got the answer that they can’t solve it and that it should be reported as a bug to be visible for devs
I remember your name aswell bro, You, Deedz, Me, Quattro… We were practically living in AV the last week…
I copied my character to Classic Era and have ranked up there, but not in TBC, so there is obviously something wrong with the TBC ranks. I’m going to submit it as a support ticket and a bug, as the information is clearly available somewhere in the data!
I reported it as a bug AND sent a ticket. I’m usually not mad but as others have said, we’ve waisted alot of hours last week because they clearly stated that we had until tuesday 18th to grind honor.
I really hope they post something within the next 24 hours.
I once submitted a bug regarding an item on retail not purchasable and that was 6 years ago and to this day did not get looked into. This is just a way to say “go away”
Or the Mobile bug where you go offline but appear online on mobile. reported this for a few month once a week. they never fixed it. If there are not complains they wont do it. we need more players for Blizzard to act I think.
None of my honour has been calculated into this final week. It’s randomly acknowledged I have 100Hkills from late yesterday and that’s it…
what category for the ticket? can’t get one through cause it’s a character problem but it’s not a profession, or stuck, or name…
Didnt get anything either on TBC. Cloned one character which got the appropriate title in Classic Era.
I spend time on some TBC alts none of which got any title…
Guys, make no mistake, no GM can help us - they don’t have the tools to adjust our honour or “add” the missing rank to our account. We are creating tickets to Customer Support only to increase our visibility so that dev team (that we have no contact to) will get involved. Keep on doing that.
everyone says create a ticket but noone says what category to choose. none of them is remotely close to being appropriate for the issue. so please tell us.