Pyrewood village mobs

Pyrewood Village mobs turn into worgen at night. I forgot about that hidden mechanic.
Anyone else remember hidden things similiar


That mechanic is, I think, unique. I don’t think there’s anywhere else in the game where mobs change based on criteria such as time of day.

Couple of oddities here:

There’s a L9 quest in Durotar that can be done by Alliance players, just on the outskirts of Orgrimmar. Getting there as a L9 Alliance is… erm… challenging… but it can be done.

Fast forward to TBC (which many of us hope to see soon) and if you do the Netherwing Ledge daily quests as a female character and get turned into a Fel Orc, eating a Savoury Deviate Delight will turn you into a male human.

Yes there is, the Vultures behind Moonbrook turns into Zombies when the night descends.

And yes, I’ve done that Quest as an Ally - the one with gathering sacks of supplies form the Harpie-ridden cleft :wink: It’s a Goblin Questgiver, that’s why.
There’s also a couple of vendors in Xroads, Camp Taurajo and elsewhere in the Barrens, that trade with and repair Allies … getting there is the hard part :smiley:

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My understanding of the Moonbrook area is that the vultures do not physically morph into zombies, they’re simply replaced by them - but I take your point. I’d forgotten about those, it’s been many years since I’ve been there.

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I never watched the transition - might do so tonight out of curiosity - so I could not say :wink:

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