🅰 Pyrewood Village <ONYXLOCKER> [EU] [PVE] [ALLIANCE] - Casual Raiding Guild

Guild: Onyxlocker
Faction: Alliance
Zone: EU - PVE
Realm: Pyrewood Village
Raid Schedule: Wednesday and Sunday (20:00 - 23.00 CEST)
Discord: discord.gg/FAf2xgX
Twitch: ttv/onyxlocker

Let’s make this clear from the start - we are not a hard-core raiding guild, so if you are interested in chasing world’s or server’s firsts, you could just stop reading this post right now. On the other hand, if you recognize yourself while scanning this text 'til the last word, then you are probably the right fit for us.

Onyxlocker is a bunch of friends who happen to enjoy playing this awesome game, but due to the real-life commitments (read: family, kids, job, university) we are not able to play it as much as we used to back in the days. And trust me, we played it a lot. A LOT!

Now, a decade and a half later, we’ve gathered to conquer the Azeroth again, but this time at a steady pace, with new and veteran players from both, Retail and Private servers.

In order to join us, you will have to solve a specific riddle on our Discord channel. It won’t be easy, but it’s a part of your recruitment. If you don’t solve it, then you are just not destined to join us.  Just kidding, you don’t have to solve any, but we hope you like riddles, cause we have a special Discord section for those!

Okay, let’s get back to the matter at hand now.

By joining us you will:
• find yourself in a relaxing and friendly environment with like-minded players
• who will provide you all-around help during your adventures across Azeroth regarding
• attunement processes, battlegrounds, dungeons, professions, raids, questing, talents and specs builds
• and will always be happy to welcome engaging guild chat arguments where everyone will express their opinion in a polite or funny way

Note: Our guild accepts only players over the age of 16 (sixteen).

Well, apart from those in the note (sorry young ones), we welcome everyone who shares our opinion! From players only willing to participate in the guild chat and socialize, those enjoying questing, chasing rare items and spending hours at the auction house, to those eager to raid and willing to accept some of the higher roles in the guild!

Any type of discrimination towards other guild members and all other players outside the guild is strictly forbidden and it will lead to permanent guild kick!

As stated in the first sentence - we won’t aim for the world’s or server’s firsts, but that doesn’t mean that we restrict ourselves from clearing the entire raid contents! We will conquer everything from Onyxia to Kel’Thuzad!

Before we start raiding, we want to establish a steady raid group consisting of players willing to:
• come prepared in terms of food, flasks and potions
• learn and give suggestions regarding tactics
• welcome loot council as a raid distribution method

Our first 40 men raid group has been established. Due to increased number of requests, we are in the search for players for our second group. Players willing to accept the leading roles for this group are also welcome. Bare in mind that second group isn’t a “B” group.

Ask in discord

After all these requirements are met, we will rock’n’roll! Alas, did I mention, we will stream our raids on Twitch? Yep, we will do it!

Well, since there won’t be any WPvP on our server, we will definitely have days for Battlegrounds.

If you like what you have read, feel free to PM one of our recruiters (worf201#0126 or Mickekk#9914) or join our Discord channel. We would like to get to know you better! Cheers!


Taking the Frost mage slot %)


Just waiting for those realm lists now!

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19 more days.

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19 more days of hell till heaven arrives!

So is there still room for a warrior? I’m happy to tank instances and dps in raids, or maybe offtank every now and then. Used to be a tank back in the day, so not completely clueless.

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Yes there is mate, join our discord discord.gg/FAf2xgX or message worf201#0126 or Mickekk#9914

Name reservation!

Hi there.Do you still have any slots open for a short fat Dw0rf priest.Looking for somewhere to chill out and enjoy Classic as I have not enjoyed the game for a long time.

Yes sure mate, our raid group is full but we have additional slots.

Join our discord discord.gg/FAf2xgX or message worf201#0126 or Mickekk#9914

Join the fun.

Just 13 more days untill I can play with these great people.
Looking forward to it !

Hablar Espanol!?

Sorry just English, can’t wait to start playing!

It’s gonna be amazing!

I’m having a good time on their Discord.
They sure have alot of knowledge about the game! Learning much.

Everyone is welcome to join our discord and get a feel for our guild.

Yes, come join us. We have cookies :slightly_smiling_face:

steals cookies

Hi there. Old timer warlock LF home, this sounds like the kind of place I’m looking for